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Since its birth in the last quarter of the twentieth century, the animal liberation movement has attempted to expose the transnational, global character of speciecism and institutionalised forms of exploitation. Within the American panorama, however, the “war against terror” following 9/11 had such a profound effect on (radical) activism at a legal and legislative level that the movement found itself in the position of having to reassess their focus, leading to theoretical and aesthetic responses to anti-terrorist rhetoric. The aim of this article is (1) to examine the manner by which anti-terrorist rhetoric affected the movement and how the movement appropriated such rhetoric to reinvent their own discourse, and (2) analyse the audiovisual semiotics employed by Denis Hennelly in his 2010 film, Bold Native, so as to address how issues central to the movement’s current struggle and assimilation of concepts such as “terrorism” and “patriotism” translate at an aesthetic level.  相似文献   

In 1804 Haitian and African revolutionaries defeated their French former masters to achieve the only successful slave revolt in history. In C. L. R. James's (1963, 391) standard account of this event, it is described as the moment West Indians first became aware of themselves as a people. Slavery was abolished and Haiti was transformed to a legal sanctuary for all Africa ‐ descended people seeking freedom; a great justice milestone. However, the country's subsequent 200‐year history has been dominated by the struggle for justice; crippled by a dysfunctional judicial system with ‘justice’ bought and sold to the highest bidder. What justice? Better yet, whose perspective of justice? This article attempts to explicate a Haitian conception of justice by looking at the historical underpinnings of justice theories in Haiti, the ‘inside‐the‐court formal system and the outside‐the‐court form of community justice’ (Moore 1992, 15). It argues that for any system of justice to work it must be based on a Haitian perspective of justice grounded in Haiti's history and its dignity‐centred approach to justice.  相似文献   
The Lehi, a fringe Jewish paramilitary group created in 1940, conducted a concerted terrorist campaign against the British authorities in Palestine during and after World War II, proclaiming that its activities were undertaken in the name of national liberation. Lehi was founded and led by Avraham Stern, also known as “Yair.” Scholar, intellectual, and poet, Stern developed a fundamental ideology of national and messianic Jewish terrorism, which became the ideological basis not only for the work of the Lehi, but also for later Jewish terrorist activism. The present article examines the intellectual foundations of Lehi terrorism and how its intellectual and ideological principles influenced Lehi's most controversial activities—internal terrorism and the execution of its own members. In conclusion, the author traces the impact of Stern's intellectual legacy on later generations of Jewish terrorists.  相似文献   
20世纪90年代"新生代"女作家多写个人生活与自我生存体验,企图以此对抗男性社会,建构起与众不同的女性话语空间.但这种私人化写作本身存在很大的局限性,极有可能成为某些人追逐经济利益的工具,从而进一步强化女人"第二性"的地位.  相似文献   
金融服务自由化是GATS追求的终极目标,但这并非意味着GATS只是一味地追求金融效率而忽视金融监管和金融安全,相反,其将金融服务自由化和金融监管的关系视为金融服务贸易领域的核心问题。因此,作为GATS中平衡两者关系的重要依据——“审慎例外”就具有非常特殊并重要的地位。本文旨在剖析GATS的这一重要例外制度,首先分析审慎例外原则的内涵和法律特征,并进一步探讨该原则的发展趋势,即GATS框架下审慎监管标准将实现与国际金融监管标准的协调与融合,最后指出审慎例外对我国金融监管的启示,我国应充分利用该例外制度维护我国金融业健康、快速发展。  相似文献   
对马克思国家理论的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思国家理论中的国家属于社会历史范畴,国家的产生、发展和消亡,受历史规律的支配,是历史性的要求;国家的产生,是阶级矛盾不可调和的产物,阶级斗争贯穿于阶级社会和国家的全部历史;只有无产阶级专政的国家,才能够以社会的名义占有全部的生产资料,以此来消灭阶级,使国家失去阶级统治的性质而自行消亡。  相似文献   
我们党之所以能在短短的 80年间取得辉煌成就 ,是因为她始终追求马克思主义这种唯一正确的信仰。我们党对正确信仰的追求分为以下几个阶段 :形成共同的马克思主义信仰 ,中国共产党诞生 ;把正确信仰同中国革命实际相结合 ,新中国诞生 ;实践正确信仰 ,进行中国社会主义建设 ;坚持正确信仰 ,建设有中国特色的社会主义 ;按照马克思主义信仰的要求 ,建设永立时代潮头的中国共产党。只要执着追求正确信仰 ,中国就有希望。  相似文献   
《女权主义政治与人的本质》是阿莉森.贾格尔的代表作。该书认为异化概念可以为系统分析当代社会女性所受压迫提供一个比阶级分析更恰当的理论框架。异化是当代资本主义社会中女性的普遍和基本体验,女性的彻底解放需要一种社会生产的全新组织模式和彻底消除女性柔弱气质。该书认识到了父权制和资本主义制度之间的同一性和彼此强化性,但用异化这个马克思在其成熟时期已然弃用的概念来做理论框架的基础使得贾格尔的分析有时会显得力不从心。  相似文献   
通过对神秘性、理性和权力三个因素的考察可以发现,立法和法律规制在某些情况下会建构出许多不被信任的人和群体。这会带来社会排斥、解放的陷落以及“新的种族主义”发生的可能。为了避免这些情况的发生,需要在立法和法律规制的时候有对法律中的知识要素、法律的引导功能有足够的反思,同时通过法律赋权使被建构出的不被信任的人能够有效回归社会。  相似文献   
马克思主义分析学派基于“公共利益问题”对无产阶级革命动机的分析,对无产阶级革命的“功利”动机和“道义”动机提出了挑战。这一学派的理论前提是把无产阶级理解为理性自利的个体,无疑暴露了这一学派的理论缺陷。马克思关于无产阶级历史任务的阐述表明,无产阶级的革命动机并非源自人性的理性自利,而是内在于人类社会历史发展的客观结构。澄清无产阶级的革命动机,不仅需要追问无产阶级的革命目的,而且需要将激发“阶级意识”和还原“社会结构”结合起来,实现对无产阶级作为革命主体的理论自觉。只有如此,在当代资本主义发生重大变化的背景下,无产阶级革命追求人的自由和解放的理论旨归才能得到全面而深入的阐发。  相似文献   
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