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正Yangtze River Ecology Oriental Outlook December 19In today’s China,experts on water conservation seem to have become enemies with experts on ecological conservation.In 2013,discussion on the collapse of the ecological system in the Yangtze River once again triggered a conflict between the two groups.  相似文献   
The World Peace Forum of ers a platform for scholars and oi cials to speak freely and frankly.This year,it has attracted more attention amid increasingly complicated situations and intensifying international conl icts.  相似文献   
近年来,随着以微博为代表的自媒体技术的兴起和发展,打破了传统新闻媒体对舆论的控制以及对信息的垄断,往往推动突发事件快速形成并使事态发展难以预测,继而引发公关危机,给公安机关应对和有效处置涉警危机带来难度。本文以大连市公安局处置2013年"刘巍巍下跪维权"事件为例,就公安机关应对自媒体时代突发事件引发的公关危机策略作一些探讨。  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国拍卖法》颁布实施后 ,结束了我国拍卖活动中长期无法可依的现象 ,但该法条文过于简单、概括 ,许多重要的内容都不明确或未细化 ,应针对这些不足在拟定中的《实施细则》中加以弥补  相似文献   
《大戴礼记》在宋代有十四经之称 ,仅宋代就有傅崧卿、杨简、王应麟诸家研治 ,清代有汪照、汪中、戴震、王聘珍、孔广森诸家踵武深究 ,而后又有孙诒让、王树进一步校补 ,使其研究日臻完善。然前贤之说仍有未安之处 ,今提出若干条 ,予以补正或商榷  相似文献   
商标的域名抢注行为是否构成侵权 ,取决于域名权是否被作为一种民事权利来看待 ,这在我国立法上还是空白 ,法院也基本持否定态度。本文通过中、美、英等国个案比较的研究方法提出了作者见解 ,认为应保护域名权 ,并提出立法建议。  相似文献   
Do formal deliberative events influence larger patterns of political discussion and public opinion? Critics argue that only a tiny number of people can participate in any given gathering and that deliberation may not remedy—and may in fact exacerbate—inequalities. We assess these criticisms with an experimental design merging a formal deliberative session with data on participants’ social networks. We conducted a field experiment in which randomly selected constituents attended an online deliberative session with their U.S. Senator. We find that attending the deliberative session dramatically increased interpersonal political discussion on topics relating to the event. Importantly, after an extensive series of moderation checks, we find that no participant/nodal characteristics, or dyadic/network characteristics, conditioned these effects; this provides reassurance that observed, positive spillovers are not limited to certain portions of the citizenry. The results of our study suggest that even relatively small-scale deliberative encounters can have a broader effect in the mass public, and that these events are equal-opportunity multipliers.  相似文献   
While individuals who are exposed to political discussion are more politically active, analytical biases make it difficult to show evidence of causation. It is also uncertain how long the relationship between discussion and participation lasts. Here both questions are addressed with panel data collected from individuals who were randomly assigned to their college dormitories. The data show that exposure to political discussion in college leads to higher levels of participation, immediately while still in college and years into the future after graduation. As political behavior is habitual, the initial increase in participation after being exposed to political discussion is a mechanism underlying the long-run relationship between discussion and participation.  相似文献   
我国的恐怖主义犯罪具有跨地区作案、作案技术含量提升以及家族团伙、自杀式、国际背景、女性参与等十个新特点;我国警察反恐培训正面临着反恐意识、异地作案、常品管控、社会情报、信息倒查、基地追踪、国际恐怖、差别防范、家庭防范、交流沟通等十个迫切要求攻关的新课题;因此,我国警察反恐培训应置于国家安全之中、建立警察培训区划、考虑效应时限因素、根据警情含量分级、适应对策分层需要、借鉴适度打击理念。  相似文献   
民主监督由来已久,参政党履行政治协商、参政议政职能的实质也是民主监督,参政党民主监督的对象、内容、方式、性质和依据;参政党的民主监督要在对决策执行的监督方面发挥更大作用。  相似文献   
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