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警察查缉常见失误及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来各地暴力袭警案件时有发生,从已发生的暴力袭警案件看,多数发生在公安民警执行清查、盘查、检查和缉捕等警务活动中。为此,一线民警在查缉活动中应加强处置严重暴力犯罪的预案研究;增强临战意识,坚持有备无患、攻防兼备、有勇有谋的处置原则;实战中应做到因案施策、相机制敌、以智取胜;坚决贯彻依法、合理、有效使用武器的指导思想,尽快加强和提高一线民警查缉战术的能力。  相似文献   
公安派出所信息是公安信息的重要组成部分,为适应派出所改革的需要,便于操作,应将派出所信息源划分为:人口信息源、场所信息源、物品信息源、敌社政情信息源、政策信息源、资料信息源和内务信息源。并将派出所信息的内容划分为责任区民警、内勤民警和派出所领导三个方面。  相似文献   
Employing data from a recent national survey on campaign finance, we examine the contribution behavior of individual citizens in the 2000 election. By disaggregating types of contributions, our model enables us to observe potential heterogeneity in the determinants of giving money to parties and candidates. We find that for both types of contributions, the effects of informational resources and solicitation on the decision to contribute outweigh those of financial resources. In addition, we propose both a theoretical and an empirical distinction between the selection effects of solicitation and the stimulus effects of solicitation. By distinguishing between these dual dimensions of solicitation, our analysis provides new insight into the causal linkages between income, solicitation, and contributions. We find that while solicitation increases the likelihood of contributing through selective targeting or rational prospecting, it also does so through a stimulus mechanism.  相似文献   
警犬在废墟搜救及消防工作中的应用在国外已有近二十年的历史,尤其在美国、英国发展较快,而这项技术在我国还是一项空白,废墟中搜寻遇难者和在火灾现场利用警犬进行物证搜索及火灾案件鉴定工作是摆在我们警犬工作者面前的一道必须解决的难题。  相似文献   
In this article I argue that Part II of the Family LawAct 1996 gives expression to a new form ofresponsibility. I begin by suggesting thatresponsible behaviour has shifted from prohibiting orrequiring particular actions: we now exhibitresponsibility by our attitude towards our actions. I then examine where this new conception ofresponsibility has come from. Through an examinationof the work of post-liberal theorists, principallyMichael Sandel, I argue that a changing view ofpersonhood within post-liberal theory has led to aquestioning of the possibility of choice, and that theabsence of choice necessitates a shift in thedefinition of responsible behaviour. If we are createdby our decisions then we cannot be held to account forour decisions, but only for the care we have takenover them. Responsibility is therefore measured notby our level of self-control but by our level ofself-awareness. Finally I examine the consequences ofthis shift in the meaning of responsibility. Withinthis framework autonomy is illusory thereforedecisions do not need to be respected. This explainswhy the implementation of Part II of the Family LawAct 1996 has been called into question. Within thisframework responsibility is relative therefore itextends indefinitely. This enables the Family Law Actto be uniquely intrusive and judgmental: everydivorcing couple, on being held up to scrutiny, isfound lacking.  相似文献   
本文从书目信息、连续出版物、光盘数据库和多媒体文献四方面探讨了图书馆馆藏文献的计算机检索及特点。  相似文献   
关于信息心理战的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息心理战将作为独立的作战样式登上现代战争舞台.把握信息心理战概念,需要弄清信息与心理、信息心理战与传统心理战、信息心理战与信息战的关系.信息心理战的基本特征是基本武器是影响心理的有效信息;直接目标是敌方人员的心理及能力;主要路径是现代传输、传递与传媒技术;作战领域空前扩大.它的进攻方式包括造势心理战、网络心理战和宣传心理战;它的防御方式包括心理防护教育,反心战措施以及心理伤害的调节和恢复等.  相似文献   
A meta-analytic review of research comparing biased and unbiased instructions in eyewitness identification experiments showed an asymmetry; specifically, that biased instructions led to a large and consistent decrease in accuracy in target-absent lineups, but produced inconsistent results for target-present lineups, with an average effect size near zero (Steblay, 1997). The results for target-present lineups are surprising, and are inconsistent with statistical decision theories (i.e., Green & Swets, 1966). A re-examination of the relevant studies and the meta-analysis of those studies shows clear evidence that correct identification rates do increase with biased lineup instructions, and that biased witnesses make correct identifications at a rate considerably above chance. Implications for theory, as well as police procedure and policy, are discussed.  相似文献   
中国加入WTO与政务公开制度之构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO透明度原则必将要求并推动我国政务公开制度的构建和完善。政务公开对保护公民基本权利,发展社会主义民主政治,消除腐败,创造公平公正、廉洁透明的发展环境等有着举足轻重的作用。与有关国家相比,我国的政务公开制度还比较落后。"入世"加速了我国市民社会的成熟和发展,行政观念的转变,社会信息化程度的提高,对构建完善我国政务公开制度提出了迫切要求。要借"入世"契机,培植法治社会价值理念,加速政务公开制度创新。  相似文献   
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