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宋代咏物词的发展可分为承袭期、反正期、高涨期和汇合期四个阶段。承袭期注重描绘物象的外在形态,风格冶艳;反正期开始赋予事物以生命和情感,朝着敦煌、盛中叟原创期咏物词的录城大道反正、回归;高涨期更多借物抒情,托物言志,并在时代因素的作用下,形成家国身世之恨的新主题;在汇合期,家国之恨已成为咏物词创作的社会心理基础,而且不同词派都注重谋篇布局、造语运典、仍律合韵之法,表明南宋后期雅化、诗化已成为词体创作的共同蕲向。  相似文献   
李因笃的思路是进一步将师法对象追溯到《诗经》,主张学诗必本乎三百篇 ,“学三百而得苏李 ,学苏李而得曹阮鲍谢 ,学曹阮鲍谢而得开元天宝诸公 ,是真能学者矣。是故湛于三百而后为苏李 ,学苏李未能为苏李也”。以此类推 ,“溯洄从之 ,必自三百 ,所谓登山而诣其极 ,道水而穷其源也 ;溯流从之 ,必自盛唐。否则欲入而闭之门 ,升高而去其梯 ,恶乎可 ?”(《许伯子茁斋诗序》[5] (卷 1) )这虽是“学其上 ,仅得其中”(《沧浪诗话·诗辨》)的老生常谈 ,但对格调派“诗必盛唐”的诗学观念却是很大的突破和发展。“取材于《选》”的介入 ,不仅大大拓宽…  相似文献   
李钧 《理论学刊》2004,(4):114-117
臧克家是中国“新诗文体建设的重镇”。在上世纪20年代末到30年代初,臧克家以他独到的理论与 实践为中国新诗文体建设奠定了坚实基础,他的诗集《烙印》就是这样一部奠基之作。  相似文献   
周茜 《思想战线》2007,33(5):61-66
中唐诗人李贺,晚宋词人吴文英,皆以其戛戛独造的艺术成就卓然自立。虽然他们的时代各异、文体有别,但却在艺术表现方面有着相似之处。其一,在语言的铸造上都追求炼字炼句,必新必奇。其二,在色彩的运用上都好以浓墨重彩之笔抒写人生和悲情。其三,在作品的意境美感方面都呈现出奇谲诞幻、哀艳冷隽的特色。对二者艺术风格的比较分析,有助于我们认识李贺诗歌的深远影响、吴文英创作的艺术渊源,以及诗与词的流变。  相似文献   
《诗经》中的许多优秀作品,在寻求、表现、创造意境方面做出了宝贵的实践,它们所取得的艺术成就,率先规范了中国古典诗歌重视意境的独具民族特色的发展方向与历史格局,促成了以“意境说”为核心的中国古典诗论美学的诞生与日趋完善。  相似文献   
“以文为诗”始自杜甫,韩愈继承并发展了这一诗歌创作手法,而晚唐杜牧学习杜甫、韩愈,其诗中的“以文为诗”现象很明显,有句式参差;改变句律,打破诗歌句式的常规节奏,使其如散文那样流动自如;化偶句为单句,故避属对;以虚词入句;不顾声律;诗长如散文;诗题长如散曳序长如散文等八种表现形态。杜牧的“以文为诗”直接影响了宋人,成为宋诗的一个重要资源。  相似文献   
This paper presents one case study of state-sponsored cultural activities that occurred throughout 2014, Turkmenistan’s Year of Magtymguly, the 290th anniversary of this Turkmen poet’s birth. Such activities constitute examples of public culture; they can organize representations of a society’s past and present to reaffirm for participants the values and power structure of their society and revalidate its philosophical underpinnings. After examining this Turkic poet’s iconicity, this paper compiles 2014's celebratory events from disparate sources, complementing broader general literature on Central Asia’s spectacles of public culture and their role in nation-building and identity-formation. Rather than merely resulting from any top-down decision specifying required activities nationwide, the year’s events involved numerous synergies as artists, museum and theater administrators, composers, and other cultural-sector workers benefited by responding to the potential of aligning their work with a theme as broad, as widely appreciated, and as eligible for various forms of support as this one. In addition, Turkmenistan’s strong central leadership benefited from this widely shared and highly visible celebration, especially emphasizing one element within Magtymguly’s eighteenth-century vision, an end to his people’s tribal conflicts within a unified Turkmenistan under one leader.  相似文献   
M.W. Shores 《Japan Forum》2018,30(3):394-420

In April 1936, the magazine Kamigata hanashi (Kamigata Story) was launched in Osaka. This was a rakugo (traditional comic storytelling) magazine published monthly out of a local storyteller's home. One mission of the magazine as laid out by the editor in the inaugural issue was to preserve a local narrative tradition that was losing a popularity battle with manzai (two-person stand-up comedy) and other modern performing arts and media. Interestingly, in the second year of the magazine's run, the editor issued a call for yoshikono, which, like dodoitsu, are songs conventionally written in lines of 7-7-7-5. This too was a tradition that, it was written, needed a champion. Yoshikono submissions increased with each issue until they filled multiple pages, reaching into the hundreds. Prizes were given for the best entries, and public yoshikono gatherings were advertised – singers and shamisen players were even enlisted in what appears to be an attempt to revive a community performance tradition with historic links to storytelling in Osaka. This article shines light on the largely forgotten art of yoshikono, discusses its role in an Osaka rakugo magazine from 1937 to 1940, offers forty verses in translation, and considers why yoshikono was unable to make a comeback after the Second World War.  相似文献   
世界文学概念自歌德提出之后,经过不断的讨论和阐释,成为重要的理论范式和方法。丹穆若什强调,世界文学是从翻译中获益的文学,它不是指一套经典文本,而是指一种阅读模式。宇文所安以北岛为例分析了中国现代诗歌在向世界传播过程中的得与失,以及文化民族化与全球化等问题。在世界文学的视域下,中国现代诗歌的发展与流变轨迹既体现了民族化的内在诉求,也见证了其参与世界交流与对话的外在需要。中国现代诗歌的重要发展阶段及集大成者诗人的创作历程,都显示出其在融通民族性与世界性上的不懈努力。中国现代诗歌何以走向世界?罗伯特·白英1947年编译出版的《当代中国诗选》提供了一些可资借鉴的经验与模式。研究世界文学与中国现代诗歌的世界性,有助于推动中国文学与文化走出去,提升文化自信,增强中华文明的传播力与影响力。  相似文献   
Mapanje and Mphande make a persuasive case for the significant role of literature in challenging Dr Banda's one-party hegemony. The contested terrain, as Mphande notes, was orality, the dominant medium in Malawi where literacy levels are low. It has been assumed, though, that orature did little to challenge Banda's hegemony. I argue that far from being silent, the popular musicians and dramatists (as orature) were much braver than the writers. While written poetry and prose was often presented in coded and dense texts, the musicians’ and dramatists lyrics and texts were usually much more explicit. And while writers used folk tales and appropriations from traditional culture as templates to critique Dr Banda's autocratic regime, oral practitioners went further, critiquing Dr Banda's regime using the same templates but also pointing out the socio-economic suffering of the peasantry.

Since 1994, as writers’ critiques have become muted and spasmodic in the ‘multiparty’, musicians have consistently been loud and forceful voices on behalf of the poor. From 1953 to 2006, orature has been a continuous tool of resistance whereas literature has been an intermittent response, often related to patronage, to political and socio-economic events. Further, while literature tends to be concerned predominantly with human rights and democracy issues, orature is concerned with these as well as socio-economic rights; a distinction reflective of class, the rural/urban divide and education in Malawi. The findings are generalisable to other Bantu-language-speaking countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Mozambique. I posit that assessments of Malawi's current and future socio-economic and political cultures that exclude oral critiques miss significant and critical factors impacting on developmental changes in these spheres.  相似文献   

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