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作为东北亚区域研究重要的理论架构,文明理论可以帮助我们打破传统的东亚文明“浑然一体论”的束缚,进一步理解东北亚区域文明的基础构造,把握东北亚区域文明结构体系内部“中心—边缘”间复杂的互动关系,处理好国别研究和区域文明整体研究之间的关系,在比较中加深我们对东北亚区域的理解。  相似文献   
香港警务研究思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极借鉴发达国家、地区警务经验,有助于超前分析、研究、解决我国在改革开放和经济发展进程中社会治安出现的新情况、新问题。文章从探析香港警队建设发展历史进程入手,概述了香港警队的基本情况,分析了香港警务的基本特点,研究了香港警察教育训练的基本经验。学习、研究、思考、借鉴香港特区先进的警务理念、成功的警务经验,对于加强内地公安队伍正规化建设、提升战斗力、应对严峻社会治安形势的挑战,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
对当前我国高校安全保卫工作的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校安全保卫工作对维护高校稳定和安全、保证高校正常教育教学和科研秩序具有重要作用,是一项政策性强而工作难度大的工作。在新的历史条件下,高等院校应紧跟时代发展和形势变化,大胆创新、开拓进取,积极研究高校安全保卫工作的特点和规律,为进一步加强高校安全保卫工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   
“海峡西岸”发展战略已从区域战略上升为全国战略,厦漳泉则是海西建设的重要力量,在转变经济发展方式过程中,开展厦漳泉环保同城化研究,对推进科学可持续发展有十分重要意义。该文从推进厦漳泉环保同城化重大意义及基础条件入手,学习借鉴其他城市环保同城化成功经验,提出推进厦漳泉环保同城化的对策建议:树立科学的指导思想及原则;突出重点合作领域;建立健全保障机制。使厦漳泉建立起一整套相互合作义互相制衡的体制机制,使区域内各城市在安排生产力布局、调整产业结构时,既充分考虑本地的环境承载能力,更考虑区域的环境承载能力,避免以邻为壑。共同推进区域经济社会与环保协调发展,使海峡西岸经济区到2012年生念环境继续改善,到2020年生态文明建设位居全国前列。  相似文献   
Research initiatives to enhance knowledge‐based societies demand regionally coordinated policy approaches. By analyzing the case of the European Commission, Directorate‐General Research and Innovation, this study focuses on examining the cognitive mechanisms that form the foundation for institutional transformations and result in leadership positions in regional governance. Drawing on policy learning theories, the study emphasizes specific mechanisms of institutional change that are often less noticeable but can gradually lead to mobilizing diverse groups of stakeholders. Through historical and empirical data, this study shows the importance of policy learning through communication processes, Open Method of Coordination initiatives, and issue framing in creating a stronger foundation for policy coordination in European research policy since the 2000s.  相似文献   
While public opinion about foreign policy has been studied extensively in the United States, there is less systematic research of foreign policy opinions in other countries. Given that public opinion about international affairs affects who gets elected in democracies and then constrains the foreign policies available to leaders once elected, both comparative politics and international relations scholarship benefit from more systematic investigation of foreign policy attitudes outside the United States. Using new data, this article presents a common set of core constructs structuring both American and European attitudes about foreign policy. Surveys conducted in four countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany) provide an expanded set of foreign policy‐related survey items that are analysed using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM). Measurement equivalence is specifically tested and a common four‐factor structure that fits the data in all four countries is found. Consequently, valid, direct comparisons of the foreign policy preferences of four world powers are made. In the process, the four‐factor model confirms and expands previous work on the structure of foreign policy attitudes. The article also demonstrates the capability of ESEM in testing the dimensionality and cross‐national equivalence of social science concepts.  相似文献   
当代大学生道德认知状况研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用问卷调查与统计分析方法探讨了当代大学生各个层面的道德认知问题。研究结果表明:对跨世纪的这一代大学生急需加强人文主义教育,而尤以对工科大学生的人文素质教育意义更加重要;大学生中,女生的道德认识水平普遍高于男生;父母的文化程度与大学生的道德素质有明显的正相关;市场经济对大学生道德认知的消极意义与积极意义并存,其消极影响有扩大和蔓延倾向;父母的职业对大学认知的消极意义与积极意义并存,其消极影响有扩大和蔓延倾向;父母的职业对大学生道德认知水平的影响没有显著差异;从总体上看,大学生道德认知的发展城乡差异不显著,这与改革开放以来,我国农村加速城市化进程有关,也与农村大学生适应城市化生活有关。  相似文献   
在种属和体液鉴定及降解检材等特殊案件的分析时,转录水平的miRNA所具有的生物属性及表达特点,使其能够发挥基因组DNA所不具备的价值。本文通过概述法医物证学miRNA研究的现状,对法医miRNA分析的研究策略和法医物证学应用前景进行了综述,以期为法医miRNA分析的应用研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Decomposed bodies pose many questions for researchers regarding environmental effects, cause of death, and patterns. This study aimed to observe the factors associated with decomposed bodies autopsied at the Johannesburg Forensic Pathology Service Medico‐legal Mortuary. A total of 4876 autopsies were conducted from 2010 to 2011, of which 109 were decomposed. Black individuals made up the largest proportion (67%) followed by White (26%). Males comprised 86.2%, while 12.8% were female. The mean age was 42.78 years. Most cases were in the early stages of decomposition (49.5%), with 32.1% bloated, 11.9% in active decay, 2.8% in advanced decay, and 3.7% were skeletal. Insect activity was identified in 25.7% of decomposition cases. Cause of death was determined in 48.6% of cases. Of all the cases, 64% were found indoors and 23% outdoors, while 23% had insufficient information regarding the location. Of considerable interest was the number of cases from hospitals and clinics.  相似文献   
刑法解释方法位阶性的质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周光权 《法学研究》2014,36(5):159-174
文义解释有诸多局限,需要其他解释方法来印证和检验,因此其并不具有优位性。客观目的解释的功能具有多面性,其仅在目的性缩限时具有绝对优先性,因此不能一概认为其有决定性;主观目的解释仅在提供不处罚的立法资料时具有特殊价值。在刑法解释的商谈、试错过程中,方法的采用有"各取所需"的特点,采用何种解释方法取决于对处罚必要性的判断;解释是一种结果,通常是在结论确定之后再选择解释方法,为法官定罪与否提供"事后注脚";由于司法裁判必须考虑国民的认同感,且要接受后果考察,刑法适用就必须兼顾大量解释方法自身难以涵括的各种复杂因素。因此,如何立足于法条用语的通常含义,将犯罪论体系、规范保护目的、国民的规范认同、处罚必要性等内容一并考虑,并且坚持实践理性,选择对个案最为合适的解释方法,将实质解释的结论限定在特定时代能够接受的范围内,从而平衡好惩罚犯罪和保障人权的关系,是比刑法解释方法的位阶性更为重要的问题。  相似文献   
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