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Correctional rules and regulations requiring sexual abstinence for prison inmates, coupled with unsupported beliefs about the risks of condom provision, keep most inmates in a dangerous muddle of criminalized sexual expression, covert efforts at erroneous myth-based safe sex practices, and high risk of sexual disease contraction and transmission. With the vast majority of inmates eventually released to re-enter communities across the US, these health concerns are not quarantined to the correctional environment, but rather contribute to what has been described as the hidden epidemic in public health . Using inmate voice from a large-scale national examination of inmate sexual behavior, the current study explores inmates’ attempts at ‘safe sex’ in an environment where sexual behavior, though prohibited, frequently occurs, and where no sex is the only accepted form of ‘safe’ sex. Inmates identify many approaches to safe sexual practice including barrier protection, partner selection, and risk reduction strategies. Unfortunately, many improvised, though innovative, inmate protection strategies reflect a very rudimentary understanding of safe sex for the purpose of reducing disease transmission and contraction, frequently exacerbating these risks. Policy implications include widespread condom provision and expanded inmate education and programming around sexual health and disease prevention.  相似文献   
后危机时代,视频网站行业的知识产权竞争及争议日益激烈,而与之相关的国际通用的“避风港”原则是否完全适用于国内新兴网络产业的疑问,涉及网络服务提供者、著作权人及最终消费者的利益平衡问题.土豆网胜诉案,凸显了我国侵权责任法合理注意义务的重要地位.然而,与美国Digital Millenium Copyright Act(DMCA)数字千年著作权法案中“通知与删除”程序对避风港原则合理注意义务规定相比,我国避风港原则对该义务的立法认定尚属模糊.时此,应当细化对网络服务合理行为的法律认定标准,包括对著作权人滥用通知共同侵权责任的认定、国家自主研发的网络过滤软件之推广、合理注意义务作为网络服务提供者过错标准的认定,以及网络著作权统一管理体系的创建等关键问题.  相似文献   
随着风险社会理论的提出,众多学者疾呼我国的刑法体系应当由现阶段的罪责刑法向安全刑法转变,以实现对社会风险的预防与控制。但是应当看到,风险刑法在许多方面与我国现行刑法的价值理念还有相当的距离,这一距离不可一步跨越,而应当在坚持我国现行刑法价值观念框架之下,采取理性的思维,吸取安全刑法理论的有益成分,如适当增加危险犯等,以应对社会风险的挑战。  相似文献   
中国的犯罪治理实践在社会治安领域取得的巨大成就,为深刻理解中国经验并发展犯罪治理现代化理论提供了重要契机。中国的犯罪治理模式呈现出总体性治理吸纳现代化治理的复合型制度逻辑,具体的经验资源包括:以"平安中国"为主线推进立体化社会治安防控,将总体性的政策治理观融入犯罪治理现代化的全过程;借助枫桥经验联接国家主导与多元参与,实现治理权威与治理角色的重新分配;提升运动式治理的制度化与法治化水平,以最小的治理代价换取最大的治理效果;以"发展式预防""整体性治理"释放大规模社会建设活动的犯罪治理效应,实现源头治理与综合治理;鼓励智慧技术的"赋能导向式"应用,激发技术治理的犯罪控制与犯罪预防潜能。迈入高质量发展阶段的犯罪治理应树立整体性、长周期的治理观,为吸纳、升级中国经验奠定基础;倡导精细化治理理念,寻求有效治理与正当治理的平衡;总结、固定典型案例的成功模式,强调中国方案的世界价值。  相似文献   
As cyber-space has become increasingly important for human activities, and intelligent algorithms are widely used in cyber-space, we are rapidly entering an intelligent society. Now, algorithmic enforcement and regulations of law have posed non-negligible issues. As algorithmic enforcement of copyright law was introduced earlier than that of other laws, it provides a helpful observation perspective. The worldwide practice of copyright enforcement has gradually departed from traditional “safe harbor provisions, ” and has emphasized prior examination of shared contents uploaded by Internet service providers’ (ISPs) users through the following three dimensions: automated infringement detection algorithms voluntarily used by the ISPs, heavier judicial liability of ISPs, and updated legislation principles. Thus, innovations and development have stimulated new mechanisms and regulations for enforcing copyright in cyberspace. Algorithmic enforcement of copyright law in an intelligent society is essential and meaningful. The copyright regulation mechanisms should be guided by jurisprudential principles and concepts featuring the principles of (a) legitimate and efficient flow of information, (b) balance between and among algorithmic power, public power and private rights, (c) boosting the sharing economy and the new gig economy, and (d) promoting social governance philosophy of “coconstruction, co-governance and sharing.” These principles are meaningful for creation of a new mechanism for balancing interests between ISPs and their users, and for introducing the pluralistic co-governance mechanism beyond simply practicing “filtering obligations.” In addition, these principles are significant for improving a certification with credibility of copyright status and ownership, and for advancing a mechanism for online collegiate-panel dispute resolution.  相似文献   
加铝(天津)铝合金产品有限公司经过几年的发展,一跃而成铝合金行业佼佼者。其成功之处在于,他们能将"健康每一天、安全每一天、环保每一天、幸福每一天"的安全文化理念,始终贯穿和落实于企业的发展目标、指导方针、规章制度的制定和执行、对客户的郑重承诺及对员工的各项具体行为的规范中。  相似文献   
长期以来,我国安全生产没有摆脱严峻态势,重大事故层出不穷,其主要原因之一,就是人们在安全生产上存在侥幸心理。今年7月6日薛城防备煤矿矿难血的教训,再一次为我们敲起了警钟。  相似文献   
国家安全生产存在外部性,一是由于政府的强制征税能够克服“不付费乘客”问题,由于政府免费供应解决安全保卫产品这一公共商品的边际成本为零问题,具有外部经济性;二是由于国家安全生产目标模糊性而导致的其激励、约束、信息传递等机制扭曲,由于其运营垄断性而导致的价格和产出的损失、寻租行为和X无效率,由于其运作机制行政性而导致一般不必考虑破产和竞争的约束和激励,而通常表现为“规避错误”机制上,由于其产权的“公地悲剧”性而导致具有“双重人格”的国防人员对国家安全生产这一公共商品的“寻租”,由此必然使国家安全生产存在着外部不经济  相似文献   
We investigate the measurement of three distinct, but related dimensions of electoral competition in a majoritarian electoral system: contestability in the struggle for governing power; competition among candidates at the constituency level; and competition among existing parties at the level of the legislature. At each step, the analysis is made concrete by calculating our preferred indexes of these dimensions of competitiveness for 14 major Indian states from 1972 to 2009 (and from 1952 in some cases), while comparing them to others that have been widely used, though not always calculated for Indian states. We also use our preferred indexes to study the importance of the level of development for an understanding of how competition has evolved across the states. The paper concludes by posing questions about the measurement of competitiveness, in general and in the Indian case, that arise in the course of our investigation.  相似文献   
相较于其他的网络服务提供者,云计算平台在技术特征上具有服务的糅合性。云平台需要遵循"回避用户内容"的伦理要求,同时具有"糅合服务层级"的实践样态,导致其在适用避风港规则时在主体适格性和对策可能性等方面存在局限。我国应当坚持避风港规则在平台知识产权治理中的原有地位,作为回应,建议将以云平台为代表的新型网络服务提供者在立法中加以明确,强化避风港规则的包容性。必要措施上,秉承比例原则的思路,对于一般侵权行为,云平台可以采取相对缓和的"三振出局"结合合同责任的"分段式措施";只有对于重复侵权、恶意侵权等情节严重的行为,方能采取"釜底抽薪"式的制裁手段。  相似文献   
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