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Two types of data are used to address separate but related questions about the 2011 referendum on the parliamentary voting system. First, a survey of individual candidates at the coincident local government elections examines the extent to which local campaigning was used by the parties (as surrogates for the 'Yes' and 'No' camps) to provide information and decision cues to electors. Second, aggregate data at local authority-level compares participation in and voting preferences at the two electoral events. The combination of evidence suggests that while having coincident local elections helped to boost turnout in the referendum, the impact of local-level campaigning on the referendum outcome was marginal at best.  相似文献   

In patronage-ridden political systems, under what conditions is patronage a more or less effective tool of political influence? This question has been neglected in the patronage politics literature due to the unwarranted premise that patronage is almost always effective. This article addresses this understudied question using the case of President Estrada's impeachment in the Philippines in November 2000. In particular, I ask why some members of Estrada's party, LAMP, decided to endorse the impeachment of the president. Using logit regression analysis, I find that LAMP legislators' impeachment decision was influenced largely by their consideration of patronage from Estrada in the past as well as its value in the future. In particular, two factors are important. First, the LAMP members who had switched their party affiliation to LAMP after the 1998 election were more likely to endorse the impeachment than those who were already LAMP members in 1998. The primary explanation for this behaviour, according to my analysis, is that the new switchers received little campaign contribution from Estrada during the previous election campaign. Second, LAMP members who faced the term limit rule were more likely to endorse the impeachment than continuing members, most probably because the departing members accorded less value to future presidential patronage than the continuing members.  相似文献   
梁英 《桂海论丛》2013,(6):120-123
随着农民专业合作社的蓬勃发展,合作社党建成为农村基层党建的崭新领域。基于广西部分市、县的实地调查和组织部门的相关资料显示:合作社党的建设提高了农民组织化程度、增加了农民收入、扩大了党组织覆盖面、充分发挥了基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用。其基本经验是:把推进党的建设同发展农民专业合作社结合起来;合理设置党组织;将维护农民利益摆在首位,建设服务型党组织;始终保持共产党员的先进性。  相似文献   
在中国走向现代化的过程中,国家需要领导,社会需要整合,青年需要组织.中国共产党作为领导党和执政党,始终居于社会发展的核心地位,从确立价值认同、构建组织网络、综合利益表达、创建和谐秩序等方面整合社会、整合青年.中国社会持续变革,青年群体持续流动与分化.共青团、全国青联、全国学联等党的外围组织需要加强对各自团体成员的组织覆盖和内在影响,不断为党的青年群众工作探索新路径.  相似文献   
经过2004年到2012年三次“总统”选举,台湾选民的政党认同逐渐结构化。新党、亲民党的认同者迅速下滑,“台联党”亦然,国民党认同的比例上升,民进党认同的比例则保持稳定,“中间选民”的比例逐步下降。在国民党和民进党认同者中,持强烈认同的比例不断上升,较弱认同的比例不断下降。从蓝绿两大政党看,年龄和受教育程度已非影响政党认同的显著因素,国家(族群)认同以及统“独”立场始终是影响政党认同的最重要因素,阶级地位具有显著影响,但是其影响力远不及国家(族群)认同以及统“独”立场。  相似文献   
戴木才 《桂海论丛》2013,29(5):7-12
中国共产党一贯重视在全党、全社会进行马克思主义世界观、人生观、价值观教育,对此进行的不懈探索和长期实践,为积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观奠定了深厚的历史基础和实践基础。与完成新民主主义革命、推进社会主义革命、建设和改革紧密相连,中国共产党对培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的发展轨迹,经历了新民主主义革命时期、社会主义革命与建设时期和改革开放时期三个阶段。这三个阶段核心价值观的培育践行,体现了不同的时代内涵和重点,体现了与时俱进、不断发展和深化升华的特点。  相似文献   
This article studies the political discourses regarding the future of Belgian federalism since the year 2000. Analysing party manifestos, it intends to identify patterns of preferences about the long-term evolution of Belgian institutions and the distribution of competences. The quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that the systemic duality of Belgian federalism largely explains the preferences of political actors: French-speaking parties overall oppose the broad state reform that the Dutch-speaking parties collectively support. Yet, each party has a specific position on the decentralization cleavage and a vision of Belgian federalism that cannot be reduced to its linguistic affiliation.  相似文献   
现阶段的央企党建主要集中于组织建设、思想建设、人才建设和作风建设等方面,但观其绩效仍存在着组织建设活力不足、思想建设方式单一、作风建设官僚化、制度建设针对性不强等问题。在新形势下,央企党建应适应现代企业制度的发展要求,确立正确的价值取向,实现中央企业党的建设为提升企业的竞争力服务、为央企机制创新服务、为央企人才战略服务以及为央企履行社会责任服务。  相似文献   
党的十六届四中全会以来,我们在探索减少地方党委副书记职数的过程中,设置了地方党委专职副书记。文章从地方党委专职副书记的设置及其必要性、职责定位和目前行权模式来作分析,对完善规范其行权过程、提升行权质量方面进行了思考与探索。  相似文献   
理论与实际相结合是党的思想建设最重要的作风,坚持马克思主义中国化成为党优良思想作风的核心问题。思想作风不正,路线方针政策就会发生错误,革命必然遭受损失,党的纯洁性也就受到影响。密切联系人民群众是党的工作实践表现出的优良作风,领导中国革命的实践中,坚持群众路线成为党维护纯洁性的重要内容。加强和改进党的作风建设,核心问题是保持党同人民群众的血肉联系。发扬艰苦奋斗精神是干部和党员保持优良作风的要求,生活作风虽然是个人问题,但它对党的影响则不可小窥,生活作风对党的纯洁性维护具有重要意义。民主革命时期党开展作风建设留下的思想财富值得认真汲取,在新的历史条件下推进党的建设,必须高度重视党的作风纯洁问题。  相似文献   
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