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This paper looks at the genesis of a discourse on urbanismo (city planning) in Brazil and Argentina between 1894 and 1945 using the ideas of Michel Foucault on discipline and his concept of bio–power. The demographic pattern of the major cities in both countries from 1890 onwards and the renewals of the centres of these cities are also discussed. Other sections are dedicated to the plans proposed for the same cities in the 1920s and to urban representations, such as ideas about social reform, the role of hygiene as a point of departure for planning, and the relationship of ideas on Taylorism (scientific management) and the city. The paper also discusses the planners opposition to elections, when they claimed that they were the only ones qualified to deal with urban problems and therefore they should be employed in the state apparatus.
Other concerns of the paper are the use of planning as an element of nation building and ideas defining eugenics (race 'betterment') as an important aspect of city planning. I conclude by arguing that, if implemented, city planning was a way of creating an industrial culture, disciplining society through the city, although the industrial proletariat has never made up the majority of the population in Brazil or Argentina. Even if many aspects of the plans proposed for both countries were not implemented, the discourse of planners can be seen as a will to discipline society through the city. This discipline would affect the freedom of movement of human bodies, and is therefore approached through Foucault's concepts of bio–power and discipline  相似文献   
文章以天津市妇联为个案,应用摩塞框架对妇联的下岗女工再就业服务进行了社会性别分析,目的是探讨下岗女工再就业服务在推进性别平等和社会性别主流化方面的作用和影响,反思再就业政策的取向。  相似文献   
新世纪妇女理论研究的视点探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新世纪妇女理论研究面临的新环境、新课题和新要求 ,要求我国妇女理论研究应关注以下五个问题 :以全球化背景下国际社会普遍面临的妇女问题为核心的共生性问题研究 ;以应对体制转型时期女性突出问题为核心的对策性妇女问题研究 ;以促进妇女权益实现为核心的体制创新性妇女理论研究 ;以实现妇女问题解决为核心的条件性妇女理论研究 ;以探索中国妇女运动发展规律为核心的妇女理论研究  相似文献   
论日本女训中的儒家女性观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受中国女训影响,随着儒家思想的兴盛以及封建家制度的确立和完善,日本女训在近世得到了广泛的发展和普及。对男尊女卑等儒家女性观的吸收和借鉴是日本女训最为鲜明的特色之一,但这种借鉴并不是全盘照搬,而是根据日本的社会现状,有选择地加以模仿。探讨其中所体现的儒家女性观,有利于我们把握当时日本女性的生存状况及其对当今日本女性社会地位的影响。  相似文献   
This study explores the experience of ten possible beneficiaries of the measures provided by the Chilean government during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic through remote semi-structured interviews. The results show a scenario of improvisation. Instead of relying on solid gender equity policies, a patchwork of focused measures was implemented, which increased uncertainty and vulnerability. As a result, women experienced sorrow and despair while facing economic constraints and care tasks mostly on their own. This article shows that care remains invisible in politics while overwhelmingly evident at home. Social care policies are urgently needed.  相似文献   
邓小平的对外开放理论是马克思世界历史理论在当代中国的坚持和发展。邓小平对马克思世界历史理论的新发展主要表现在以下几个方面:立足于当代世界局势和基本国情,提出了“现在的世界是开放的世界”的科学论断;基于对中国长期停滞落后历史教训的深刻总结,提出了“中国的发展离不开世界”的科学认识;顺应世界历史发展趋势,立足国情,在对外开放中建设中国特色的社会主义。  相似文献   
从韶关市村委会的构成看农村妇女政治参与   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对韶关市村委会构成的抽样调查表明 :村委会构成中妇女比例小且处于配角地位 ,农村妇女政治参与意识弱且与当地经济发展水平无明显因果关系 ;妇女的传统角色定位、指派荐举方式、文化素质、农户独立耕作制度是农村妇女政治参与的障碍。应通过鼓励、政策倾斜及妇联组织介入提高妇女在村委会中的比例 ,调动农村妇女的政治参与热情  相似文献   
现代女性的性别觉醒及其性别重塑,是对女性自我历史命运的一次深刻的性别自救。这种新女性形象的塑造,体现了现代女作家以解构男权性爱霸权,建构女性情爱主体为旨归的创作追求。  相似文献   
历史人类学刍议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
符太浩 《思想战线》2003,29(1):61-66
历史人类学是文化人类学的一门新兴边缘学科 ,由于这一新兴学科的研究领域是历史上的各民族文化 ,并且在研究过程中需要借助于大量的历史典籍资料 ,容易使人将其与历史学相混。历史人类学是一门具有特定研究领域并具有文化人类学研究传统的新兴分支学科 ,其实质与价值不可能被其他任何学科替代 ,其发展也不会损及其他学科 ,因而应当对这门新兴学科加以积极引进和消化吸收 ,早日形成本土化的中国历史人类学。  相似文献   
11年来,我国在社会主义市场经济理论研究和改革实践中,取得了显著成就.实践证明:市场在资源配置中的基础性调节作用,市场机制与公有制为主体且多种所有制并存,效率优先,讲求信用关系和契约关系,内外开放,是社会主义市场经济的突出特征.加快市场化进程,规范政府职能,建立科学的人本假设理论,是进一步完善和巩固我国社会主义市场经济的重要保证.  相似文献   
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