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This paper examines the lessons learned from Kenya's 2007 post election violence and what has happened since then. It notes that the root causes of the violence still persist, have not been addressed, and easily could be reignited. Faced with a situation where institutions and the rule of law have been weakened deliberately and where diffused violence is widespread, both Kenya's transition to democracy and the fate of the nation remain vulnerable. The argument here is that the problems faced in holding and managing elections in conflict situations often are not simply technical. Instead, in Kenya and elsewhere, many difficulties are symptomatic of larger political and institutional questions related to democratic change that are more difficult to analyze in causal terms or to address.  相似文献   
TICAD was held for the fourth time in 2008, raising unprecedented public interest about Africa in Japan attracting attention not only from aid, diplomatic, trade and research communities but also among the general public. Due to geographic distance and limited historical connection, it has always been a matter of debate as to why Japan should increase its commitment to Africa. The different interest groups that have participated throughout the TICAD process have always had varying answers to this question. Through analysis of newspapers, journal articles and various documents this article seeks to untangle the process of TICAD's policy making and its outcomes.  相似文献   
Abstract: Morality issues such as the death penalty, drug consumption, gambling, and same‐sex‐marriage often constitute intractable policy controversies. Classical “morality politics” scholars predict two types of governmental responses to such public problems: either a substantive policy design if there is a broad consensus among electoral constituencies or a non‐decision if there is a fundamental clash of values. We argue that the adoption of a procedural policy design represents a third option. Providing empirical evidence on the plausibility of this hypothesis, we compare the Swiss regulation of four morality issues in the medical field: reproductive medicine and embryo‐related research; abortion; euthanasia; and organ transplant. In fact, “moral values” frames are not always dominant, as the multi‐dimensionality of each morality issue allows for concurrent policy frames promoted by various policy actors.  相似文献   
辛亥革命时期,我国女性解放从对人格平等的憧憬开始向着政治觉醒的方向转化。女国民意识是这一时期女性政治意识觉醒的重要标识和女权运动的主要内容。女性革命先驱们期许革命时尽国民之责任,也期待革命成功后与男子共享国民之权利。南京临时政府成立,女性心怀憧憬,提出了女子参政的要求,并为此掀起了民初的女子参政运动。但女子参政要求不仅遭到了袁世凯北京临时政府的否决,在以孙中山为首、由革命派控制的南京临时政府也没有获得通过。女子参政运动的失败,体现着鲜明的性别歧视面相,也与女性的弱势与性别认识上的误区密切相关。  相似文献   
对公安院校大学生开展廉政教育,是引领大学生健康成长、实现公安院校人才培养目标和从源头上增强公安队伍廉政素质的客观需要。湖南警察学院坚持“政治建校、政治育警”,将政治合格作为人才培养的首要目标,积极推进廉政教育“进课堂、进教材、进头脑”,取得了显著的成效。要进一步增强廉政教育的实效性,必须对大学生开展系统性的廉政理论教育,深化廉政教育课堂教学改革,切实加强师德师风师能建设。  相似文献   
民初的政党活动史成为中国政党政治的肇始,是中国从传统君主集权体制向近现代民主政治的转型阶段,也是中国政治现代化进程的重要拐点。以现代分析维度对其予以科学、理性的探讨,是对我国现代政治文明进程应有的历史性评判。民初政党政治的实践虽以失败告终,但作为近代中国政治发展史上的重要路标,不仅是辛亥革命后中国民主思潮继续发展的产物,更成为反对封建专制统治的重要成果,而其夭折的根本动因则在于中国数千年的社会政治经济结构。  相似文献   
在中国革命胜利之后,为了社会秩序稳定,也为了聚拢、集结人们全部身体力量为革命建设服务,国家意识形态加强了对爱欲的管束与治理,革命伦理建立了压抑个人爱欲快感、崇尚奉献牺牲的革命爱欲观。然而,从性别政治角度考察,不论是“十七年”时期压抑爱欲的革命文学叙述,还是文革时期彻底剔除爱欲的激进文学叙述,写作者的性别立场仍潜在规约与影响着文本对男女两性性别角色的认知和建构。男作家的革命文本叙述也隐含着男性中心主义文化立场,而女作家的革命文本却在革命规范之内做着隐蔽的突破,试图为女性解放找寻合理路径,为女性寻求更加开阔的生存空间。  相似文献   
中国共产党的创建是近代中国政党政治演进的重要产物。近代中国政党政治的兴起与发展,为中国共产党诞生创造了历史前提,旧式政党政治最终归于失败的经验教训,客观上又为中国先进知识分子创造新型无产阶级革命政党提供了直接的历史借鉴。而中国共产党的创建则为近代中国的政党政治增添了新鲜力量和崭新内容,成为中国政党政治史上的里程碑。  相似文献   
Ideological dimensions and vote choice: Age group differences in Austria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How and how much are ideological dimensions associated with vote choice among different age groups? Distinct socialisation experiences and life-cycle effects should lead to age group differences in the use of ideological dimensions. We test our hypotheses using a 2009 Austrian cross-sectional survey. We find that the extent of the association between ideological dimensions and vote choice is significant and similar across all age groups. However, the nature of the association depends on the type of party considered. Positions on the socio-cultural dimension are associated with voting for New Politics parties far more than positions on the socio-economic dimension; the latter distinguishes well between support for the two Old Politics parties. Overall, age group differences are surprisingly small in both the extent and nature of the association between ideological views and vote choice: there is only isolated evidence that the use of ideological dimensions differs across age groups.  相似文献   
《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(2):31-50
Using the student organization Groupe d'union et de défense (GUD) as a case-study, Griffin argues that the radical-right groupuscule should not be treated as an embryonic or stunted form of the inter-war 'armed party' epitomized by the Italian Fascist and German Nazi parties. Rather it is to be seen as a genus of extra-parlia-mentary political formation in its own right, perfectly adapted to the inhospitable climate of relatively stable liberal democracy and capitalism in which revolutionary nationalism has had to survive since 1945. As such the groupuscule's true significance lies in its existence as one minute entity in a swarm of similar organisms which can be termed the 'groupuscular right'. This takes on a collective force greater than the sum of its parts by conserving and transmitting fascism's diagnosis of the status quo and its vision of a new order despite its acute marginalization from mainstream politics. Having surveyed GUD's history and activities over the years, Griffin focuses on its ideology, which he identifies as a form of Third Positionism theoretically allied to anti-western Arab nations and heavily influenced by the Nouvelle Droite notion of 'cultural war' against the homogenizing effects of globalization and on behalf of a reborn Europe. He then considers the extraordinary network of historical and contemporary radical-right associations emanating to and from this one formation, a process considerably facilitated by the Internet. He concludes by suggesting that the importance of the groupuscular right, apart from its formation of cadres who may be recruited by mainstream parties such as the Front national, lies in its function as a self-perpetuating, leaderless, centreless and supra-national 'energy field' of neo-fascist beliefs, which, like the Web, is unaffected by the weakness or loss of individual nodal points (organizations).  相似文献   
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