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我国巨灾保险法涉及面广,若要使巨灾保险法的功能得以有效发挥,巨灾保险事业得以长足发展,我国巨灾保险法的构建就必须充分考虑其与相关法律制度的规范协同问题,主要是与财政拨付法律制度、已有保险法律制度、证券保险法律制度以及税收制度间的规范协同问题。其中,巨灾保险法与财政拨付法的协同主要体现在巨灾预警预防、救助、恢复重建等方面;与保险法的规范协同主要体现在参保方式、保险机构的建立、相关法律责任认定以及保险原则的继承和发展等方面;与证券法的协同主要表现在特殊机构SPV的法律构建、证券化基本资产真实销售的规定、监督问题等方面;与税法的规范协同主要体现在两个方面,一是与企业所得税法的协同,以更好的促进保险公司开发巨灾产品以及促进企业开发防灾减灾技术,二是与个人所得税法的协同,以更好的促进和保障个人投保以及对特殊群体更多的税收照顾。  相似文献   
The 2007 American automobile industry labor negotiations involved fundamental challenges for labor and management, including a historic shift of responsibility in the management of retiree health care, a need for new approaches to core employment security issues, identification of ways to create new unionized jobs in the industry, and a joint commitment to the competitive viability of U.S. operations. Less visible, but no less important in the United Auto Workers–Ford case, has been unprecedented levels of information sharing and unique innovations in the bargaining process designed to enable problem solving even when tough issues were on the table. More than 300 people were directly involved in the negotiations, serving at the main table and on twenty‐four subcommittees. This case study covers the context for the negotiations, key events leading up to the bargaining, a unique process of “bargaining over how to bargain,” the actual negotiation process, and the results achieved. Implications are generalizable to the broader concept of pattern bargaining and many other types of negotiations when transformation is on the table.  相似文献   
"光大8·16事件"是我国证券市场首例与高频交易有关的典型乌龙案例,其产生原因及严重后果引人深思。乌龙并不可怕,但一旦与高频交易相结合,其破坏力往往超乎想象。高频交易错误在计算机技术发达的美国早已不是什么新闻,特别是随着高频交易在美国的盛行,类似错误近期频发。为此,美国推出了综合审计追踪、市场数据信息分析系统、涨跌停板机制、全市场熔断机制等新举措,并酝酿推出全新的断路开关机制,以加强对证券市场高频交易的法律监管。这些最新动向中有不少值得我们借鉴,我们也应尽快明确对高频交易的监管,加快定义制定和数据收集工作,并适时推出监管"组合拳"。  相似文献   
《天津市企业工资集体协商条例》从立法层次看,属地方性法规,具有规范性、普遍性和强制性的特征。其颁布实施,健全了我市劳动工资法律制度,对构建和谐劳动关系意义重大。但其中尚有一些问题值得作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
现阶段大力开展工资集体协商,不仅有利于维护广大职工的切身利益,而且有利于帮助企业走出困境、促进劳动关系的和谐稳定和增强企业竞争力。工会参与工资集体协商,应讲究一定方法和策略,把握好企业长远利益与职工的具体利益的结合点,积极建立劳资双方平等协商决定工资分配的新机制。  相似文献   
银行业务和证券投资业务的混业经营已成为国际金融市场的主流。但中国实行混业经营的条件还没有完全具备 ,我国应立足于经济发展的现实 ,在现行法律框架下 ,让银行有计划、有步骤地介入证券业。  相似文献   
The automated negotiation process seems to be a powerful mechanism to resolve disputes arising from Internet-based transactions. Automated negotiation is an online blind-bidding process in which an automated algorithm evaluates bids from the parties and settles the case if the offers are within a prescribed range. Following the arguments of the dispute resolution professionals, the main advantage of this procedure is to promote natural agreements by restoring the parties' right to negotiate on their own, without the presence of a third party in the shadow of negotiations. Our purpose is to investigate this issue by modelling the automated negotiation process as a two-person bargaining game under incomplete information. A first result states that, given incomplete information, not all mutually beneficial agreements can be attained via the procedure. Furthermore, the settlement rule has a drastic effect on the players' strategies, which induces that the automated negotiation process does not significantly increase the likelihood of a settlement. The ability of the procedure to generate efficiency is only due to the costs imposed on parties if a disagreement occurs, that is the combination of players' risk aversion and uncertainty.  相似文献   
辩诉交易制度是美国刑事司法所特有的,是英美等国家处理大量刑事案件,提高诉讼效率的一项重要制度。分析辩诉交易制度的理论基础和适用条件,有利于讨论辩诉交易制度在我国适用的可行性,提出构建我国辩诉交易制度的思路。  相似文献   
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