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In this short essay I briefly explore the utility of Marx’s theory for non-human nature and then proceed to consider his position on value after capitalism. Finally, I claim that many other types of theory contribute to the valuing of nature in the broad sense (beyond capitalism), and argue that proponents of these theories (along with Marxists) could not only learn from each other but also build affinity and solidarity in the construction of diverse economies and subjectivities. The “Leap Manifesto”, authored by representatives of Black Lives Matter, indigenous groups, unions, feminists, climate justice groups, and many others, is one example of the way forward.  相似文献   
近几年来,我国各地发生了一系列暴力袭警事件,不仅严重危害了警察的人身安全,而且也是对警察执法权威和执法尊严的挑战,更是对国家法律尊严的藐视和挑衅。随着袭警事件的凸显.有关部门和学者在分析原因时认为。袭警事件频发与公安机关推出的“人性化”执法有关,应当叫停人性化执法。其实.正当的警察人性化执法非但不是袭警案件发生的原因,反而是消减该类案件发生的一项有效举措。当前,警察人性化执法之所以引起争议.并非其本身的问题,而是制度设计存在漏洞。因此,应当走出人性化执法的误区,完善警察人性化执法的保障机制.  相似文献   
交通肇事罪已成为一种高发犯罪,其行为本身造成的人身财产损失已令人痛心,而逃逸行为更是为良知和法律所不能容忍。从逃逸行为被纳入刑法的调整范围到最高人民法院司法解释的逐渐细化,逃逸问题凸显其重要性。然而,由于立法技术的问题,司法解释规定逃逸的相关条款在实践应用中问题频出。所以,很有必要还原逃逸行为本来之面目,对逃逸行为进行细致研究和重新厘清。  相似文献   
马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质,源于马克思和恩格斯所具有的与时俱进的理论研究品质.他们在理论研究过程中,始终坚持刻苦钻研,不懈追求,致力于攀登科学高峰;始终坚持精心研究,严谨治学,力求思想不断深化完善;并且能够做到审时度势,勇于更新,及时调整革命战略方针;做到与时俱进,随时关注新情况,不断提出新创见.这种与时俱进的理论研究品质,为我们在现时期研究和解决社会主义建设中的新情况新问题,更好地坚持和发展马克思主义,更好对推进中国特色社会主义事业的发展,提供了良好的榜样.  相似文献   
构建中国特色网络意识形态话语体系是时代发展的必然要求。中国特色网络意识形态话语体系是一个内涵极为丰富的新样态、新概念、新范畴、新范式,理应成为一个严谨的学科概念、学术概念。中国特色社会主义是中国特色网络意识形态话语体系的核心要义、本质特征、独特标志、主要内容。中国特色网络意识形态话语体系本质上就是中国特色社会主义的话语表达体系、思想阐释体系、价值引领体系,具有鲜明的价值观表达、阐释、整合、传承价值。  相似文献   

Glenn D. Paige pioneered in the revolutionary development of a far-reaching transformation of science, academia, and society from a killing to a nonkilling worldview, values, and attitudes. For six decades, anthropology has been accumulating scientific empirical evidence and rational arguments demonstrating that nonkilling societies exist, thereby rebutting the simplistic biological determinist myth that human nature inevitably and universally generates violence and war. Nevertheless, Hobbessians persist in their echo chamber advertising and celebrating the innate depravity of the human species as apologists for war and peace resisters. This systemic bias operates in synergy with the American industrial-military-media-academic complex and culture, the latter exemplified by a revealing comparison of war and football. With great intellectual courage and creative thinking, Paige critically challenges the anachronistic Hobbesian paradigm and offers a far more compelling and positive alternative for sustainable peace in the future.  相似文献   
《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):79-105

As human actors, the staff members and children who inhabit a residential center do not just react to their physical and social environment. In many ways they can be said to enact or create it.  相似文献   
《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):95-115

There are many paths that can be taken with the families we encounter in our work. It is this richness in options that can make the child and youth care approach so powerful. However, amongst each potential path there are a number of common guideposts that serve as markers for our interactions with families. These guiding principles are described through the use of examples from a family in a program for teens who are parenting.  相似文献   
Amidst increasing concerns about climate change, food shortages, and widespread environmental degradation, a demand is emerging for ways to resolve longstanding social and ecological contradictions present in contemporary capitalist models of production and social organisation. This paper first discusses how agriculture, as the most intensive historical nexus between society and nature, has played a pivotal role in social and ecological change. I explore how agriculture has been integrally associated with successive metabolic ruptures between society and nature, and then argue that these ruptures have not only led to widespread rural dislocation and environmental degradation, but have also disrupted the practice of agrarian citizenship through a series of interlinked and evolving philosophical, ideological, and material conditions. The first section of the paper thus examines the de-linking of agriculture, citizenship, and nature as a result of ongoing cycles of a metabolic rift, as a ‘crucial law of motion’ and central contradiction of changing socio-ecological relations in the countryside. I then argue that new forms of agrarian resistance, exemplified by the contemporary international peasant movement La Vía Campesina's call for food sovereignty, create a potential to reframe and reconstitute an agrarian citizenship that reworks the metabolic rift between society and nature. A food sovereignty model founded on practices of agrarian citizenship and ecologically sustainable local food production is then analysed for its potential to challenge the dominant model of large-scale, capitalist, and export-based agriculture.  相似文献   
This article explores the historical development of youth work in Croatia. By drawing from available data and personal experience, we describe three key phases of youth work development in a post-conflict country: (a) the period of the early 1990s as a “direct peace building" youth work; (b) the rise of nonformal education during the mid and late 1990s; and (c) the growth of a networked youth sector and its focus on youth policy advocacy starting in 2000. In addition, we refer to today's context, particularly because of its project-management orientation. Such categorization highlights various practices that we consider to represent youth work in a specific and contested national framework. Work with young people with fewer opportunities is being presented as a case, building on our observation that contemporary youth work continues to be embedded in civil society development and nonformal education, facing challenges of funding-driven discourse and unsystematic support.  相似文献   
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