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价值评价是价值哲学的重要内容.价值评价作为一种特殊的认识活动,是评价主体将客体的属性纳入自己的头脑并运用主体的目的、需要和本质力量加以分析和改造的活动.它与一般的认知活动在对象、规则和目的上都存在着本质的差异.价值评价由于有主体的创造性、知识、情感和意志的参与,故其具有明显的主体性特征,同时,它也受着价值事实、主体需要和社会实践等客观性因素的制约.在价值评价过程中,评价的标准是合目的性和合规律性的有机结合,这两者统一的基础是实践,实践是价值评价的最高标准.  相似文献   
受贿罪“为他人谋取利益”要件取消论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
朱建华 《现代法学》2001,23(4):130-134
在我国 ,刑法规定非索取性受贿罪的成立要求有“为他人谋取利益”这一要素 ,而刑法理论上对这一要素在犯罪构成中的地位存在着种种不同的主张 ,文章在对这种种主张进行分析后认为 ,无论采用那一种主张 ,都会造成一些利用职务上的便利非法收受他人财物者逃脱受贿罪的刑事责任 ,应从刑法的规定中去除这一要素。  相似文献   
Although forensic examiners operate in a stressful environment, there is a lack of understanding about workplace stress and feedback. These organizational and human factors can potentially impact forensic science judgments. In this study, 150 practicing forensic examiners from one laboratory were surveyed about their experiences of workplace stress, and the explicit and implicit feedback they receive. Forensic examiners reported that their high stress levels originated more from workplace-related factors (management and/or supervision, backlogs, and the pressure to do many cases) than from personal related factors (family, medical, and/or financial). The findings showed that a few (8%) of the forensic examiners sometimes felt strong implicit feedback about what conclusions were expected from them and that some (14%) also strongly felt that they were more appreciated when they helped to solve a case (e.g., by reaching a “match” as opposed to an “inconclusive” conclusion). Differences were found when comparing workplace stress and feedback levels across three core forensic science fields (forensic biology, chemistry, and latent prints) and across career stages (early, mid, and late). Gaining insights into the stress factors within a workplace and explicit and implicit feedback has implications for developing policies to improve the well-being, motivation, and performance of forensic examiners.  相似文献   
主观超过因素新论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
主客观相统一的定罪原则并不否定主观超过因素的存在。无论大陆法系刑法抑或英美法系刑法基本都认可主观超过因素的定罪意义。所谓主观超过因素是指在构成犯罪的各要素中,超出故意内涵之外的主观要素,其中主要包括目的犯中的犯罪目的及倾向犯中的内心倾向。对于表现犯中的内心表现完全应该作为犯罪故意的内容,不宜按主观超过因素来对待。在司法实践中,由于主观超过因素存在与否的判断极为艰难,因此必须坚持弱化口供,强化推定及强化证伪的认定原则。  相似文献   
An urgent need exists for trained specialists to manage organizational policies and practices involving arts programs and activities in healthcare facilities. This article introduces the field of arts in health and argues for what is currently needed within the academic and professional field of arts management to advance this emerging arena of arts management theory and practice. The authors integrate key references from existing scholarship alongside additional survey data to offer recommendations for developing professional management of the arts in healthcare facilities like hospitals, hospices, and long-term care centers. The article provides an overview of the responsibilities of arts managers in healthcare institutions, as well as insight into the knowledge, competencies, and skills that arts managers require to effectively work in these settings. The article concludes with articulating a conceptual framework for a long-term research trajectory to inform further advancement of this distinct sub-field of arts management.  相似文献   
取得时效的概念和构成要件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
取得时效的占有人须有为自己所有或为自己的主观意思 ,不以善意为必要 ;占有人必须公开地、和平地、持续不间断地占有 ;占有的客体范围是他人的财产或财产权利 ,但排除不可转让的物以及某些或依其权利性质或依其表现形式或依其行使特点不得适用善意取得的权利 ;占有的时间依不动产、动产应有不同规定。  相似文献   
尼采将自己的认识论定义为透视主义,透视主义将一切放到生命的体验中来考察,透视主义是一种对生命的直观,直观中艺术、科学、价值一体。透视主义用一句简单的话表达就是:没有真理,只有解释。这个论断隐含着尼采的实证主义立场,实证主义认为认识只是一种功能,真理没有不变的形而上学的本质,存在的只是我们对事实的价值设定透视主义与对主体性的反思相连,尼采认为,主体的观念本身就是人为的虚构。  相似文献   
贝叶斯方法是以概率演算定理即贝叶斯定理为核心的概率归纳逻辑。贝叶斯方法在古典概率和现代概率逻辑的概率解释基础上,将主观性引入逻辑,遵守概率的主观解释和以贝叶斯定理为主要依托的推理模式,其强大的意见收敛定理则将主观性一步步约束至客观性的道路上来,但条件化原则的归纳性质,也使得其不得不进行长期的艰难的辩护。  相似文献   
确立城市主题文化是增强城市竞争力,确立城市发展品牌的需要。天水的城市发展已经到了一个新的发展起点上,应该通过分析论证来确立天水城市主题文化,以便于用城市主题文化来引领经济、文化、产业发展的各个方面,使天水的城市发展走向高级阶段。  相似文献   
为了鼓励、支持公民更好地利用防卫权,保护其合法权益,1997年刑法第二十条第三款增设了无限防卫权制度,但是,我们要注意的是无限防卫权并不是绝对防卫权,其发动和行使有严格的主客观条件,尤其是无限防卫权的主观依据往往被研究者忽略。其实,极端情绪的压抑作用应是无限防卫权的主观依据。  相似文献   
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