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偷税罪在我国的刑事立法中经历了一个从无到有,由抽象、笼统、单一、欠缺到具体、明确、科学、完善的历史发展过程。《刑法修正案(七)》对刑法典第201条规定的偷税罪从行为方式、构罪标准、法定刑等多方面进行了重大修改,并实行有条件的初犯补税免罪机制。同时,罪名也被修改为逃税罪。  相似文献   
This research is motivated by a change in Florida that affected assisted living facilities (ALFs) by removing the property tax exemptions for those operated by nonprofit organizations. As such, this paper addresses two research questions: (1) Are there systematic differences between Florida's for-profit- and nonprofit-designated ALFs in terms of operations and service provision? (2) What was the impact, if any, of losing and regaining their property tax exemptions on the operations of Florida's nonprofit ALFs? We use data from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration to conduct difference of means testing for-profit versus nonprofit ALFs, as well as annual financial data of each ALF property owners' IRS Form 990 from the National Center for Charitable Statistics Core Files and parcel-level property data from the state of Florida to conduct regression analysis using three different dependent variables measuring various components of nonprofit ALF operations. We find that nonprofit ALFs have greater legitimacy in service delivery than for-profits, as nonprofit ALFs have higher service capacity, quality, and variety than for-profit ALFs in Florida. In addition, property tax exemptions for nonprofit ALFs in Florida decrease total expenses and increase officer compensation.  相似文献   
The success of electronic filing services largely depends on their continuance usage. This study examines the factors affecting the continuance usage intention of the online tax filing services in Mauritius. An integrated model comprising Trust Theory and Information System Success Model (ISSM) is applied to assess the continuance usage behaviour of e-filing systems. The model has been extended by adding two additional variables: Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Risk. The model was tested using a sample of 315 users of e-filing services in Mauritius. A structural equation modelling technique using partial least square structural equation modelling verified the hypotheses. The results reveal that the continuance usage intention of an electronic tax filing system is influenced by Perceived Usefulness, User Satisfaction, and Service Quality. However, Perceived Risk does not influence the continuance usage intention of e-filing systems since the importance of Perceived Risk diminishes as trust in the e-service provider increases. The theoretical and practical implications derived from the findings of this study are also discussed. This paper makes several contributions to the literature on electronic tax filing systems.  相似文献   
This article investigates off-farm work decisions by smallholder farm households. Using data on 1,101 households from Burkina Faso, it demonstrates that in addition to the usual household socio-demographic characteristics, remittances, access to information and beneficiary of specific training affect off-farm work decisions, as well as rainfall factors and idiosyncratic health shocks. Community characteristics such as accessibility and number of inhabitants are also key factors. While suggesting that off-farm work is less likely to be undertaken for accumulation purposes, these results have important policy implications. In particular, policy measures should consider each segment as a separate entity.  相似文献   
税收是国家履行其职能的前提条件,是实现公平正义的方式之一。然而,在我国的税收征管过程中,征纳双方之间的涉税信息具有严重的不对称性,它已经成为国家税款应收尽收的最大障碍。因此,立法者必须以涉税信息共享权限规范的形式赋予税务机关共享由其他部门和机构掌握的纳税人涉税信息的权力。通过在理论上对涉税信息共享权限规范的含义、属性、特征、分类、意义进行深入的研究,以便形成圆满的涉税信息共享权限规范体系,为税务机关涉税信息共享权力的获得和行使奠定理论基础,切实保障国家税收收入。  相似文献   
房地产税作为一种财产税,在我国的社会经济发展中发挥着重要的调节功能,其完善与否直接关系着我国社会经济的转型发展和地方政府职能转变。本文从公平、效率的视角出发,对我国房地产税改革中存在的主要问题进行客观、理性和系统的分析,就其完善提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
目前的税收征管改革已进入到瓶颈期,作为改革核心内容之一的税源专业化管理至今未取得突破性进展。跨越瓶颈因素的制约必须从确立新的征管模式基本架构、进行岗责体系再造、实现信息化技术综合应用、突破专业人才短缺制约、改革财税管理体制五个方面予以突破。  相似文献   
党的十八大以来,“放管服”改革已经持续多年,改革力度之大、改革范围之广、改革程度之深,是历次改革中所没有的。这场改革动因主要是推进国家治理体系与治理能力的现代化、应对国际复杂形势及新智能革命带来的挑战、满足人民对美好生活的向往。改革的举措主要有行政审批制度改革、清单制度改革、服务流程再造、证照分离、减税减负、优化服务、监管改革等。通过改革促进营商环境便利化、服务方式智能化、市场监管精准化,有效激发了市场活力,规范了政府权力,化解了市场主体的“堵点”“难点”“痛点”。改革也在制度、监督以及基层积极性等方面存在问题。未来“放管服”改革进一步推进的策略主要包括价值的调适整合、结构的互动整合、机制的协同整合、技术的嵌入整合、执行的配套整合、制度的优化整合等。  相似文献   
为探究豆状囊尾蚴外泌体对家兔免疫应答的调节作用,以收集的豆状囊尾蚴分泌排泄产物(ESP)为材料,通过差速离心法分离外泌体,经透射电镜和Western-blot分别对其形态和标志分子进行鉴定。分别用外泌体和ESP免疫家兔,ELISA方法检测家兔血清中特异性抗体和血清细胞因子水平,并通过人工攻虫感染评价其免疫保护效果。结果显示,豆状囊尾蚴外泌体直径为30~150 nm,呈圆形或椭圆形,有完整的脂质双分子层膜结构,且含有外泌体标志蛋白CD63。而且,外泌体免疫组血清特异性抗体、IL-10和IL-4的水平显著升高(P<0.05),而IFN-γ和TNF-α显著降低(P<0.05)或差异不显著。经剖检发现,豆状囊尾蚴ESP免疫组和外泌体免疫组的减虫率分别为65.17%和24.88%。结果表明,外泌体通过上调宿主抑炎因子的表达,诱导宿主产生了Th2型细胞免疫应答,从而有利于囊尾蚴在宿主体内的存活。  相似文献   
夏伟 《比较法研究》2019,(3):172-183
我国"主从犯体系"不同于德日区分制体系,主要表现为作用分类法与分工分类法具有实质差异、主犯判断与正犯评价存在根本区别。在欠缺身份犯总则性规定的前提下,不宜直接运用德日区分制体系下的"共犯与身份"理论来解决相关问题,而应当对其进行中国语境的转化。据此,"违法的连带性"应转换为"违法的共同性","责任的个别化"应蜕变为对"不法程度"及责任要素的双重评价。故而,在"主从犯体系"下,身份的作用仅限于两点:一是在整体上或共同违法意义上作为犯罪构成要件,从而在非身份者与身份者实施的共同犯罪中,身份者未必都是主犯,也可以是从犯或胁从犯;二是在归责意义上,非身份者的责任在同等条件下相对于身份者会有所克减。  相似文献   
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