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俗语说出门看天色,进门看脸色,此色俗指人类常常表现出的一种细微表情,是人们在不经意间通过一些表情把内心的想法表达给对方的一种行为方式。公安机关在侦查审讯中有效地运用微表情观察技巧,能够在辨认被讯问人员是否有隐藏犯罪行为时起到突破作用,是审讯过程中抓住其最真实心理活动的有效手段。虽然这些信息存在的时间极短,但就是因为这些举动是不经意的,往往会在侦查讯问中起到四两拨千斤的奇效,使讯问有针对性、目的性,避免冤假错案,有助于提高审讯工作的效率和效果。  相似文献   
陈如超 《法学研究》2020,(2):89-107
从1979年刑事诉讼法颁布至今,专家参与我国刑事司法的制度功能变得开放而多元。专家制度功能的多元化,根源于刑事司法的三重逻辑:弥合法律人与专家之间知识鸿沟的“认知逻辑”;落实公检法机关“分工负责,互相配合,互相制约”原则的“权力逻辑”;保障当事人合法权益与实现控辩平等的“权利逻辑”。从结构主义与整体主义的视角看,当前,刑事专家制度存在明显的体系化缺陷,主要表现为专家制度过度权力化、专家制度功能尚未结构化、专家制度不够规范化。改进刑事专家制度,应当采取体系化路径:首先,将多元专家参与模式调整为鉴定人与专家辅助人二元专家模式;其次,彰显专家制度的“权利逻辑”,矫正过度权力化倾向;最后,构建系统化的专家制度,为专家服务刑事司法创造制度条件。  相似文献   
2006年10月31日我国颁布了《中华人民共和国农民专业合作社法》,明确了农民专业合作社的法律地位。但是现实生活中,我国还存在大量仅有合作之名而无合作之实的农村合作经济组织。因此,从理论层面厘清农民专业合作社与非合作社之间的界限,在法律上澄清并确定农民专业合作社的主体地位,对于促进我国农民专业合作社制度的发展及保障现行法律的正确实施具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
In this era of anti-corruption policy-making, the Internet provides a potentially critical strategic resource for anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) aiming to promote organizational and policy learning. Realizing its potential is a creative challenge that will tap different types of capacities in the agency and its environment. We present a framework for understanding the information-related functions that underpin policy and organizational learning for ACAs, develop a rating criteria to assess strategic information usage, and then assess five ACAs in the Asia Pacific region on one aspect of strategic information usage: dissemination via the Internet. Agencies differ markedly in the degree to which their use of public information dissemination via the Internet is “strategic” in nature, pointing towards a new arena for capacity building and strategy development.  相似文献   
A large number of multilateral and bilateral donors have become engaged in the area of democracy and governance (DG) assistance over the last 15 years, stimulated by a series of trends and events. Despite the maturation of DG assistance as an important development area and the high profile of democracy promotion as a key foreign policy goal, research on the impact of this assistance and the effectiveness of different types of programming has been limited. Donors are constantly in need of feedback on the effectiveness and impact of their programming in order to revise programme designs, re-strategize aid portfolios, or address new DG issues. Moreover, legislatures increasingly require government aid agencies to be able to measure the results of their programmes, thereby demonstrating a ‘return on investment’ that would guide future assistance. Quality research is hampered by a daunting political, logistical, and methodological context, however. In 2005 a donor-sponsored workshop was organized to discuss challenges facing the evaluation and assessment of DG programming and assistance. The purpose of this article is to share insights from the workshop with a wider audience of scholars, practitioners and other policy-makers in the hope that this will stimulate additional research and thinking in this area.  相似文献   
Compared to economics, sociology, political science, and law, the discipline of history has had a limited role in the wide‐ranging efforts to reconsider strategies of regulatory governance, especially inside regulatory institutions. This article explores how more sustained historical perspective might improve regulatory decisionmaking. We first survey how a set of American regulatory agencies currently rely on historical research and analysis, whether for the purposes of public relations or as a means of supporting policymaking. We then consider how regulatory agencies might draw on history more self‐consciously, more strategically, and to greater effect. Three areas stand out in this regard – the use of history to improve understanding of institutional culture; reliance on historical analysis to test the empirical plausibility of conceptual models that make assumptions about the likelihood of potential economic outcomes; and integration of historical research methods into program and policy evaluation.  相似文献   
Many public administrations produce and distribute public services through a number of similar local autonomous organizations, or institutions, operating in different parts of the territory assigned to them under a centralized authority. Examples of this are the public residential housing institutions, the institutions for waste disposal, health care institutions, and education institutions. The problem arises regarding the evaluation of the performance of these local organizations and institutions not in absolute but in relative terms, in order to determine what incentives or sanctions should be meted out to them. This study presents the methodological problems, the data analysis, and the initial results of the method adopted by the Lombardy Region to create a system of performance indicators that will permit an automatic ranking of the Residential Housing Agencies in Lombardy (ALER) according to their performance, based on information from their balance sheets. A performance index was devised by rationally combining the results of three different analyses: position analysis, ranking analysis, and scoring analysis. The results allowed the central administration to: (1) motivate the managers of the local units through a system of performance-based incentives; (2) aggregate poorly performing local units or outsource inefficient functions; and (3) create competition among local units and raise overall performance levels.  相似文献   
Previous research by the Modena Group on Stalking (MGS) regarding awareness and recognition of stalking by police officers and general practitioners using case scenarios showed significant differences across three countries. It was also hypothesized that victims used different pathways when seeking help. To explore the experience of requesting help by victims of stalking in different European countries a detailed survey was completed by 391 victims of stalking in Belgium (n = 145), Italy (n = 126) and Slovenia (n = 120). The research confirmed the significant intensity and duration of stalking and psychological distress for victims. Victims used several pathways to survive stalking. Some victims reported that informal interventions they or family/friends implemented were effective, but the majority had to have recourse to helping agencies. Significant differences in help seeking behaviour were found between the three countries. In Belgium victims contacted the police, as well as other helping agencies, more often and more precociously than in Italy and Slovenia. Restriction orders against the stalker were considered the most effective intervention. Police were regarded as the least supportive agency, taking victims less seriously, and not being particularly effective at stopping the stalkers. Police were ranked after family/friends, lawyers and colleagues, with regards effectiveness, except in Belgium, where Police’s effectiveness was ranked second after lawyers. Stalking often requires the mobilization of multiple helping agencies by victims and it is important that victims are aware of what help is available to them and that agencies become more sensitive to their needs.  相似文献   
将国家机关、国有事业单位作为单位犯罪的主体会导致大大降低相关犯罪的刑罚成本,并不利于对此类犯罪的预防。根据以经济分析法学方法进行的分析,国家机关、国有事业单位均不宜成为单位犯罪的主体。  相似文献   
在逆全球化情境下,推动中小企业专精特新发展,有助于我国突破“卡脖子”技术瓶颈。文章以国家级专精特新小巨人上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了学术型高管对专精特新小巨人企业持续创新的影响机制。研究发现,学术型高管能够促进专精特新小巨人企业持续创新;完善的企业激励机制、较高的企业风险承担水平会强化学术型高管对企业持续创新的正向作用;在区域知识产权保护强度较大、学术型高管担任关键职位时,学术型高管对企业持续创新的正向影响更为明显。研究结论丰富了企业家特质研究的情境机制,并对我国引导中小企业走“专精特新”发展道路,夯实制造业发展基础及推动经济高质量发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   
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