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COA标签为正版操作系统的合法凭证。盗窃COA标签的行为不涉及侵犯著作权的问题,不构成侵犯著作权罪。盗窃COA标签的犯意不在于故意毁坏财物,不构成故意毁坏财物罪。COA标签载有一定的经济价值,其属性决定其可以成为盗窃罪的犯罪对象,因此,盗窃正版软件标签的行为应以盗窃罪论处。  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):670-694
There is a debate over whether police attention focused on an illegal drug market causes dealers to spatially displace their activities “around the corner” therefore having no positive impact on the aggregate level of illegal drug sales in the city. The alternative perspective is that focused police attention lowers the rate of illegal drug sales in the city. Recent research in Jersey City, New Jersey has demonstrated that focused police attention does not simply move illegal drug dealing around the corner. The present analysis explains why this finding is likely to be common in other cities using the economic theory of “agglomeration economies.” Agglomeration economies illustrate that taking the largest and most profitable site from illegal drug dealers will make dealing in the surrounding neighborhoods less rather than more profitable and lead to a smaller marketplace overall. The empirical analysis focuses on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  相似文献   
侦破题材小说是我国公安题材文学中最具特色的种类之一.侦破小说给予读者的审美感受不仅是对由侦破与反侦破形成的强情节的欣赏,还要借助于侦破小说强情节的特点,引导读者去关注蕴涵于强情节中的社会人生内容.因此,侦破小说不能仅仅局限于侦破犯罪案件中的表层事实叙述,应该深入进去并扩展开来,折射出社会的某些本质方面,通过侦破犯罪案件这一故事载体,尽可能反映出社会人生的复杂性和丰富性,从而使小说具有一种发人深省、振聋发聩、撼人心魄的力量.  相似文献   
一般意义上,盗窃罪是指以非法占有为目的,秘密窃取他人财物的行为。但是随着财产类型的多元化,“使用盗窃”行为逐渐纳入我国刑法理论视野。但是由于其缺乏普通盗窃罪的非法占有目的,被认为不构成盗窃罪。面对我国使用盗窃行为不断增长的态势和其所产生的社会危害性,我国应该将使用盗窃行为入罪,设立使用盗窃罪,并配之相应的法定刑。  相似文献   
警犬在打击和预防犯罪过程中发挥了积极的作用,特别在盗窃公用电信设施案中作用更为突出。警犬一般都有高级神经活动机能,有敏锐的嗅觉、听觉和视觉等感觉器官,具有凶猛性、灵活性和飞快的奔跑能力等警用素质,是公安机关执行任务的一种特殊工具。在盗窃公用电信设施案中,报警及时、出警迅速,警犬的使用有很好的时间条件,要充分利用警犬的特殊功能为公安工作服务。  相似文献   
盗窃信用卡并在ATM机上使用的行为不应该一概以盗窃罪定罪,要根据其使用的不同手段具体情况具体分析。对盗窃信用卡后并不需要采取进一步的诈骗手段就可以获取卡上钱款的情形可定盗窃罪,对盗窃信用卡之后还积极通过猜配密码、非法获取、复制密码的手段并据此在ATM机上取款的行为,则认定为信用卡诈骗罪更为合理。  相似文献   
盗窃罪既遂形态的认定是司法实践中最为复杂的问题,对此形态的准确把握极为艰难。盗窃罪的既遂标准与盗窃行为的对象、盗窃行为的手段、盗窃行为时的环境及条件均有密切关系。同时盗窃罪的故意和盗窃数额对本罪既遂也具有修正意义。  相似文献   
Malicious withdrawal from ATM constitutes offence of theft and belongs to “theft from financial institutions”. In case of “extremely huge amount”, according to China’s Criminal Law, the minimum statutory penalty for the accused is life imprisonment, which is undoubtedly too severe. So far as judiciaries are concerned, reflection should be made with respect to the relevant legislative provisions. In handling individual cases, the wisest practice for judiciaries is to refer to the provision of clause 2 of article 63 of the Criminal Law, hence submitting them to the examination and approval by the Supreme Court for mitigation of penalties. Fu liqing, Ph.D graduate of Peking University (major in the science of criminal law), is now a lecturer at Law School of Renmin University of China. He once learned at Law School of Tokyo University of Japan (2004.10∼2006.9). His representative works are Make-up of the Rule of Law, Voice of the Rule of Law, Theory of the Subjective Illegal Elements—Evolving with the center of intention crime. Meanwhile, he has about 40 articles published in academic journals. His recent research is in the field of theoretic re-construction of the constitutive crime elements and the application of interpretation method on criminal law, etc.  相似文献   
The delivery of forensic science evidence in a clear and understandable manner is an important aspect of a forensic scientist's role during expert witness delivery in a courtroom trial. This article describes an Integrated Evidence Platform (IEP) system based on spherical photography which allows the audience to view the crime scene via a virtual tour and view the forensic scientist's evidence and results in context. Equipment and software programmes used in the creation of the IEP include a Nikon DSLR camera, a Seitz Roundshot VR Drive, PTGui Pro, and Tourweaver Professional Edition. The IEP enables a clear visualization of the crime scene, with embedded information such as photographs of items of interest, complex forensic evidence, the results of laboratory analyses, and scientific opinion evidence presented in context. The IEP has resulted in significant improvements to the pretrial disclosure of forensic results, enhanced the delivery of evidence in court, and improved the jury's understanding of the spatial relationship between results.  相似文献   
盗窃罪在我国属于常见多发的财产型犯罪。盗窃数额对盗窃罪的定罪与量刑具有关键的作用,立法上规定了“数额较大或者多次盗窃”,“数额巨大或者有其他严重情节”、“数额特别巨大或者有特别严重情节”及“有下列情形之一”几种情形作为定罪及量刑情节。因此正确的认定盗窃数额在司法实践中具有重要的意义。本文从一个小的方面来谈一下对盗窃数额的认定。  相似文献   
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