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试析几种毒品犯罪与其他犯罪的联系与区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒品犯罪与某些犯罪在司法实践中容易混淆 ,如 :走私毒品罪与普通走私罪 ;贩卖毒品罪与销脏罪 ;包庇毒品犯罪分子罪与包庇罪 ;窝藏、转移、隐瞒毒品、毒脏罪与洗钱罪等等 ,在认定时应注意区别。  相似文献   
目的评估差异提取试剂盒对混合斑样本中的精子和上皮细胞DNA分离提取的有效性。方法采用差异提取试剂盒,选择性裂解精细胞和上皮细胞,结合磁珠法分别对人为控制条件下制备的模拟混合样本和案件中的混合斑检材进行精细胞DNA和上皮细胞DNA的分离提取。对所提取的DNA进行定量分析和STR分型。结果该试剂盒能从精子和上皮细胞不同比例的混合斑中提取出高纯度的精细胞和上皮细胞DNA。结论该差异提取试剂盒适用于性侵害案件中混合斑检材的DNA提取。  相似文献   
There is a lack of knowledge on mentally disordered sex offenders (MDSOs) targeting adult victims, especially regarding recidivism patterns and the specific subgroup with psychiatric disorders. This paper presents index offense data, clinical data, and recidivism patterns over up to 24 years in a cohort of 146 MDSOs, with and without psychotic disorders, sentenced in Sweden between 1993 and 1997. At the time of the offense, all offenders were affected by clinical, developmental, and criminal history factors. MDSOs with psychotic disorders only marginally differed from those without, the former being less likely to have been institutionalized during childhood, intoxicated during the index offense, or diagnosed with a personality disorder, substance use disorder, or paraphilic disorder. In the cohort, 3.4% of the MDSOs were reconvicted for a new sex offense over 2 years, 9.6% over 5 years, 13.0% over 10 years, and 17.1% over the entire follow-up period of 24 years. In MDSOs with psychotic disorders, no subjects were reconvicted during the first 2 years, while 2.6% were reconvicted over 5 years, 5.3% over 10 years, and 7.9% over 24 years. Recidivism rates for violent and general reoffenses were 39.0% and 37.7%, respectively, for the cohort of MDSOs, and subjects with psychotic disorders reoffended significantly later in general offenses. In conclusion, MDSOs with psychotic disorders showed the same recidivism pattern as MDSOs without psychotic disorders. Furthermore, recidivism research may preferably focus on follow-up periods of 5–10 years since most offenders appear to recidivate within this timeframe.  相似文献   
论盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬罪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬罪是指未经国家文物主管部门批准,以寻找文物为目的,私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬的行为.该罪既遂与未遂的标准应根据古文化遗址和古墓葬的不同特点确定不同的标准.同时,有必要将故意损毁古文化遗址、古墓葬的行为以及过失损毁古文化遗址、古墓葬,造成严重后果的行为予以犯罪化.  相似文献   
信用卡诈骗罪是我国刑法中的一类新型犯罪。对于假借信用卡非法获取财物或财产性利益的行为,是否一概认定为信用卡诈骗犯罪,国内外理论和立法并不统一。以我国信用卡交易的实践及其交易规则为基础,分析我国信用卡诈骗犯罪的行为构造;在借鉴、考察国外相关立法和未来信用卡发展趋势等的基础上,提出:作为一种现代新型犯罪,我国刑法中的信用卡诈骗罪兼有传统诈骗罪和盗窃罪的双重属性。由此,可以有效避免实践中对相关犯罪行为定性上的分歧,并能适应未来信用卡犯罪的发展趋势。  相似文献   
Recent policies enacted regarding sex offenders include the formation of a publicly accessible sex offender registry, community notification, and residential restrictions. Often the motivation behind these policies is to get information out about sex offenders to community members so that these communities can effectively guard against any revictimization by the sex offenders among them. Theoretically, the premise for this type of legislation corresponds to relationships specified by routine activities theory. The theory states that if guardians can interrupt potential offenders as they are preying on suitable targets, these crimes-in-the-making will not occur. The present study assesses routine activities theory via a study of the presence of potential offenders (as measured by the number of registered sex offenders in the area), as well as community and resident characteristics that measure the presence and types of suitable targets and the existence of guardians and guardianship structures. We find that only the presence of certain types of suitable targets has an influence on the variation in the rate of sex offenses across these communities. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   
对于不同身份者共同实施身份犯的定罪,既要反映共同犯罪的本质特征,又必须符合罪责刑相适应原则的要求。根据犯罪共同说对不同身份者共同实施身份犯时进行统一定罪,才是符合共同犯罪的本质特征的。不同身份者共同实施身份犯时触犯数罪名,这种情况实际上就是想象竞合犯,应按照想象竞合犯“择一重处”的原则,选择处罚较重的犯罪定罪量刑,这不仅符合共同犯罪统一定罪的本质要求,而且符合罪责刑相适应的刑法原则。  相似文献   
我国刑法理论通说认为内幕信息犯罪属于纯正身份犯,但通过考察我国立法精神以及西方发达国家的刑法理论,发现通说值得商榷。从法解释学的角度,我国现行立法中的内幕信息犯罪应当解释为非身份犯;从立法论的角度,该罪应当规定为不纯正身份犯。  相似文献   
刑事犯罪发案总数高位运行,而多发性侵财犯罪占到很大比例,这是公安机关刑侦工作急需解决的重大问题。当前刑侦部门迫切需要转变观念,用情报信息制导多发性侵财案件侦查的新理念、新模式,提高打击力度,应对严峻挑战。  相似文献   
假冒专利罪疑难问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
假冒专利罪保护的法益是超个人法益,因此,假冒并不存在的他人的专利,以及未获专利却谎称已获专利的行为,构成假冒专利罪;非法实施他人专利的专利侵权行为,从应然的角度讲,应纳入刑法规制的范畴,但从现行立法规定来看,无法以假冒专利罪定罪处罚;在生产、销售的伪劣商品上假冒专利,或者还假冒他人注册商标的,均应数罪并罚;专利权的刑法保护以选择集中型和散在型相结合的立法模式为宜。  相似文献   
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