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本系统是采用计算机程序执行测量鉴别肇事汽车车灯碎片的方法和车灯特征信息获取测量的装置,利用此系统进行计算机检索可快速鉴别出肇事逃逸车辆的种类、车名和车型。使用本装置可以极大提高事故现场车灯碎片鉴别的效率和准确度,显著缩小肇事逃逸车辆的侦查范围,提高交通肇事车辆逃逸案件的侦破率。  相似文献   
Theft, burglary, and vehicle theft are among the most frequently committed and least commonly cleared Part I offenses in the United States, but have received disproportionately little attention in the clearance literature. This study contributes to recent efforts to remedy this shortage by presenting offense-specific analyses of burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft clearance rates in a sample of 110 large US cities. Data were gathered from the Uniform Crime Report, the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey, and the American Community Survey. Independent variables comprised social disorganization measures (e.g. residential instability, poverty, etc.) and policing variables, including the use of broken windows policing. Although broken windows policing is related to higher clearance rates in a few prior studies, that effect was not observed in the present work. Racial diversity and police spending per capita (which were negatively associated with clearance rates) were the only variables that were significantly associated with the clearance of all three crimes.  相似文献   
刘召成 《政法论丛》2010,(5):106-112
机动车交通事故中的特殊责任主要包括保险公司的责任以及保有人无过错时的责任两种类型,这种特殊责任的归责基础是以分配正义为基础的对于事故损害的适当分配,是现代福利国家追求实质正义的体现。机动车交通事故中的基本责任和特殊责任分别是矫正正义和分配正义理念在事故法中的体现。特殊责任中的保险公司责任又可以区分为赔偿责任和垫付责任,两种责任在适用前提、赔偿范围等方面存在根本区别;机动车保有人无过错时的责任数额的具体确定,应当结合受害人方面的过错予以具体确定。  相似文献   
Abstract: Despite having significant internal injuries, victims of motor vehicle accidents may have surprisingly few external manifestations of trauma. The water test describes a technique whereby water placed in an upwardly facing ear results in drainage from the nose and opposite ear, thus demonstrating transcranial passage of water. This sign can be demonstrated in cases of blunt cranial trauma where there is a “hinge” fracture involving the petrous temporal bones bilaterally associated with a ring fracture extending around the foramen magnum posteriorly. Such a fracture results in separation of the posterior and middle cranial fossae providing a track for water to traverse. The water test provides a quick and noninvasive method for demonstrating the presence of a particular type of skull fracture.  相似文献   
Near repeat analysis has been increasingly used to measure the spatiotemporal clustering of crime in contemporary criminology. Despite its predictive capacity, the typically short time frame of near repeat crime patterns can negatively affect the crime prevention utility of near repeat analysis. Thus, recent research has argued for a greater understanding of the types of places that are most likely to generate near repeat crime patterns. The current study contributes to the literature through a spatiotemporal analysis of residential burglary and motor vehicle theft in Indianapolis, IN. Near Repeat analyses were followed by multinomial logistic regression models to identify covariates related to the occurrence of initiator (the first event in a near repeat chain) and near repeat (the subsequent event in a near repeat chain) events. The overall findings provide additional support for the argument that neighborhood context can influence the formation and context of spatiotemporal crime patterns.  相似文献   
王福强  李丹 《港澳研究》2020,(1):79-87,M0005
要素自由流通是粤港澳大湾区打造世界一流湾区的重要基础和条件,而口岸通关车流的特点、现状和问题可以一定程度上反映出粤港澳大湾区要素流通的状态和水平。综合分析当前粤港、粤澳车辆往来现状及特点,大湾区车辆跨境往来面临的主要问题有:通行配额审批条件严格,程序繁琐;通行关口负载严重,港澳交通承载力薄弱;配额资源配置不合理,供求关系不平衡。为便捷大湾区车辆往来,应探索适应发展需要的大湾区车辆往来管理新模式,创新粤港澳三地车辆往来便利化政策,最终建立单边放开、布局合理、运行高效的交通系统。  相似文献   
“机动车一方”:道路交通事故赔偿义务人解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国法律对确认承担无过错责任的机动车一方的规定并不明确,理论和实践中存在不同的观点和做法。本文首先研究了作为机动车一方的赔偿义务人的认定标准,通过分析危险责任的理论基础,得出保有者是真正的赔偿义务人的结论。文章根据实际支配力+运行收益的标准分析了转让而未过户、借用、租赁、被盗窃或抢劫及挂靠营运等实践中比较普遍的情形下赔偿义务人的具体认定,并通过与机动车第三者责任强制保险比较,讨论了机动车第三者责任商业保险中保险人的赔偿义务问题。  相似文献   
根据车辆速度计算公式,提出了两种基于监控视频测速的思路。一是视频图像与实地测量相结合,车辆运动距离通过与监控画面匹配后实地测量,运动时间通过视频帧率运算分别获得。二是利用车辆技术参数测量,在视频图像中,车身前后明显部位经过同一点,车辆运动距离和时间分别通过被测车型技术参数、视频帧率运算获得。并通过实验结果对两种方法进行评价。  相似文献   
一般案例是否具有拘束力、应否被赋予拘束力有待于社会的充分检验。成文法体系下的司法应以法律规范的适用为首选择,而不是案例。对一般案例的适用与否,裁判者应通过对大量案例的充分比较、分析,作出取舍,而不能是简单的对个案的遵从。  相似文献   
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