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Data were obtained from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to examine the longitudinal association between Asian and Pacific Islander (API) adolescents’ perceptions of maternal approval of their sexual activity and contraception use, and four sexual outcomes during young adulthood. The study includes a nationally representative sample of 1,195 API adolescents. Logistic regression analyses were used to estimate the associations between predictors (Wave I) and outcomes (Wave III), controlling for covariates. API adolescents who perceived that their mothers approved of their sexual activities were more likely to have engaged in sex before age 15, contracted HIV/Sexually Transmitted Diseases, had multiple sex partners, and paid money for sex during young adulthood. Findings highlight the need for parent–adolescent communication and parental involvement in preventing negative sexual health outcomes among API adolescents transitioning to young adulthood.
Hyeouk HahmEmail:
Research on the deterrent effects of punishment falls into two categories: macro‐level studies of the impact of aggregate punishment levels on crime rates, and individual‐level studies of the impact of perceived punishment levels on self‐reported criminal behavior. For policy purposes, however, the missing link—ignored in previous research—is that between aggregate punishment levels and individual perceptions of punishment. This paper addresses whether higher actual punishment levels increase the perceived certainty, severity, or swiftness of punishment. Telephone interviews with 1,500 residents of fifty‐four large urban counties were used to measure perceptions of punishment levels, which were then linked to actual punishment levels as measured in official statistics. Hierarchical linear model estimates of multivariate models generally found no detectable impact of actual punishment levels on perceptions of punishment. The findings raise serious questions about deterrence‐based rationales for more punitive crime control policies.  相似文献   
Do resources available to regulatory agencies matter for public perceptions of social risks? In this paper we use the case of food safety in China to empirically examine the relationship between regulatory resources and risk concerns. The multilevel model estimates suggest that neither regulatory revenue nor personnel is significantly related to public concerns over food safety. There is also no significant interaction effect between regulatory resources and food scandals. Despite the fact that sufficient fiscal revenue and manpower are the prerequisites of effective food safety regulation, they do not elicit more favorable public perceptions. These are the two missing links leading to the insignificant effect of regulatory resource inputs. First, ineffective distribution and deployment of resources and the lack of external participation retard the growth of regulatory capacity. Second, underinvestment in risk communication and the amplification effect of risks undermine regulatory legitimacy. We discuss the theoretical and policy implications of the results, and conclude with research limitations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   
冷战结束之后,东南亚地区国际局势发生了巨大的变化,然而对东盟国家来说,这种变化并没有让它们获得更多的安全感。它们一致的看法是,本地区所面临的最大威胁来自地区大国崛起所带来的地缘政治的不确定性,而这种不确定主要来自中国的稳定与未来发展的不可预测性,如何应对不确定所引发的担忧则构成了东盟国家对华政策的核心问题。  相似文献   
重新犯罪风险评估是罪犯出监前和社区矫正前的重要环节。重新犯罪风险评估中的难题是如何选取预测效度高的指标。提出重新犯罪风险评估模型,引入内隐联想测验方法,并指出犯罪人刑满释放前的敌意态度、特定的人格特征、犯罪风险知觉、社会适应性,可能是预测重新犯罪风险的良好指标。  相似文献   
劳伦斯·布鲁姆在针对"基于不偏不倚或任何原则之上的伦理"存在的缺陷进行的批评过程中,形成了他的道德感知与特殊性的理论,这一理论不但弥补了超验伦理学存在的某些理论缺陷,而且对我们追求确定性的道德认知和道德实践等都具有重要的启示。  相似文献   
目的对夜间雾天环境下成像设备获取的图像进行去雾和图像增强处理,以便给公安机关的图像侦查工作提供直观的侦查信息。方法首先基于夜间大气散射物理模型,采用通道差引导的低通滤波器估计环境照度;其次使用亮通道和暗通道先验分别估算图像中光源区和非光源区的环境透射率,然后采用一种亮度感知权重的方式将二者融合得出最终的混合环境透射率;最后对夜间大气模型公式进行求解获得去雾图像。在此基础上使用CLAHE和SoG算法对图像视觉效果进行增强。结果经过对大量实际案例和计算机合成的夜间雾天图像进行处理,实验结果表明本文采用的去雾与图像增强技术在客观评价方面:偏色检测因子降低65%、平均梯度提高233%、信息熵提高7%,相较于其他主流方法均占显著优势;在主观评价方面:本文方法能同时提升图像颜色动态范围、矫正图像偏色、增强图像暗部细节。结论基于亮度感知权重的夜间去雾与图像增强技术能够有效增强夜间雾天图像的暗部细节、提高图像对比度和解决图像偏色问题,能为公安机关的图像侦查工作提供更直观有效的信息。  相似文献   
在中国现当代美学形态中,王星拱可算独特的一支。梁启超、蔡元培、王国维属于人文色彩比较重的一支;朱光潜、宗白华属于人文和科学结合的形态;王星拱则属于坚定的科学派。并且是这派美学的始作俑者,可惜这派美学的贡献至今学术界研究很不够。王星拱认为美学就是研究艺术的科学;美严格地限定在感性和情感范围,因此,他讲的美学是拿科学的态度研究美感。从王星拱详加讨论的这些客观性的材料(雄健、阔大、悠久、众多、流动、秩序、连轴关系)来看,他对美的看法应该属于主客体统一的观点,他既肯定这些“外在客体”作为审美材料的先决条件,又主张人的主观对材料的加工的结果——艺术=美。王星拱的美学思想太局限于经验领域,他虽然也讲美感需上升到理性层面。但他讲的“理性”是在经验范围内的。王星拱美学突出了逻辑和科学,而对精神科学的形而上有所忽略。  相似文献   

This article investigates whether the People’s Republic of China and Japan perceive each other as rivals in Latin America (LA; both the Chinese and Japanese governments tend to refer to the region as Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), but for the purposes of this article we focus mainly on LA), and what impact such a perception might have on their foreign policy decision-making. We take LA as a case study because China’s and Japan’s recent (re-)engagement there began almost simultaneously in the early 2000s, and has developed against the background of domestic leadership transitions, growing demands for energy and markets, as well as international political agendas in which LA might play a key role. Developing the work of Thompson [(1995). Principal rivalries. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 39 (2), 195–223; (2001). Identifying rivals and rivalries in world politics. International Studies Quarterly, 45(4), 557–586] and Vasquez [(1993). The War Puzzle. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press; (1996). Distinguishing rivals that go to war from those that do not: Aa quantitative comparative case study of the two paths to war. International Studies Quarterly, 40 (4), 531–558] on rivalry, in combination with perception theory [Jervis, R. (1976). Perception and misperception in international politics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press], the article suggests three indicators by which to measure the extent to which China and Japan might perceive each other as rivals. Drawing on content analysis of a range of Chinese- and Japanese-language official writing, news reports, and academic analysis, the article argues that, despite some media representation of China and Japan as competitors for resources and power in LA, in fact mutual perceptions concerning rivalry have not affected LA policy decisions of these two countries.  相似文献   
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