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憲法保障國家領土完整在危害國家安全的行為中,分裂國家是性質極其嚴重的行為。這基於一個基本的邏輯,先有國家存在,才能組織政府,保護人民的生命、自由和財產。國家的存在是組建政府、保障人民安居樂業的基礎。理論上講,國家統一和領土完整是優先於政府組織形式而作為先決條件存在的。所謂皮之不存,毛將焉附。如果國家被外國入侵滅亡了,或者陷入四分五裂、割據混戰的局面,也就談不上組建政府、保護人民了。對於中國人民來說,尤其珍視國家統一和領土完整,因  相似文献   
A New View on Sino-U. S.Relations Sino-U. S. relations seem to have emerged into a more positive light in recent years. China and the United States have sustained a strong relationship since 9/11, for the simple reason that international relations at present require mutual support.  相似文献   
引言成立知識產權法院,推進中國知識產權司法改革,統一知識產權司法裁判標準,加強知識產權司法保護,是2014年以來中國知識產權司法保護中一個具有里程碑意義的大事。2013年11月十八屆三中全會審議通過的《中共中央關於全面深化改革若干重大問題的決定》就提出要‘加強知識產權的運用和保護,健全技術創新激勵機制,探索建立知識產權法院’。2014年8月31日,第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議通過了《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關於在北京、上海、  相似文献   
The philosophy of binary purpose in conjunction with a holistic approach reflects sustainable development.These ideas are in accordance with Chinese traditional philosophy and culture,as well as the contemporary economic and social development.It calls for the central government's support to achieve sustainable development at the initial stage.However,in the long run,this approach has drawbacks which are concealed Thus,prompt adjustment is needed.In the relationship between the systems of sustainable development and democracy,human rights,sovereign equality of states,and sustainable development are approbated by the Chinese law system.The bottleneck of sustainable development is linked to its ideological system.Integration is related to the bottleneck of binary purposes,good governance,public participation,and human rights.The government-oriented mechanism has a time element that is related to the bottleneck of utilitarianism and basic economic law.For China's sustainable development,breaking the bottleneck to improve the system and seizing the opportunity to make innovations are of great significance.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the conflicts of international law on genetically modified (GM) food labeling and explains possible methods to harmonize these conflicts. One way is to interpret the treaties of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Biodiversity Convention, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ); the other way is to enhance cooperation among international institutions and treaties, such as WTO, Biodiversity Convention, Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), International Law Commission (ILC), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). These methods cannot form an international standard on GM food labeling accepted by most countries. The difficulties with this issue concerned illustrate that GM food labeling shows off conflicts between trade law and environmental law, which lead to legal chaos that is faced with uncertainty of technology, fragmentation of international law and diversity of domestic law, and complexity of national interests on environmental labeling and process labeling.  相似文献   
2013年12月9日,最高人民法院舉行浙江法院陽光司法指数新聞發佈會,我國首部以獨立、客觀身份從審務公開、立案庭審公開、裁判文書公開等5方面對法院進行測評的報告由中國社科院法研所發佈。此前,最高人民法院已發佈《關於推進司法公開三大平臺建設的若干意見》和《關於人民法院在互聯網公佈裁判文書的規定》,要求人民法院全面推進審判流程信息公開、裁判文書公開和執行信息公開三大平臺建設。報告的公佈,《意見》和《規定》的出臺,無不顯示出中國正集中力量以司法公開推動法治中國發展。十八大以來,新一屆中央領導集體將法治建設擺在更重要的位置,更加注重發揮法治在治國理政中的重要作用。十八屆三中全會明確提出「加快建設公正高效權威的社會主義司法制度,維護人民權益」。要實現這一目標,把握司法為民公正司法這條主線,司法公開無疑是一條重要路徑。本期特選取最高人民法院司改辦劉樹德的文章,深入分析司法公開在中國的相關規範和實踐。  相似文献   
我国检察机关是国家法律监督机关,依法承担着对刑事诉讼、民事诉讼、行政诉讼实行法律监督的重要职责。检察法律文书,是人民检察院为实现其法律监督职责,依据法律规定所制作的具有法律效力的司法公文。作为人民检察院依法实施各项诉讼行为的重要书面凭证,  相似文献   


Criminological research consistently demonstrates that approximately 5% of study populations are comprised of pathological offenders who account for a preponderance of antisocial behavior and violent crime. Unfortunately, there have been no nationally representative epidemiological studies characterizing the severe 5% group.

Materials and Methods

Data from the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), a nationally representative sample of 43,093 non-institutionalized U.S. residents aged 18 years and older were analyzed using latent class analysis to assess sociodemographic, psychiatric, and behavioral characteristics.


Four-classes of respondents were identified vis-à-vis lifetime externalizing behaviors. A normative class (66.1% of respondents) demonstrated little involvement in antisocial conduct. A low substance use/high antisocial behavior class (20.7% of respondents) and high substance use/moderate antisocial behavior (8.0% of respondents) class evinced diverse externalizing and psychiatric symptoms. Finally, a severe class (5.3% of respondents) was characterized by pathological involvement in more varied and intensive forms of antisocial and externalizing behaviors and extensive psychiatric disturbance.


The current study is the first nationally representative epidemiological study of criminal careers/externalizing behavior spectrum in the United States and validates the existence of the 5% pathological group demonstrated by prior research.  相似文献   
Compared with the studies on the trilateral relations among China, the US and Russia, among China, the US and Europe, and among China, the US and Japan, for a long time there has been a distinct lack of studies on the trilateral relations among China, the US and Latin America1 as an independent analytic framework.2 With the further development of China-US-Latin America relations, the effectiveness of such a trilateral framework has gradually been recognized in academic circles.  相似文献   
Fu大爷 《新民周刊》2022,(13):70-71
做了外卖小哥,才知道他们太苦太累了,一单也不过六块、十块钱。一个棕色的背包、一辆自行车、外加无限动力的大长腿,我这个一米九二的男人,从没想过有一天,在空无一人的上海街头,挨家挨户地送外卖。我叫“Fu大爷”,一位白领,留学过西班牙,在南美做过项目,来上海五年半,兼职脱口秀演员。  相似文献   
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