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为响应公安部提出的:“向教育要警力,向教育要战斗力”的号召,目前各地公安院校都开设了查缉战术课。查缉战术课要贴近实战,要出战斗力就必须改革教学观念;改变教师知识结构,扩大知识面;加强校际交流,建立教学与实践结合机制;加强教学器材与设施建设。  相似文献   
The authors trace and compare the developments in recorded juvenile delinquency in Hamburg, Prague, Cracow and Budapest from 1991-1997 and then analyse the processing and selection procedures of the various justice systems. They devote special attention to ethnic minorities within this filtering process. The most salient feature is that the crime rates and processing structures in the former socialist countries display considerable similarities. It would almost be possible to speak of a specific type of criminal justice system with a typical form of reaction. While in the West, the large number of suspects is considerably reduced during later stages of selection to a much smaller number (those actually sentenced and/or imprisoned), what the authors call a funnel model, in the East a smaller number of suspected offenders enters this selection process, but tends to remain within it and be sentenced - the cylinder model. These procedural structures have changed little in the 1990s, and there has certainly not been any increasing alignment of the Eastern systems with the Western one. Indeed, the difference has, if anything, become greater. These lower crime statistics as compared with the West - represented here by Hamburg - are, however, not only the result of equally large discrepancies between the real crime rates, but in this regard the pro-active crime prevention measures of the police, which in Hamburg have caused the inclusion of an increased number of juveniles and foreigners in the crime statistics since 1995, have also had a great effect. The research project thus clearly demonstrates the importance of interpreting crime statistics neither as a true representation nor as a distorted reflection of the activities of a criminal justice system. Instead, these statistics should be seen as reflecting specific processing procedures and methods of crime control.  相似文献   
李明 《桂海论丛》2007,23(4):42-44
传统的政策规划与政策分析研究,很少将注意力放在公共问题的本质及界定上。从上世纪八十年代起,一些美国公共政策研究学者开始将目光转向关注公共问题的界定方式与政策分析各个环节的关系。这种通过公共问题界定来分析政策过程的视角,对理解议程变化、政策变迁、政策评估等方面都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Considerable research has documented that global perceptions of proceduralv fairness are associated with reductions in relative deprivation (RD). Less research has examined the specific process elements that lead individuals to perceive procedural fairness. In view of this, several researchers have suggested that providing advance notice concerning a negative decision increases perceived justice and thereby lowers levels of RD. Unfortunately, the evidence for this causal relationship is currently limited and is based upon a small number of correlation and role-playing studies. Thus, the present paper reports on two experimental studies that investigate the causal relationship between advance notice and RD. Findings in Study 1 showed that advance notice impacted the cognitive aspects of RD but not the affective or behavioral aspects. However, some methodological limitations were identified. These were corrected and a second experiment was conducted. This time advance notice lowered both the cognitive and affective aspects of RD but still did not impact the behavioral measure. Results are discussed in terms of Tyler's (1987) group value model.  相似文献   
三、<殷先公先王考>和<续考>:熟练运用"二重证据法"取得的重大成果 王国维成熟地运用"二重证据法"取得的重大成果,是1917年初先后撰成的<殷卜辞中所见先公先王考>和<殷卜辞中所见先公先王续考>两文.因其所运用的方法缜密精当,解决的问题重大,为研究者打开了一片新天地,故成为近代史学史上意义重大的一页.  相似文献   
近年来服务型政府建设研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务型政府是近年来政府管理研究的重点和难点问题。本文选取2006-2009年发表的近70篇论文,试图梳理服务型政府建设的热点和特点,从研究内容、研究视角、研究领域和研究方法予以评述。籍此扩大、巩固研究共识,明晰公共服务体系建设的方向和任务,以推动服务型政府研究水平的不断提高。  相似文献   
对我国综合行政执法相关问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会主义法治理论主要体现为依法治国、执法为民、公平正义、服务大局、党的领导五个方面,其中执法为民是社会主义法治理论体系的核心和精髓.然而.多年来我国的行政执法工作在理论和实践方面存在着概念不清、多头执法、政出多门等诸多问题,给社会和谐与人民生活带来了许多不利影响.本文对行政执法的概念、方式、权限、过程问题进行了分析,厘清了行政执法工作在政策理论和社会实践中的误区,在此基础上对我国在新的历史条件下更好地开展行政执法工作提出相关的建议.  相似文献   
20世纪我国侦查理论研究的发展轨迹可分为前50年和后50年两个阶段.前50年沿两条轨迹发展一是从清末的修律开始,以沈家本为代表的法学学者对侦查的理论研究;二是从我党在江西瑞金创建革命政权开始,革命的政法工作者对侦查的理论研究.后50年也沿两条轨迹发展一是我国公安学体系中的侦查理论研究;二是我国法学体系中的侦查理论研究.20世纪我国侦查理论研究经历了不同的社会形态,其间既有曲折和倒退,又有发展和辉煌,终于在20世纪后期确立了侦查学的学科地位.  相似文献   
8.23菲律宾人质事件是国际警务指挥与战术运用中的一个典型败笔,分析该案例的处置过程对于探讨我国警察实战训练的方式、方法有着警示和借鉴的意义。文章从背景信息、事件处置过程和调查情况出发,分析了当前我国警务指挥与战术研究面临的典型问题,探讨了相关现象产生的根源,解决路径与方法,提出了警察执法状态、警务指挥与战术比较研究技术的求异研究核心研究问题,探讨了警察执法中的实战配合、警察执法模拟实战研究技术、警察执法枪战战术、警员临战应变能力的训练研究、加强执法中应对突发紧急事件的行动装备和教育训练装备的研发等相关研究热点问题。  相似文献   
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