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This article analyses Chinese traditional evidence theories that have evolved over a long period of time, to explore which theory, between objectivity and relevancy, best represents the basic attribute and logical thread of evidence. These theories are considered in the context of issues arising in evidential adjudication, including: the “Mirror of Evidence,” truth, the probability of proof standard, the choice between a notion of pursuing 100-percent certainty in adjudication and that wrongful acquittals are better than wrongful convictions, and the statutory proof doctrine comparedwith the system of free proof. Finally, the article presents the framework of and methods for drafting provisions of procedural evidence of the People’s Court.  相似文献   
对法定代表人法定性的起源、生成与演变作了一个鸟瞰式的回顾,揭示了该制度法定性不断弱化的发展趋势。运用弗里德曼法律变化四分类学说来分析,法定代表人制度是法律与社会良性互动的结果,其法定性弱化的动因既不能简单地归结为法律内因变化,也不能完全由社会外因所引致。为继续完善该制度,法律应回归代表人机制的本源,确保法律与社会的良性互动,尊重商业惯例的内在品性并且遵循该品性来修正法定代表人制度。  相似文献   
While the health crisis in developing world has caused innumerable deaths, the balance between patent protection and public health attracts lots of debates globally. This paper examines the legal background for the access problems of essential drugs in developing countries, evaluates TRIPS agreement and the WTO decisions in theory, argues both patent protection for pharmaceuticals and TRIPS agreement are the genuine causes for the access problem, then attempts to provide some suggestions and evaluations for the possible solutions. Though the development of national pharmaceutical industries, adoption of early working exemptions, compulsory license, parallel import, acquirements of generic drugs and discount drugs, amendments of TRIPS agreement are all beneficial measures, the access problem may only be solved at an international level.  相似文献   
Many countries adhere to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development creed that innovation is good for the economy. Experiments are often used to intentionally create space for innovation. Decisions allowing experiments result in temporary legal enclaves for a few, excluding many others. Therefore, they come with risks. The aim of this article is to provide a set of guidelines that help improve the legal resilience of experimentation policies, so they are better able to withstand legal attacks when they occur. To do so, we first arranged the existing diversity of legal experiments in a theoretical model. Special attention was paid to two archetypes of legal experiments: statutory experiments and regulatory sandboxes. Second, we analyzed the impact of both types of experiments on four core legal principles: legality, certainty, equality, and public accountability. From this assessment, we eventually formulated a set of guidelines to secure or improve legal resilience.  相似文献   
人身危险性理论评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋伟卫  丁玉玲 《河北法学》2004,22(11):122-126
人身危险性源于犯罪学对犯罪原因的研究 ,后进入刑法学领域 ,在刑法学领域对人身危险性涵义的理解应该立足于定罪量刑。同时在评价人身危险性时 ,也要与行为的社会危害性评价相区别 ,既要避免把人身危险性归于社会危害性 ,又要避免重复评价。  相似文献   
刘铭凯  李兰花 《河北法学》2004,22(6):149-152
有人认为吊销营业执照就等于终止了企业的法人资格,这种认识值得商榷。吊销营业执照只是取消了企业进行营业活动的资格,但不能直接取消其法人资格,法人应当首先清算,清算完成后,向工商管理部门办理注销手续。此时,法人资格才能够终止。因此,被吊销营业执照后至企业法人资格被注销前,企业仍然可以自己的名义起诉和应诉。工商行政管理总局第106号文的有关规定是不合理的,应当修正。  相似文献   
中国近代判例制度及其特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
武乾 《现代法学》2001,23(2):152-156
中国近代判例在文本体裁、汇编体例与适用方法上,较之于英美式判例和大陆式判例存在着很大的差别。它完全依附于成文法,并有着明显的成文化倾向。这一特点是对明清条例制度的继承和回归。这一判例制度可以作为建立当代中国判例制度的参考。  相似文献   
冒名顶替入学行为严重侵犯了被顶替者的受教育权,应当予以必要的规制与救济。但是,受行为性质认定的影响,现有的规制手段和权利救济仍面临程序规制不足、高校审查职责不明、赔偿责任缺失以及重新入学难以实现等诸多困境。基于此,有必要对招生录取行为的性质重新予以界定。通过细致的比较可以确定,招生录取的性质应是一种附延缓条件的行政许可。因此,需按照行政许可的控权逻辑对冒名顶替入学问题予以规制和救济。在规制手段上,高校招生权力行使须坚持有限信息公开、重要事项参与等程序规则,同时明确高校在不同阶段的审查职责,从源头减少冒名顶替行为的发生。在权利救济上,应明晰不同侵权主体的赔偿责任,并通过对重新入学的分析,保障被顶替者的受教育权。  相似文献   
论金融诈骗罪的事实认识错误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在讨论金融诈骗罪的构成要件时,刑法理论不自觉地将认识错误纳入到客观要素中展开讨论,因而形成争论不休的局面。关于事实认识错误的处理,应当主张抽象的法定符合说。在金融诈骗罪中,对同一犯罪的并列的构成要件要素的认识错误,以及对同一犯罪的不同行为类型的认识错误,不影响犯罪既遂的成立;对不同犯罪构成之间的认识错误,应在重合的限度内,认定为轻罪的既遂犯。  相似文献   
监察监督作为反映监察委员会基本职能的内在要求,从规范的运行层面回应了集中统一反腐的政治逻辑。作为监督的实现方式之一,其广义监督的范畴涵盖了监察委员会业已整合的监督、调查与处置职能,性质上有别于党内执纪监督、人大权力监督及检察机关法律监督。在监察委员会广义监督职能的实现过程中,应从监督权配置的政治逻辑原点出发,严格保障监察监督各项功能实现的特定方式;应遵从监督法定、正当与公开的基本原则,防止“以调查为中心”的办案模式僭越监察权应有之边界;应从政治、社会、法治与人文功能期待上畅通监察监督权利救济渠道,以确保处于法治化轨道中的监察监督机制之形成契合国家监察体制改革的总体方向。  相似文献   
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