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The successful implementation of the Charitable Organizations accreditation would be closely related to the implementation of the charity law. It has been half years since the law was enacted. It is necessary to have a comprehensive discussion and evaluation on the performance of the charity law. We attempt to answer this question via the interview and case study methods. Shenzhen, the city of philanthropy, was selected as our target city. We have conducted this study from three different aspects: the institutional arrangement, operations and potential problems. This study indicates that Charitable Organizations’ accreditation, at least, faces five potential issues: delayed policy implementation, organizational discretion, cognition of works, protection of organizational rights and lacking of the institutional motivations.  相似文献   
The current criminal law on loan defrauding is flawed. It requires reflection and improvement. On the basis of an empirical research into the precedent loan defrauding cases, under the guidance of the self-responsibility theory, this article advocates the timely decriminalization of the borrower as the victim and calls to account the lender’s legal responsibility. Legal enforcement on negative responsibility and the practical criminal law interpretation provides support for this measure. The rationale of the decriminalization of the borrower and the legal responsibility of the lender should be ensured according to the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified purpose, instead of any arbitrary expansion of its application. Its purport is to seek an effective path for the balance and coordination between the borrower and the lender in their interest relationship, so as to solve actual problems such as financing difficulties in practice, which is a comprehensive and effective protection for both sides’ legal interests, and is an innovation and harmonious development of the socialist market economy in our country.  相似文献   
适足生活水准权的实现遵从辅助性原则、国家义务、平等与非歧视原则。食物权、住房权与健康权构成了适足生活水准权最主要的具体权利形态,其实现标准主要有:有效、真实与可接受。适足生活水准权的保障与实现不是孤立的,是与其他人权,如财产权、工作权等,特别是公民权利与政治权利,密切相关。公民权利和政治权利的保障是实现适足生活水准权救济的有效方式。适足生活水准权的实现为呼声日高的民生保障研究提供了新视角。  相似文献   
中国共产党是一个为人民谋幸福的马克思主义执政党,人民幸福是中国共产党人始终不渝的追求。将实现人民的幸福作为中国共产党人不懈的追求,理论上,深刻地体现了理想目标与现实实践的统一;遵循社会发展客观规律与顺应人民意愿的统一;依靠人民与为了人民的统一;效率与公平的统一。  相似文献   
针对“老工伤”问题,我国已先后出台一系列法律文件与政策规定,但由于其法律位阶过低,缺乏法律责任条款,执行起来较为随意,因而使此问题难以得到彻底解决。建议法律进一步具体明确两个当仁不让的责任主体:一为用工单位,二为政府。  相似文献   
垄断是企业或经济组织的一种存在形式,它可推动社会经济发展,亦可破坏社会经济秩序。我国无论中央国有企业还是地方国有企业,都不是依靠经济垄断、吞并民企或外企而形成的,而是通过国有企业并购重组、股权改革建立起来的,其存在的种种问题,应通过深化国有企业改革来解决。  相似文献   
天津城建集团三公司党委用“政治对标,凝聚保证”活动来促进党建带工建,注意将这项活动与群众性经济技术创新活动相结合;与发挥工会“大学校”作用相结合;与工会维权职能相结合;与工会建家工作相结合,有效提升了全员共同干事业的信心与活力。  相似文献   
大力发展职工文化,是工会当前和今后一个时期的重点任务。工会在大力推进职工文化建设中应做到:坚持以职工为本,坚持大文化理念,坚持文化的创新,坚持职工文化建设与企业文化建设相结合,坚持发挥工会的组织优势。  相似文献   
建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系是推进党风廉政建设的创新举措。胜利油田惩防体系建设以党的十八精神为指针,固本清源抓教育,规范权力抓监督,以查促防抓惩处,牢牢把握促进党员干部清正廉洁、保障履职安全的目标指向,为提升胜利油田党风建设和反腐倡廉工作水平,推动胜利油田打造世界一流、实现率先发展提供政治保障。  相似文献   
私有财产和私有制度的出现,妇女逐渐成为私有财产的压迫对象和男人的附属物,男权社会由此形成。在中国,自古以来妇女就是父权社会的私有财产,妇女必须遵循统治阶级的各种礼法,然而她们却始终被排除在体制之外。而在西方,基督教产生以来,或者更早,妇女就是男人的附庸和物件,基督教以神的名义征缴了妇女的应有权利。几千年的男权社会,中西方的男权思想竟是如此相似。伴随着性别压迫的,必将是被压迫阶层的反抗。正如妇女问题产生的根源是私有制一样,破除妇女受压迫、受歧视的关节点,同样在于对私有制度的废除。  相似文献   
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