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死刑不引渡原则是现代引渡制度的产物,是随着人权观念的兴起逐步形成和发展起来的。但在实践中,对于死刑的界定却存在着争议,并且请求国与被请求国也常常对是否需要判处死刑存在不同的看法,这些都会对死刑不引渡原则的适用产生影响。另外,死刑不引渡原则是否构成了国际习惯法也没有定论。由于我国现阶段不可能会完全废除死刑,所以在同废除了死刑的国家进行引渡合作时就有可能产生纠纷,为此,我国《引渡法》也应引入死刑不引渡原则。  相似文献   
在新的世纪里 ,公安工作更加繁重和艰巨 ,对人民警察的素质和能力要求也更高 ;公安院校作为培养后备警察力量的重要基地 ,培养具有“警察技能与指挥”的专业人才是形势所迫。因此 ,在公安院校增设“警察技能与指挥”专业 ,对于公安院校专业的设置及学科和专业建设 ,对于培养执行特种任务的指挥员和战斗员及适应各项公安工作岗位的高层次综合应用性人才 ,很有必要。  相似文献   
公安刑事法律文书的教学目的就是实用性。这就要求我们在《公安应用写作》课程的教学中注重培养学生的动手能力、理论联系实际的主动性 ,使用司法词语的准确性 ,写作技巧的熟练性 ,以提高这门课的教学质量 ,满足公安机关对所需人才的要求。  相似文献   
对云南回族聚居区的社会治安综合治理,离不开对该民族的地理分布、历史文化、现实发展等因素作综合考察,本文选取近年来云南回族聚居区社会治安综合治理成效显著的个旧市沙甸区作为调查地点,通过对这一典型民族社区社会治安治理发展状况的分析,以期对民族地区基层派出所的公安工作有所启示.  相似文献   
本文从GDP相关指标(传统GDP、绿色GDP和人文GDP)的排名、综合国力排名、国际竞争力排名、经济强国指数排名、《财富》全球500强企业数量排名等多个视角对中国国际地位进行了比较全面的分析。其中,经济强国指数研究是我们在国际比较领域的新尝试,该研究借鉴了综合国力评估、国际竞争力评价和人类发展指数等相关研究的理论和方法,通过深入分析国际权威数据库,设计了一套比较完整的经济强国指标体系,并计算得出各级各层经济强国指数。  相似文献   
我国经济转型期企业信用缺失的表现、危害及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信用问题是中国经济转型中遇到的重大现实问题。由于种种原因,当前我国企业信用缺失问题十分突出。主要表现在:企业间相互拖欠严重,企业合同违约率极高,大量逃废银行债务,财务信息失真等方方面面。信用缺失恶化了企业经营环境,困扰着企业的生存与发展。要从根本上治理和防范企业信用风险,就要建立以道德伦理建设为基础,以信用中介和法律建设为保障的全社会的信用管理体系,通过明晰企业产权,建立有效的公司治理结构和信用信息管理系统来形成有效的信用监督和约束机制,规范企业的信用行为。  相似文献   
The public affairs of a firm issuing an initial public offering (IPO) are a critical part of the corporate restructuring efforts which firms face during the process of going public. In this paper, Bowman and Singh's (1993) definition is used to illustrate how issuing an IPO is a significant form of corporate restructuring. Public affairs are critical during both the pre‐IPO phase and during the period leading up to the IPO, as the firm must negotiate a heavily institutionalised process to successfully complete the issue. Here, the six‐year life of ‘Deja News’ is used as a way to illustrate and explain the public affairs during the process of preparing for and issuing an IPO. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
To date, the field of non‐market strategy has little to offer in the way of an integrated perspective on the simultaneous management of strategic issues and corporate stakeholders. This paper employs social network analysis to make a number of theoretically grounded conjectures about the delicate relationships between stakeholder behaviour and issue evolution. It is found that social network analysis has the potential to enrich and integrate theoretical perspectives in the field of non‐market strategy, offering solutions to a set of previously unresolved puzzles. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
The internationalisation of economic and political affairs changes the way in which business interests are brought to bear on public policy. This is a global phenomenon but can, in particular, be observed in Europe. The construction of the European Union, the development of the Single Market and the build‐up of the policy institutions to go with it, together change business–government relations profoundly. This paper answers the question of how organised business interests relate to government agencies and political institutions. By using the example of trade associations in the Netherlands and Germany, the paper shows that, despite the internationalisation of public affairs in Europe, the national political level remains strategically important for the representation of business interests. The paper thus argues that changes in European business–government relations are institutionally embedded at both the European and the national level. The implication for future research is that much of the dynamics of economic and political internationalisation materialises within the domestic arrangements of interest politics. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
European public affairs practitioners need to be increasingly professional in their reactions to an EU undergoing transformational change. The paper offers a comprehensive summary of the subtleties of institutional change in Commission, Parliament and Council in 2004. In particular, the author argues that expansion from 15 member states to 25 has fundamentally changed the nature of the Union's politics and the skills required to influence it. This new EU requires more of practitioners than experience and amateur instinct: to achieve results and avoid restrictive regulation, the public affairs community must adopt effective training strategies, challenging competence targets and regular self‐assessment of its performance and ethics. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   
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