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求真务实,是辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义一以贯之的科学精神,是我们党的思想路线的核心内容。求真务实坚持了实践性与体现时代性、实践性与把握规律性、实践性与富于创造性的统一;坚持了真理的科学性与价值性、绝对性与相对性、普遍性与具体性的统一;坚持了尊重社会发展规律与尊重人民历史主体地位、为崇高理想奋斗与为人民群众谋利益、完成党的各项工作与实现人民利益的统一。求真务实是对马克思主义实践观、真理观、群众观的创造性运用和发展。  相似文献   
基层基础工作是整个公安工作的根基,是推动公安事业长远发展的基石。当前公安机关通过一年多的"三基"工程建设,取得了突出的成效,但由于公安基层工作还比较薄弱,离"三基"工程建设既定的目标还有较大的差距,要继续深入扎实的推进公安机关基层基础建设,必然要对制约公安机关基层基础建设的各种问题进行全面深入分析,并提出科学合理的对策。  相似文献   
语言与认知的互动:语言系统生态批评的理论基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语言与认知处于互动的关系。一方面,语言符号的形义结合是有理据的,是人类认知的结果;另一方面,影响着人类的认知语言,对认知具有反作用。语言的认知性表明,语言势必反映了人类对现实的认知,包括对人类自身与自然之间、以及自然界内部诸要素之间关系的认知,即对生态问题的认知,从而使得对语言系统进行生态批评具有了理论上的可行性。而语言对认知的反作用则使得这一批评具有了存在的必要性。由此可见,语言与认知的互动为语言系统生态批评提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   
Can empirical data generate consensus about how to regulate firearms? If so, under what conditions? Previously, we presented evidence that individuals' cultural worldviews explain their positions on gun control more powerfully than any other fact about them, including their race or gender, the type of community or region of the country they live in, and even their political ideology or party affiliation. On this basis, we inferred that culture is prior to facts in the gun debate: empirical data can be expected to persaude individuals to change their view on gun policies only after those individuals come to see those policies as compatible with their core cultural commitments. We now respond to critics. Canvassing the psychological literature, we identify the mechanisms that systematically induce individuals to conform their factual beliefs about guns to their culturally grounded moral evaluations of them. To illustrate the strength and practical implications of these dynamics, we develop a series of computer simulations, which show why public beliefs about the efficacy of gun control can be expected to remain highly polarized even in the face of compelling empirical evidence. Finally, we show that the contribution culture makes to cognition could potentially be harnessed to generate broad, cross-cultural consensus: if gun policies can be framed in terms that are expressively compatible with diverse cultural worldviews, the motivation to resist compelling empirical evidence will dissipate, and individuals of diverse cultural persuasions can be expected rapidly to converge in their beliefs about what policies are best. Constructing a new, expressively pluralistic idiom of gun control should therefore be the first priority of policy-makers and -analysts interested in promoting the adoption of sound gun policies.  相似文献   
文章通过对贵州公民科学素质抽样调查情况的分析,指出贵州科普工作中存在的具体问题及成因,最后就加强贵州科普工作提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
陕甘边革命根据地斗争的最大成功经验就是以马列主义、毛泽东思想为指导,结合陕甘边革命根据地的历史、地理和社会等具体环境,坚持走井冈山道路。习仲勋同志作为陕甘边革命根据地的主要领导人之一,在这段时期的革命斗争中逐步形成了自己独特的军事思想。系统而有层次地对习仲勋在陕甘边革命根据地时期军事思想进行哲学分析,是一项重要的基础性工作,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
左玮玮  汤捷 《中国发展》2012,12(1):42-45
生命是世界存在与发展的基础,是教育的原点,是教育研究之本源所在。该文试图客观地对中国高职院校大学生生命价值认知的现状进行剖析,并由此提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   
调查表明,从政治态度上看,新生代农民工对团组织的基本认识是令人满意的,但对团组织的认同状况并不乐观。产生这种“认同危机”的基本原因在于利益满足的不充分,其中,“服务”与“需求”的部分错位,不同层级的团组织提供的服务存在较大的同质性,又是导致利益满足不充分的主要原因。因此,在满足主导性需求的基础上提供差异化服务,与党政组织和社会自组织协调行动,利用各种社会资源,构建多种利益满足的工作机制,是团组织在提高认同度时应着重考虑的问题。  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):729-761
Even though previous research has not examined mass murder prior to 1965, scholars have asserted that the mid-1960s marked the onset of an unprecedented and ever-growing mass murder wave. Using news accounts and the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR) as sources of data, this study analyzes 909 mass killings that took place between 1900 and 1999. Although the mid-1960s marked the beginning of a mass murder wave, it was not unprecedented, because mass killings were nearly as common during the 1920s and 1930s. The results also show that familicides, the modal mass murder over the last several decades, were even more prevalent before the 1970s. Moreover, mass killers were older, more suicidal, and less likely to use guns in the first two-thirds of the 20th century. Although some have claimed that workplace massacres represent a new “strain” in mass murder, the findings suggest that the only new type of mass killing that emerged during the 20th century was the drug-related massacre.  相似文献   
马琳 《政法论丛》2012,(1):124-129
德日犯罪论第一次进入我国的时候,由于种种原因,并未引起任何反响。再次面对德日犯罪论,刑法学界已经由赞叹走向对该理论的反思。这一反思主要从两个向度上展开:理论自身和方法论。德日犯罪论所具有的外在不稳定性,表明该理论还在发展,其内在的缺陷,显示出该理论仍需完善。而仅仅运用哲学方法对它进行研究也存在一定的问题。德日犯罪论的中国命运不容乐观。  相似文献   
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