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全国人才工作会议明确提出做好人才工作,实施好人才强国战略,必须树立适应新形势新任务要求的科学人才观,即通过观念解放,整体推进人才强国战略的实施,创新用人机制,优化人才环境,改善人才服务,切实做好识人和用人工作,建设规模宏大,素质优良,结构合理的人才队伍,使我们党成为一个优秀人才聚集的党,以不断提高执政能力,巩固执政地位.  相似文献   
试论环境公益诉讼适格原告   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
环境公益诉讼是一种新型的诉讼。它突破了传统诉讼中对原告资格的限制,为世界多数国家所采纳。而我国现行的诉讼法却对原告资格进行了较多的限制,阻碍了环境诉讼和环境保护。从理论和司法实践两方面分析了在我国扩大原告资格的依据,将直接受害人、社会一般公众、社会组织、检察机关和后代人列为环境公益诉讼的适格原告。  相似文献   
引导非公有制经济人士做合格的“建设”,就要求党和政府制定反映非公有制经济人士社会属性和社会地位的政策与法律,并坚决加以贯彻落实,要引导他们充分认清自己应当承担的社会责任,提高他们的主体意识和政治觉悟,还要为他们创造一个良好的社会氛围。  相似文献   
曾繁仁 《思想战线》2003,29(3):132-136
新世纪,面对新形势,人才在经济与社会发展中被提到了关键地位,人才市场进一步发育,人才竞争与流动也日益加剧。现代社会在发展进步的同时也要面对诸多挑战,从而加剧了人类生存状态的非美化形势。这就要求进一步提高人才素质,改变应试教育现状,加速素质教育进程,并着重加强最易被忽视而又具有综合中介作用的美育。  相似文献   
陈云同志在<怎样做一个共产党员>一文中,提出了做一个合格党员的六条标准终身为共产主义奋斗;革命利益高于一切;遵守党的纪律,严守党的秘密;百折不挠地执行党的决议;作群众的模范;不断地学习.  相似文献   
We analyse the efficiency effects in combination with some accepted fairness criteria for the voting games in the European Council of Ministers (ECM) under the qualified majority voting (QMV), before and after the Nice new scheme, in comparison with hypothetical simple majority voting rules (SMV), by jointly examining voting weights and voting powers. The differences between the voting weights and the voting powers increase considering the attitude of the Governments of the Member States of the ECM, to form voting-blocs'—historically that among France, Germany and Belgium and, more recently, the bloc between the United Kingdom and Spain. Their voting powers by blocking proposals result in stalemates and weak compromise with likely benefits for existing well organised interest groups. Unexpectedly, the enlargement of EU from 12 to 15 States, with the diminution of the voting weights of the member countries has not reduced the decisional deficit of QMV, basically because the incentive toward blocs' formation has been reinforced. And, while the power of getting a proposal approved has diminished, the veto-power has remained very high. The effects of the new dual QMV rule, based on a new distribution of votes and correcting the unbalance against the big countries with their demographic weights, for the enlargement to 27 States, seems to go in the same direction. The adoption of a dual SMV, would solve the problems of decision efficiency, with a fairness constraint to protect the major countries. To make this voting rule acceptable one might adopt the Buchanan and Tullock (1962) distinction between constitutional principles to whom the unanimity or QMV might be reserved and post constitutional rules suitable to SMV. Clubs of enhanced co-operation among countries with more homogeneous preferences could also ease the application of SMV.  相似文献   
正"Reading books gives you access to the knowledge and culture of the people of different countries.The main problem facing China and Turkey in the field of literature is the lack of translated books."Chinese writer and Nobel laureate Mo Yan,calling for more translated literature works at a news briefing in Istanbul on February 22  相似文献   
周园 《时代法学》2013,11(4):113-120,F0003
适格投资者是解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)仲裁庭取得管辖权的基石。目前尚无专门的国际条约和国内立法对适格投资者进行准确界定,这导致ICSID仲裁庭在近年的实践中通过对"投资者"进行扩张解释以扩大自身管辖权,这种做法引发了投资者与东道国对于ICSID仲裁庭公正性的强烈质疑与不满,也造成了投资双方的利益失衡。各国在未来的有效应对措施应当是在双边投资条约中采取列举法对适格投资者的范围做出具体规定,同时规定条款的解释权属于缔约国。  相似文献   
合格投资者是私募股权投资基金投资者的准入门槛,也是发展私募股权投资基金核心规则,明确其标准,对于保护投资者权益,促进私募基金投资市场的发展具有重要意义。论文界阐述从界定合格投资者的必要性出发,在借鉴有关国家成熟的立法经验基础上,主要从认定主体、认定标准和认定程序三方面对私募股权投资基金合格投资者进行界定,以期厘清私募股权投资与非法集资的界限,维护金融市场的秩序。  相似文献   
正Bashar al-Assad strengthens his grip on power via a presidential election that excludes opposition By Liu YueqinSyria’s presidential election featured many would-be candidates,but only one serious contender.On May 10,the Syrian Supreme Constitutional Court announced that three of the 24 presidential candidates,  相似文献   
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