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随着全球化进程的深入和现代科学技术的发展,信息传播速度日益加快,很容易在极短的时间内形成强大的舆论力量。正确分析国际关系中的舆论因素,探讨其特点、作用,对于制定外交政策,处理国家间关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   
通过对家长权威、亲情、金钱、舆论等因素的排除分析,认为《边城》中爱情悲剧发生的深层原因是:边城里的民风民情造成人与人沟通的障碍,从而导致悲剧的发生。并进一步探讨湘西世界民风民情的历史构成,以此分析沈从文创作背后内心世界的隐痛。  相似文献   
论文在简要回顾了世界体系论的主要观点的基础上,系统地总结了从世界体系角度出发的世界城市理论。该理论认为,世界城市的性质、地位和内部特征都由世界经济体系所决定,随着劳动分工、资本控制的变化而变化;在信息时代和全球化的背景下,世界城市承担着国际生产、金融和资本控制中心的职能,实现着最大化的剩余价值抽取;跨国资本阶层是世界城市的主人和主要受益者,中低收入阶层、移民等群体的处境却在恶化;世界城市由于在金融、生产性服务业和企业总部等方面的集中性程度的差异,构成了一个以中心和半边缘地带的世界城市为核心、世界其他地区为边缘的世界城市体系。论文的最后对从世界体系角度出发的世界城市理论进行了简要的总结、评论和批判。  相似文献   
History reveals that ‘copyright’ was originally monopolistic (in the early fifteenth century) and remained so until the enactment of the Statute of Anne in 1709. Since then copyright has striven to maintain a delicate balance between incentive to authors and avoiding monopolistic stagnation. To achieve these goals, certain monopoly-defeating mechanisms have been adopted such as: fair use, public domain, the idea/expression dichotomy and the exhaustion doctrine. Recently, however, with the implementation of new laws: for instance the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1988), the EU Copyright Directive (2001), and the implementation of the EU Copyright and Related Rights Regulation amending the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988, there is a growing concern that the mechanisms which were enacted to defeat the monopoly will not work in the digital medium. With the provision of affixing technological measures to copyrighted works and the non-application of the exhaustion doctrine in the digital world, arguably the monopoly defeating mechanisms have been disabled. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the way monopoly defeating mechanisms are becoming non-functional in the digital world. Furthermore, the study also demonstrates how the European Copyright Directive and the UK implementation of the Directive has transgressed the boundary of exclusive rights set by the two World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties – the World Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performers and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) – and copyright law, thereby strengthening the copyright owner's rights in a way that was never intended by the WIPO treaties or by copyright law. Consequently, the new laws have also shifted copyright's attention from commercial pirates to non-commercial individual users. The study aims to demonstrate how the shift took place and finally, trace the recurrence of the monopoly; giving rise to a situation where there is no fair use/dealing, no public domain, no idea/expression distinction and no exhaustion doctrine.  相似文献   
Status generalization refers to the capacity of status characteristics, such as race, gender, or occupation, to become the basis of social inequality even when such characteristics are not directly relevant to the immediate social interaction. For instance, individuals with positively valued status characteristics are more likely to assume positions of power and prestige than those of lower standing. To date, status generalization has been assumed to arise from stereotyped beliefs that associate positive standing on a status characteristic with positively valued personal attributes. Findings from two studies indicate that the capacity for status characteristics to produce power and prestige orders may also depend on people's need to believe in a just world. In the first study, participants were fortuitously granted a position of either superior or equal power and prestige to another person. Consistent with just world predictions, participants portrayed themselves more positively relative to the other on assessments of personal attributes when they occupied a superior position than when they occupied a position of equal power and prestige. Results from a second study showed that the tendency to link personal attributes with power and prestige standing was strongest for participants who scored high on the Just World Scale. Thus, just world beliefs appear to play a role in status generalization processes.  相似文献   
时代主题是对时代发展进程的深入把握。时代主题内容的确定,必须以时代特定发展阶段的主要矛盾为依据。只有这样,我们才能深刻领会将和平与发展概括为现阶段时代主题的必然性与科学性,也才能对当前时代主题是否发生了变化作出正确的回答。  相似文献   
党的十六届四中全会坚持科学世界观和方法论,全面总结了党执政的主要经验,坚持总结过去、尊重历史与面向未来、开拓进取相统一,坚持社会主义建设规律、党的执政规律和人类社会发展规律相统一,坚持党的执政目的和执政基础相统一,坚持党执政的合法性与科学性相统一。这六条执政经验构成了有机统一的整体,是党的宝贵财富,必须倍加珍惜,并用于指导新的实践。  相似文献   
我国宪法的制定、修改与社会法治化转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江启疆 《现代法学》2005,27(4):35-41
中国向法治社会的转型是通过社会内部自身变革的方式在政府主导之下得以实现的。转型的轨迹可以描述为:思想解放运动使全党全国人民在新的时代条件下重新认识了马克思主义,在彻底否定和不断排除影响中国发展的“左倾”、“右倾”思想和观念的同时,人们的现代文明思想与理念也得到了全面提升并不断加深修养;在正确认识社会基本矛盾和主要矛盾的同时,开始了改革开放将马克思主义与我国社会主义具体实践相结合的发展探索道路。民主法制的重建和不断完善,经济体制和政治体制改革不断深入在实现了市场经济制度的前提下,最终实现了社会向法治化的转型。  相似文献   
经济全球化对世界经济、世界政治及二者的关系都具有重要的影响,世界政治经济化和世界经济政治化是经济全球化时代突出的现象。世界经济对世界政治的主要影响有:经济实力是国家综合国力最核心的内容,影响国家在国际政治中的地位;经济多中心推动着政治多极化不断发展;经济利益的差异和矛盾是国家间对抗和冲突的根源;经济手段越来越成为解决国际政治问题的重要手段;经济安全构成国际社会安全的重要内容。  相似文献   
才利民 《理论学刊》2012,(6):4-9,127
改革开放30多年来,山东省始终坚持改革开放不动摇,不断推动对外开放向纵深发展,逐步形成了全方位、宽领域、多层次的对外开放格局,有效推进了山东省国际化进程.新世纪的第二个十年,国内外环境正呈现一系列新变化、新特点,也是山东省建设全面小康社会的关键时期.在新的历史时期,要切实增强对外开放的责任感和紧迫感,更加重视统筹国内发展和对外开放,把对外开放作为经济社会发展全局当中的重点工作加以推进,切实做到以开放促改革、促创新、促发展,实现新时期对外开放的新跨越,促进山东省经济社会平稳较快发展.  相似文献   
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