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本文通过对尼采"超人"学说的分析,揭示了尼采所展现的这种理想的精神超人其真正的意义在于"超人"所表现的积极的悲剧主义精神和伴随着破坏性的伟大的创造性."超人"的真正魅力在于他在悲剧中崛起,在衰败中创造.从而彻底摈弃了叔本华那种追寻涅槃寂灭,灭绝意志,超脱欲望的悲观主义.  相似文献   
故意伤害与随意殴打型寻衅滋事的区分,根据现有理论,难以有效指导司法实践,本文通过分析随意殴打型寻衅滋事罪认定的困境主要在于司法解释对该种类型寻衅滋事罪的规定过于笼统和模糊,从而保护的法益、客观行为和主要要素三个方面分析产生这种困境的深层次原因,最后提出解决困境的路径,即跳出过分强调二者区别的思维定式。以二者所保护的法益为指导,运用想象竞合犯的理论进行执法判断。  相似文献   
杨小彦 《思想战线》2007,33(5):48-54
中国远古时期夏商周三代权力交替过程中呈现出意识形态的变化,在"祖灵崇拜"、"血缘制度"和"天命观"三者的不同解释当中,存在着一种紧张的内部压力。周在取代商的过程中强化"天命观"的意义,这个意义对现实政治无疑产生了影响。周人藉此不仅奠定了此后中国国家意识形态的政治性格,而且也由此形成了中国古代城市等级制度的思想基础。  相似文献   
法官在解释有争议合同条款时 ,是以“合理第三人”为标准的客观解释而得出的意思 ,如果这种意思被当事人所接受 ,也可以说是当事人的新的意思。也可能以“合理第三人”为标准而得出的意思因异于双方意思不被双方当事人所接受 ,但双方当事人又不愿意因错误而撤销合同 ,即愿意保持原来合同的有效性 ,法官就只能依被解释出的意思进行裁判。在法官对合同进行补充解释中 ,当事人因未约定缺漏内容 ,根本无所谓合意。因此 ,在补充解释中 ,如果说是当事人的意思 ,就显得更加牵强。在这种时候 ,当事人承担了一种根本不是源于其约定的权利义务 ,在这里已经从实际上消灭了当事人自治 ,而代之以以裁判为目的的“规范性意思”。那么 ,如果这种解释已经完全背离了当事人的意志 ,应当通过撤销制度来维护意思自治的完整性。  相似文献   
双重视野中的犯罪目的   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梅传强 《现代法学》2004,26(3):106-111
犯罪目的是行为人希望通过实施犯罪行为来实现的结果。从静态角度看,它是一种观念形态的犯罪意识,是危害结果的表象预先在行为人头脑中的反映。从动态角度看,它是在犯罪动机的基础上形成起来的,是犯罪动机在犯罪实施阶段的存在和表现形式,犯罪目的的展开和实现过程实际上就是犯罪意志的形成和表现过程。行为人犯罪未得逞,即是未达到犯罪目的,也就意味着行为人的犯罪意志还不完整;因此,从犯罪形态角度看,行为人未达到犯罪目的,可以作为犯罪未遂的最简单和最直接的认定标准。  相似文献   
法律行为是私法领域中的一个重要概念,在涉外法律关系中法律行为方式的法律适用问题尤为复杂,文章通过对传统上关于法律行为方式法律适用的分析和批判,提出了以意思自治和最密切联系原则来解决这一问题。  相似文献   
民法基本原则是具体法律规范的指导,具有补充具体规范不足的作用。但在具体案件中,只有在没有具体规范或适用具体规范有冲突时才直接适用基本原则处理案件。四川省泸州市两级法院在对著名的"遗赠纠纷案"的判决中都以"违反基本原则"为根据认定遗嘱无效。该判决适用法律不当。为维护法律秩序,我们应当尊重当事人依法处分自己财产的权利。  相似文献   
We use data from pre‐sentence investigations and official parole board records to study the correlates of parole release among a sample of men incarcerated for sexual offenses. Cox proportional hazard models are used to estimate change in the likelihood of parole over time, and the focal concerns theory provides the theoretical framework for the analyses. The findings suggest a complex interplay of legal and extralegal factors in understanding parole release decisions. Parole officials weigh heavily offense seriousness, institutional misconduct, and parole readiness scores in making release decisions. In addition, study results reveal that victim and offender age is a salient factor in determining parole judgments. Overall, the current analysis provides a baseline for future research on parole decision making in general, and sexual offenders, in particular.  相似文献   
Two conflicting definitions of desistance exist in the criminology literature. The first definition is instantaneous desistance in which an offender simply chooses to end a criminal career instantaneously moving to a zero rate of offending ( Blumstein et al., 1986 ). The second definition views desistance as a process by which the offending rate declines steadily over time to zero or to a point close to zero ( Bushway et al., 2001 ; Laub and Sampson, 2001 ; Leblanc and Loeber, 1998 ). In this article, we capitalize on the underlying assumptions of several parametric survival distributions to gain a better understanding of which of these models best describes actual patterns of desistance. All models are examined using 18 years of follow‐up data on a cohort of felony convicts in Essex County, NJ. Our analysis leads us to three conclusions. First, some people have already desisted at the beginning of the follow‐up period, which is consistent with the notion of “instantaneous desistance.” Second, a three‐parameter model that allows for a turning point in the risk of recidivism followed by a long period of decline fits the data best. This conclusion suggests that for those offenders active at the start of the study period, the risk of recidivism is declining over time. However, we also find that a simpler two‐group model fits the data almost as well and gains superiority in the later years of follow‐up. This last point is particularly relevant as it suggests that the observed gradual decline in the hazard over time is a result of a compositional effect rather than of a pattern of individually declining hazards.  相似文献   
陈法 《现代法学》2012,(5):63-69
值此我国《继承法》正被立法机关修订之际,特对我国公证遗嘱适用的效力位阶进行考察研究。确定我国公证遗嘱适用效力的位阶,应当以现代私法追求的"正义、自由、效率、人权保护"等价值观和"以人为本"的目标为引领,结合当代中国民众继承习惯调查反映的民众对遗嘱形式的主要选择意愿,建议修改我国公证遗嘱适用的效力位阶之立法,以期彰显21世纪中国《继承法》具有的时代性、进步性特征,实现我国遗嘱形式效力立法的现代化。  相似文献   
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