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李斌 《行政与法》2013,(1):52-55
我国是世界遗产大国,世界遗产数量众多,对世界文化遗产如何保护与利用,是我国在推进社会主义文化大发展大繁荣中必须高度关注的问题。本文以"双世遗"武夷山为样本,从武夷山世界文化遗产保护与利用的现状入手,分析了武夷山世界文化遗产保护与利用过程中存在的主要问题,在此基础上提出要树立科学理念、推动多元参与、强化法律约束、加大资金投入力度、注重人才培养等相关对策,以期加强对武夷山世界文化遗产的保护与利用。  相似文献   
The history of the Islamic movement in Jordan displays glaring contrasts with its counterparts in other Islamic countries such as Egypt, pre-Revolutionary Iran, and Syria. In a marked departure from a history of violence that characterized the relationship between the state and the Islamic opposition in these countries, the Jordanian Muslim Brothers was not only a peaceful movement but also often defended the state against the challenges of radical ideologies. Following the democratization process launched by the late King Hussein, the Muslim Brothers participated in electoral politics. To adapt itself to the new pluralistic environment, the movement displayed a move toward secularization. This process was reflected in an organizational differentiation and the rationalization of religious discourse. This paper attempts to explain this remarkable phenomenon by first considering the effects of the structure, ideology, and cultural policies of the state and of the development of social classes on the Islamic movement. It then considers the way in which the legal framework and political pluralism in the 1990s contributed to the secularization of the movement.  相似文献   
严存生 《现代法学》2003,25(3):175-181
西方的法律大同观念由来已久 ,它经历了自然法、万民法、世界法、法律全球化几个发展阶段。而在这些不同阶段 ,西方人对法律大同的具体理解是有差异的 ,这些概念记载了其中的异趣 ,也反映了他们在这个问题认识上的曲折过程。研究这些概念 ,探索法律全球化观念的思想渊源 ,这于我们正确理解和把握其涵义 ,显然是不无意义的  相似文献   
The attribution of responsibility to victims of bad fate (“blaming the victim”) is discussed under the perspective of Just World Theory (Lerner, 1980) and the Defensive Attribution Hypothesis (Walster, 1966; Shaver, 1970). Whereas Just World Theory suggests that the belief in a just world is the decisive motive of increased attributions of responsibility, the Defensive Attribution Hypothesis assumes that these attributions are motivated by the need to believe in internal locus of control. Research evidence shows both motives as conceptually linked and empirically correlated. The central question is whether belief in a just world and belief in internal control are facets of the same latent variable or empirically distinguishable constructs, and whether they contribute independently to attributions of responsibility and blame to victims of misfortune. Results of a questionnaire study assessing opinions about cancer and cancer victims are reported. There is evidence from factor analyses that the two motives are indeed distinguishable constructs. The correlation patterns and the results of multiple regression analyses show that both motives are meaningfully related to attributions of responsibility. Moreover, it is suggested that belief in a just world is not a homogeneous construct. Belief in immanent justice according to which present misfortune is seen as a consequence of prior faults and sins is differentiated from belief in ultimate justice according to which one can be sure that present misfortune will be compensated in the long run. Whereas belief in immanent justice is the most important predictor for attributions of responsibility, the suggested emotional consequences of such attributions, like belief in invulnerability or confidence in coping, can be predicted by belief in internal control and belief in ultimate justice. Finally, suggestions are made to extend Just World Theory to clarify the function of justice motives in the person's search for meaning in his or her life.  相似文献   
当今世界既不是实现共产主义的前提条件已渐趋成熟,也不是处在迈向社会主义的最后一道门槛上,仍然处在社会主义的漫长和艰辛的长征途中。社会主义在世界历史长过程中应该有若干个发展阶段或周期,前一个周期是后一个周期在历史经验、发展模式以及实践和认识的积累,后一个周期是在前一个周期发展基础上的更高的台阶,是站在更高的制高点上的、更为成熟的体系周期。今天,中国人民正在探索过去一个世纪以来任何社会主义都没有走过的道路,这是社会主义从传统走向现代、从较低平台走向新的更高制高点的真实写照。  相似文献   
当代国际上人才竞争日趋激烈。各国都千方百计为保住本国人才资源,发达国家挖空心思地争夺别国人才。发展中国家人才流失严重,造成经济和社会发展蒙受惨重损失。发达国家之间的人才争夺战也十分激烈。  相似文献   
对于处于战略防守方的中国而言,越是要向外拓展软实力,就越是要重视挖掘自身的凝聚力。凝聚力与软实力本来就是一体两面的,均源于文化自身的吸引力,尽管其着力点不同,却共同决定了一个国家的精神潜力。应当注重从外人的眼光来反思中国的历史文化传统,因为对中国是凝聚力的东西,对外人往往就是软实力。中华民族延续不断的历史,其“衰而又兴”的凝聚力,正是中国最柔韧的软实力。国家统一与地方文化多元发展的和谐共存,其“和而不同”的凝聚力,正是中国最亲和的软实力。即使共同经历的灾难,也会不可思议地加深各族人民之间的凝聚力,因为正是处在一个命运共同体中,才会同甘共苦,共同期待未来。但是,从“协和万邦”古老理念到倡导“和谐世界”新国际安全观,并不一定意味着皆大欢喜的和平红利,也可能带来不确定性危险,因为对西方而言,这可能意味着道德和意识形态层面的挑战。中国的文化软实力,不应只是怀柔感化作用的代名词,还应包含和体现敢于力抗强者、主持正义、维护公正等精神内涵与道德形象,当然,这就更需要自身具备坚不可摧的凝聚力。  相似文献   
讲好中国故事,提升中国国际话语权,是当前国际传播的重要命题。本文以《中国日报》《纽约时报》对剩女议题的报道文本为分析对象,对其媒体表达进行深度剖析。研究认为,就性别议题而言,以媒体表达推动国际话语权提升的方法和路径可归纳为:信源的多元化、平衡性和适合度相结合;运用综合、实证等丰富多样的表达方式;增强应对意识和能力;强化受众意识。  相似文献   
本文从"以人为本"的观念是"建设和谐世界"新理念的基础,全面准确地判断国际格局的发展方向是"建设和谐世界"的前提,坚持可持续发展和协调地发展对内对外关系是"建设和谐世界"的保障等三个方面论述胡锦涛主席所提出的"建设和谐世界"新理念与科学发展观之间的关系,并提出该新理念是我国今后外交实践的指导方针,也是科学发展观在我国的外交决策和处理国际事务中的完美体现.  相似文献   
对外开放的能力是驾驭市场经济能力的重要组成部分,也是党的执政能力的重要内容.在全球化的浪潮中的中国社会主义发展有必要和有可能坚持和平发展这个主流,转变对外贸易增长方式要转变经济增长方式结合起来,"走出去"战略是较高的发展战略,必须实施品牌战略.深化涉外经济体制改革不仅是涉外部门发展的需要,而且是关乎国家经济安全的大事.我们要把国家经济安全作为深化涉外经济体制改革的重要内容.要使涉外经济体制成为抵御外患的屏障,缓解内忧的机制.  相似文献   
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