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After the late 1980s, it has become the increasingly significant and popular political opinion and activity to resolve public problems and optimize supply of political products by means of governance system. Beyond one-dimension return to market or government, governance system optimizes the effectiveness and equity of supply of political products, in virtue of integrating the political influence of market, government, society and citizen. The supply-side of political products is institutionalized political system which produces and distributes political products autonomously. Structure of supply-side is foundational ingredient of supply-side. In the context of state governance , the fundamental content and objective of Supply-side structural reformation is that state political system ameliorates structure of supply side, including value judgment, supplying subjects and supplying instrument and so on. The reform process integrates supply side with characteristics of the modernization of state governance.  相似文献   
胡锦涛同志既继承了毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民关于大学生思想政治教育的基本思想和精神实质,又与时俱进,根据时代的新形势和新要求进行了丰富和创新,对大学生思想政治教育的理念、内容和方法作出了许多新的论述,从而极大地丰富了我们党大学生思想政治教育的思想宝库,对当前大学生思想政治教育具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
我国《老年人权益保障法》第26条确立了老年人任意监护制度,适应了人口老龄化问题突出、人权保障观念深化的时代背景,融入保障身心障碍者福利理念,弥补了老年人监护制度方面的立法空白.但是我国新确立的老年人任意监护制度仍存在受监护对象狭窄、缺乏具体实施办法、监护监督机制不健全等问题.针对我国老年人任意监护制度中存在的问题,该制度中关键的老年人委托监护合同与任意监护监督制度的配套规则亟需完善.  相似文献   
孔令杰 《时代法学》2006,4(4):89-97
针对私法冲突,波斯纳(Richard A.Posner)提出了“比较管理优势说”(Comparative Regulatory Advan-tage Theory),分析一州在某类案件上的管理优势,主张适用符合比较管理优势标准的冲突法规范解决法律冲突。比较管理优势说以州为中心,运用法经济学方法分析了州际私法冲突,主张通过州与州间的合作实现冲突法效率的最大化。但该理论亦存在很多的缺陷与不足。以比较管理优势说为起点,运用贸易理论上的绝对优势与相对优势模型,结合法院地法主义与适当的适用外国法的理念,我们可以看出冲突法在法律适用上应追求“自由贸易”。  相似文献   
孔令杰  王看  刘聪聪 《亚非纵横》2016,(4):69-86,124,125
自菲律宾于2013年1月提起仲裁程序以来,南海仲裁案成为国内外媒体追踪报道的热点话题。查明国际主流媒体关于此案的报道情况,梳理其常用报道手法,界定报道中常见的事实错误,比较总结其与中国官方媒体的对抗焦点,显然有助于我国在最终裁决出台后做好关于该案的外宣工作。2013-2015年间域外主流媒体报道情况的调查研究表明,它们共采取了先声夺人、片面报道、曲解事实等八种报道手法,存在中国主张整个南海的主权等八个常见事实错误,与中国官方媒体在案件起因、中方立场政策合法性等六个方面存在直接的观点对抗。国际主流媒体对该案的报道具有明显的主观性、片面性、误导性,影响国际社会对案件形成客观认知,严重削弱了我国在南海问题上的国际话语表达。我国宜坚持"有理、有利、有节"的基本原则,积极采取必要和适当措施,加强该案的外宣工作,努力将该案对我国的负面影响降到最低。  相似文献   
澜沧江—湄公河是联通中国与下游五国的黄金水道,在区域合作中发挥着不可替代的作用。湄公河流域频发的犯罪活动,尤其是2011年10月发生在金三角水域的惨案,将联合执法提上了区域安全合作的议事日程。事件发生后,中老缅泰四国通过开展联合巡逻执法恢复了湄公河的国际航运,但相关制度的构建仍在探索之中。四国应依据相关国际法原则,结合该流域的现实情况,参照其他流域和国家的实践,尽快签署联合执法合作协定。  相似文献   
This paper is a survey on the information practices of Chinesewebsites. Three groups of Chinese commercial websites were selectedand their information practices were analysed and compared withthe generally accepted principles of online information practices.Survey results indicated that Chinese websites collected a vastamount of personal data through various forms. The percentageof websites posting privacy disclosures was comparatively small.For those sites with privacy policy or discrete privacy statement,their information practices did not accord with generally acceptedprinciples of information practices. The paper presents recommendationsfor China to deal with such a legal issue that makes nationalborders meaningless.  相似文献   
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