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作为一种兼具公共产品与战略工具双重功能的议题,全球基础设施具有明确的发展与安全含义,因此,该议题在国际政治中呈现出嵌入"发展—安全联结"的基本态势。当前,在大国战略竞争结构之下,全球基础设施建设与国际社会"发展—安全联结"都具备议题拓展的政治动力,两者互动推动着安全与发展两大议题领域在不同层次上展开更为复杂化的聚合,扩展了当前"发展—安全联结"在国际政治中的适用范围,也强化了基础设施对安全与发展的依赖程度。基础设施与"发展—安全联结"互动呈现出螺旋圈层的架构,即主要通过议题维度的立体配置逻辑、制度方面的双重建构逻辑和演变方面的系统嵌合逻辑等方式,更紧密地与"发展—安全联结"发生互动关联。一个"发展—基建—安全联结"正在浮现。全新的联结也在重新塑造安全与发展两大议题,并在议题设定、行为逻辑、国际制度、全球治理和运作环境方面影响着当前的国际秩序。这种正在出现的"发展—基建—安全联结"可能对中国推进"一带一路"基建具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

Security sector reform (SSR) in Kosovo remains complex and challenging. The existing approach is heavily driven by international agencies. This article addresses the question: What role is played by local research in Kosovo’s SSR? This study focuses on the challenges that local research poses to internationally led SSR in Kosovo, and the contribution that local researchers make to the decision-making of international practitioners. In Kosovo, local research organizations produce research analysing and critiquing international SSR and offering alternative approaches. The study builds on existing studies of epistemic communities and research use in policy-making and new evidence based on the author’s interview survey of researchers and policy-makers in Kosovo. The article argues that focusing on the interaction between local researchers and international policy practitioners provides valuable insight into the construction of Kosovo’s SSR. The study deconstructs the structures, processes and agencies at the heart of the local/international relationship. It explains how local research on topics of security, justice and rule of law, and its interaction with international practitioners, challenges international SSR and contributes to international SSR decision-making.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to compare Unasur and the African Union with regard to their institutional structure, agenda and performance. Although some scholars have made comparative assessments of regional institutions in the same region or comparisons between regional projects worldwide and the European Union, there are still few academic contributions which develop a cross-regional comparison among regional initiatives from different regions of the Global South. By assessing the cases of Unasur and the African Union, and particularly Unasur’s Defence Council and the AU’s Peace and Security Council, taking into account their institutional structure, performance and limitations, and the role of regional leaders and exogenous actors in both cases, we have elaborated an analytical framework aiming to identify and explain the similarities and differences between two regional institutions outside Europe. Based on the contributions of comparative regionalism and the evaluation of Unasur and the AU, we conduct a comparative analysis of both regional organisations, giving specific attention to their security and defence agendas, moving forward the empirical and analytical agenda of comparative regionalism.  相似文献   

Malawi is one of the world's least urbanised countries, but its cities are growing rapidly and poverty in urban Malawi is becoming a prominent political issue. Food insecurity is a widespread manifestation of urban poverty in Africa, especially in informal settlements. This article is based on in-depth interviews with food insecure residents of Lilongwe’s informal settlements who, when asked why they were food insecure, overwhelmingly pointed to the Cashgate corruption scandal as a cause. There have been many political corruption scandals in Malawi, but the Cashgate scandal, which was revealed in September 2013 and reverberated throughout the political culture, has been among the most prominent and consequential of these scandals. The article seeks to contribute to literature on the political dimensions of urban food security in Africa while also presenting a way of understanding corruption from the point of view of vulnerable people whose lives have been directly and indirectly affected.  相似文献   
公安高等院校实施素质教育的探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公安高等院校如何实施素质教育 ,怎样担当培养 2 1世纪公安工作需要的高素质的公安应用型人材 ;全面实施素质教育是公安高等院校面临的紧迫任务 ;明确公安高等院校学生素质目标在构成内容是实施素质教育的前提 ;提高教师队伍的整体素质是公安高校实施素质教育的关键 ;优化教育思想观念 ,加大教育教学改革力度 ,是公安高校实施素质教育的根本保证。  相似文献   
情报工作在侦破毒品违法犯罪案件中有着举足轻重的作用。随着禁毒工作加强 ,毒品违法犯罪分子的反情报能力也更加全面。针对当前毒品违法犯罪分子反情报活动的特点 ,各级禁毒部门应当采取相应对策 ,以在禁毒斗争中取得主动。其对策为 :一是加强禁毒部门的反情报意识 ;二是严防出版物泄密 ;三是加强情报安全 ;四是建立快速反应机制 ;五是加强禁毒谋略的运用。  相似文献   
中国特色新型智库建设已经成为国内外学术焦点,而率先步入少子高龄化社会的日本,其劳动社会保障智库建设可为中国提供有益参考。分别考察了日本具有代表性的劳动社会保障民间智库、官方智库和高校智库的发展演进历程。民间智库通过与公益财团法人结合,得以保持其专业性与财务可持续性;官方智库体现出较显著的整合趋势,由法律赋予其相对独立的法人地位;高校智库在财务可持续性上有天然优势,而有效整合内外部资源是其主要抓手。日本劳动社会保障智库的特征包括:重视田野调查与数据挖掘,依据智库性质分类治理,智库资金来源多元化,智库影响渠道多层次。  相似文献   
对公安教育体制改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现行公安教育体制存在学生基础知识单薄,综合素质不够高,办学规模过大,经费无保障,偏重学历教育,在职干警的培训规模和质量难以保证,招生和入警不能完全衔接,部分毕业生就业困难,单位性质不明确,影响教职工队伍稳定,师资队伍结构单一,实践与理论脱节等问题。必须根据中央及有关部委对公安政法院校进行改革的精神,改革警察招录培养体制,压缩招生规模,调整办学定位,以职业教育为主,结合学历教育,办出公安特色;明确公安院校的公务员管理体制,制定相应的公安教育培训经费保障机制,促进公安院校和公安机关人才流动;加强教师队伍建设,大力提升教师的专业理论水平和实际操作能力,建立一支专兼职适应需要的骨干教师队伍;改革教学内容和方法,建立以公安业务综合素质培养为基础,以职业精神、基本技能和专业能力教育培养为核心的教、学、练、战一体化的新的教学模式,培养高素质人民警察。  相似文献   
朱弁是南宋初期苏武式的英雄人物,然而关于他本人的情况以及相关的历史遗迹,迄今未有专门性的研究。杭州历史上曾有许多与朱弁相关的史实和史迹,它们是宝贵的历史文化遗产,可惜至今或被遗忘,或已消失。文章根据史料记载和实地调查,就朱弁的生平事迹、朱弁身后的相关人物和史实、杭州市内的朱弁遗迹等进行详细考察,对有关的人物背景、史实经过、遗迹地点等加以辨析,揭示了杭州历史文化的一个侧面,对于杭州文物史迹的确认和保护具有参考价值。  相似文献   
高等职业教育教学改革的重点和难点是课程建设与改革。本文以高职理念为指导,详细阐述了高职安全保卫专业《安全保卫实用英语口语》新课程开发的动因、目标、定位、意义及课程内容开发建设的路径和初步成果。  相似文献   
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