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大多数文章认为无锡政府的扶持和支持在无锡尚德的破产中起了重要的作用,但是考察尚德电力的发展过程以及与政府的关系,我们发现尚德的破产更多地是企业管理中的经营不善而造成的,政府的扶持和支持在这个过程中只起到了间接作用。这提醒政府在企业扶持中要注意扶持的出发点、扶持过程中应当严守企业和政府的界限、扶持的过程要遵守经济规律、扶持要注意市场变化、扶持不能把所有的资源都放在一家企业上。  相似文献   
School experiences can have positive effects on student academic achievement, yet less is known about intermediary processes that contribute to these positive effects. We examined pathways between school experiences and academic achievement among 117 low-income urban students of color, many with disabilities, who transitioned to other schools following a school closure. Using structural equation modeling, we tested two ecological models that examined the relationships among self-reported school experiences, school support, academic self-efficacy, and school-reported academic achievement. The model in which the relationship between school experiences and academic achievement is mediated by both school support and academic self-efficacy, and that takes previous academic achievement into account, was an excellent fit with the data. The roles of contextual and individual factors as they relate to academic achievement, and the implications of these findings, are discussed.  相似文献   
Family support, urban stressors, and peer behavior were examined in relation to externalizing symptoms in 605 predominantly low-income urban sixth through eighth grade adolescents. Mother and father support were each associated with lower levels of externalizing symptoms in both males and females. For males, father absence was associated with increased peer externalizing behavior and heightened rates of youth externalizing symptoms. Stress (in the form of major life events, daily hassles, and exposure to violence) and peer externalizing behavior were examined as mediators of the relation between parent support and youth externalizing symptoms. Increased stress exposure mediated the relation between weak mother and father support and youth externalizing symptoms. Additionally, for females, peer externalizing behavior mediated the relation between weak mother support and youth externalizing symptoms.  相似文献   
自从去年以来,公安"210工程"如火如荼地开展着,警务后勤保障问题也越来越受到关注与重视。警务后勤保障工作是公安工作得以进行的支持系统和基础,是公安现代化建设的重要内容。警务后勤保障工作做好了,各项警务活动才可以顺利进行。通过研究新时期我国的警务后勤保障问题,希望找到警务后勤保障存在的不足,并提出改进措施,以期完善我国的警务后勤保障机制。  相似文献   
新《刑事诉讼法》中明确了专家辅助人制度的雏形,但是条文的规定简单概括。有关专家辅助人的资格、介入诉讼的方式、权利和义务、启动方式和其意见的可采性等相关问题都没有详细的规定,使其在司法实践运作环节出现许多障碍。构建专家辅助人制度前应准确理解其概念,明确专家辅助人的法律地位,充分认识构建专家辅助人制度的必要性,并建立配套的专家辅助人援助制度。  相似文献   
召公的廉政思想是周初社会转型期总结殷商灭亡的沉痛教训的产物,它继承了前人的廉政思想,并进行了一些创新。召公的廉政思想体现在"爱国"、"保民"、"敬德"等方面。"劳己,不劳民;为民,不扰民"和"得民和"是其思想的精髓之所在,甘棠遗爱是其廉政思想的具体体现。作为廉政之鼻祖,召公的廉政思想是当代人反思借鉴的一面镜子,是中国共产党反腐倡廉工作的源头活水,对当前的廉政文化建设有一定的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
家庭支持政策是影响女性就业和生育兼容性的关键因素。公共托育服务的普及、托育成本的下降、托育开放时间的延长以及生育假期制度有利于提高女性就业和生育的兼容性。因此,应对托育制度、生育假期和生育津贴制度进行完善,并对贫困生育女性提供托育支持和技能培训,以提高我国女性就业和生育的兼容性,优化“全面二孩”政策的实施效果。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rise of interest in the concept of autocracy promotion, with scholars questioning whether the efforts by authoritarian governments to influence political transitions beyond their borders are necessarily pro-authoritarian. An extension of this question is whether some authoritarian governments may at times find it in their interest to support democracy abroad. This article aims to answer this question by focusing on the case of Turkey. It argues that, despite its rapidly deteriorating democracy since the late 2000s, Turkey has undertaken democracy support policies with the explicit goal of democratic transition in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the Arab Spring and, while not bearing the intention of democratic transition, has employed democracy support instruments in the form of state-building in sub-Saharan Africa since 2005 to the present day. Based on original fieldwork, the article finds that non-democracies can turn out as democracy supporters, if and when opportunities for strategic gains from democratisation abroad arise. The article further suggests that even in those cases where strategic interests do not necessitate regime change, a non-democracy may still deploy democracy support instruments to pursue its narrow interests, without adhering to an agenda for democratic transition.  相似文献   
无论从实践效度还是精神向度看,"一方有难,八方支援"都为打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战贡献了巨大力量。从实践效度看,它是一种行动力量,彰显了中国特色社会主义制度优势;从精神向度看,它是一种精神力量,为抗击疫情筑牢了精神防线,提升了防疫效能,为培育社会主义核心价值观、繁荣社会主义先进文化、构建人类命运共同体发挥了应有的作用。  相似文献   
在编制多媒体课件过程中 ,很多教师遇到了一些难以克服的困难 ,其中部分原因是缺少人才和信息资源的支持。本文通过对任课教师、计算机教师、电教教师以及学生四方面人才的分析 ,对以网络为主的信息源以及获取信息的工具软件进行介绍 ,以期达到对编制多媒体课件的支持。  相似文献   
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