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Malicious withdrawal from ATM constitutes offence of theft and belongs to “theft from financial institutions”. In case of “extremely huge amount”, according to China’s Criminal Law, the minimum statutory penalty for the accused is life imprisonment, which is undoubtedly too severe. So far as judiciaries are concerned, reflection should be made with respect to the relevant legislative provisions. In handling individual cases, the wisest practice for judiciaries is to refer to the provision of clause 2 of article 63 of the Criminal Law, hence submitting them to the examination and approval by the Supreme Court for mitigation of penalties. Fu liqing, Ph.D graduate of Peking University (major in the science of criminal law), is now a lecturer at Law School of Renmin University of China. He once learned at Law School of Tokyo University of Japan (2004.10∼2006.9). His representative works are Make-up of the Rule of Law, Voice of the Rule of Law, Theory of the Subjective Illegal Elements—Evolving with the center of intention crime. Meanwhile, he has about 40 articles published in academic journals. His recent research is in the field of theoretic re-construction of the constitutive crime elements and the application of interpretation method on criminal law, etc.  相似文献   
盗窃罪在我国属于常见多发的财产型犯罪。盗窃数额对盗窃罪的定罪与量刑具有关键的作用,立法上规定了“数额较大或者多次盗窃”,“数额巨大或者有其他严重情节”、“数额特别巨大或者有特别严重情节”及“有下列情形之一”几种情形作为定罪及量刑情节。因此正确的认定盗窃数额在司法实践中具有重要的意义。本文从一个小的方面来谈一下对盗窃数额的认定。  相似文献   
使用盗窃行为已经成为越来越严重的社会问题,部分使用盗窃行为具有严重的社会危害性,必须予以犯罪化。关于使用盗窃行为是否构成盗窃罪,理论界存在肯定说与否定说之争,我国刑法对于盗窃行为有明确的规定,但对于具有严重社会危害性的使用盗窃行为却没有规定如何处理。在我国尚未规定使用盗窃罪的情形下,将使用盗窃行为认定为盗窃罪不存在障碍,符合立法者的意图;从维护刑法的稳定性来说,也应当将使用盗窃行为认定为盗窃罪。  相似文献   
新近公布的盗窃罪司法解释全面贯彻了宽严相济的基本刑事政策。盗窃是否意味着"秘密窃取",旧司法解释将其定义为秘密窃取,而新司法解释则适应犯罪形势变化的需求取消了该规定。在盗窃罪牵连犯的处罚原则上,新司法解释确定为从一重从重处罚,更符合罪责刑相适应原则。单位相关人员犯非法定单位犯罪是否构成盗窃罪应以自然人的盗窃罪犯罪构成要件为判断标准,符合盗窃罪构成要件的应依法追究相关人员的刑事责任。  相似文献   
公路盗扒货物案件是特殊的盗窃犯罪,在侦查理论和实务方面都具有特殊性和研究价值。公路盗扒货物案件具有发案范围广、区域性强,涉案价值高、社会危害性大,犯罪行为动态趋势明显、侦破难度大,专业化、职业化犯罪明显等特征。所以,必须以信息导侦、突出系统化的侦查协作和快速反应等新的思维方法、新的打击策略和新的侦查途径来克服现存的难题,实现对公路盗扒货物案件的有效控制,才能取得最佳的侦查效果。  相似文献   
盗窃罪与诈骗罪同属财产型犯罪,而目前司法实践中,出现了诸多掺杂有诈骗手段和窃取手段的复杂侵犯财产类案件,使司法部门在定罪与量刑上困难重重。盗窃罪与诈骗罪区分的关键在于对财物的处分行为。  相似文献   
Public and private sector organisations are now able to capture and utilise data on a vast scale, thus heightening the importance of adequate measures for protecting unauthorised disclosure of personal information. In this respect, data breach notification has emerged as an issue of increasing importance throughout the world. It has been the subject of law reform in the United States and in other jurisdictions. This article reviews US, Australian and EU legal developments regarding the mandatory notification of data breaches. The authors highlight areas of concern based on the extant US experience that require further consideration in Australia and in the EU.  相似文献   
盗窃他人有效地信用卡但并不使用的行为,并不能认定为盗窃罪既遂也不成立盗窃未遂。只有盗窃并使用了信用卡,才能成立盗窃罪。盗窃信用卡并使用的行为与单纯盗窃行为危害性相当,所以对这种行为以盗窃罪论处,具备法律拟制的实质理由。  相似文献   
传统上认定盗窃既未遂的观点存在共性缺陷,引入行为过程的概念能够克服之。行为过程是一个主客观相互作用的过程,因此科学的盗窃既未遂认定标准也应主客观相结合,同时围绕犯罪行为人的行为过程来设计。其认定标准有二:一是行为人的主观计划是否实现;二是行为人的行为在客观上是否对受保护的法益造成损害,即是否实际控制被盗财物。  相似文献   
In recent years, popular media has drawn attention to “mean girls” and their negative treatment of others, particularly other females. But while the attention to girls' aggression and their mistreatment of their peers highlights understudied aspects of female behavior, it neglects the beneficial aspects of female friendship. We argue that compared to relationships with males, friendships with females provide more social control, fewer opportunities and less motivation for offending and may therefore discourage crime. Because an adolescent's gender likely influences the association between the gender of one's friends and crime, we anticipate that the association will be stronger for females than for males. The relationship is also likely affected by the context in which relationships originate; we expect that those that develop in less conventional contexts will have weaker effects on crime. We explore these hypotheses with a comparative analysis of effects of friendships on property crime in two samples of youth: those who live at home and attend school and those who are homeless and spend their days and nights on the street. Our findings support our hypotheses. The relationship between female‐dominated friendship networks and property crime is negative and significant; however, this association is strongest for school females, weaker for school males and females who live on the street, and nonsignificant for homeless males.  相似文献   
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