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This study sought to assign a rough order of magnitude for the amount of explosive residue likely to be available in real-world searches for clandestine explosives. A variety of explosives (TNT, TATP, HMX, AN, RDX, PETN) in various forms (powder, flake, detonating cord, plastic) were carefully weighed or cut into containers, and the amount of residue inadvertently remaining on the work area, hands, or containers was quantified. This was used to evaluate the spillage potential of each explosive. The adhesion of each explosive to a glass surface was quantified from amount of explosive adhering to the inside of a glass vial into which the explosive had been placed and then removed by vigorous tapping. In powdered form, most of the explosives--TNT, PETN, RDX, HMX, and TATP--exhibited similar spillage and adhesion to glass. However, PETN as sheet explosive and plasticized RDX (C-4), showed very little potential to contaminate surfaces, either by spillage or adhesion to glass.  相似文献   
The emergence of webOS on Palm devices has created new challenges and opportunities for digital investigators. With the purchase of Palm by Hewlett Packard, there are plans to use webOS on an increasing number and variety of computer systems. These devices can store substantial amounts of information relevant to an investigation, including digital photographs, videos, call logs, SMS/MMS messages, e-mail, remnants of Web browsing and much more. Although some files can be obtained from such devices with relative ease, the majority of information of forensic interest is stored in databases on a system partition that many mobile forensic tools do not acquire. This paper provides a methodology for acquiring and examining forensic duplicates of user and system partitions from a device running webOS. The primary sources of digital evidence on these devices are covered with illustrative examples. In addition, the recovery of deleted items from various areas on webOS devices is discussed.  相似文献   
The relatively low level of concern about climate change among Americans has important implications for climate policy. While many studies have examined individual characteristics associated with climate change attitudes, fewer studies have considered the effects of environmental conditions on such attitudes. Here, we use two national samples of American adults to explore the impact of abnormal daily temperatures on levels of concern about climate change. We test the hypotheses that (1) abnormally warm temperatures, and (2) both abnormally warm and abnormally cool temperatures are associated with higher levels of concern. Using a generalized ordinal logit, we find that the quadratic form of deviation from mean temperature on the date of the survey is significantly associated with higher levels of concern, thus supporting the second hypothesis. We discuss several theoretical frameworks that may explain this result including availability bias, mental models, and implicit stimuli, and the implications for climate policy.  相似文献   
Pipe bombs of steel or PVC fragment in reproducible patterns when similarly configured. The power of the explosion correlates with number, mass, and size of the fragments recovered, where a large number of small, low‐mass fragments indicate a high‐power event and vice versa. In discussing performance, describing pipe fragmentation pattern by fragment weight distribution mapping (FWDM) or fragment surface area distribution mapping (FSADM) was useful. When fillers detonated, detonation velocities of ~4.4 mm/μs were measured. In such cases, side walls of the pipe were thrown first; the average fragment velocity was ~1000 km/s. In deflagrations, the end cap was first thrown; fragment velocities were only ~240 km/s. Blast overpressures varied; at 10 feet, 2 × 12 inch steel pipes containing ~550 g of detonable mixture produced overpressures of 5–6 psi; similar nondetonating pipes produced less than 2 psi. Maximum fragment throw distances were 250–300 m, with an average of ~100 m.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Chemicals containing multiple peroxide functionalities, such as triacetone triperoxide (TATP), diacetone diperoxide (DADP), or hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD), can be explosive. They are impractical and are not used by legitimate military groups because they are shock and heat sensitive compared to military explosives. They are attractive to terrorists because synthesis is straightforward, requiring only a few easily obtained ingredients. Physical removal of these synthesis products is highly hazardous. This paper discusses methods to degrade peroxide explosives chemically, at room temperature. A number of mixtures containing metals (e.g., zinc, copper) and metal salts (e.g., zinc sulfate, copper chloride) were found effective, some capable of destroying TATP solutions in a few hours. Strong acids proved useful against solid peroxide materials; however, on a 1 g scale, addition of concentrated sulfuric acid caused TATP to detonate. Thus, this technique should only be used to destroy small-laboratory quantities.  相似文献   
This study examines the sorption of eight explosives (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene [TNT]; pentaerythritol tetranitrate [PETN]; hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-s-triazine [RDX]; diacetone diperoxide [DADP]; triacetone triperoxide [TATP]; ethylene glycol [EGDN], nitroglycerin [NG]; and 2,4-dinitrotoluene [DNT]) to human hair. The study uses only cut hair, which is exposed to explosive vapor. The vapor transfer studies reported herein indicated that hair did not reach saturation even after 2.5 years of exposure to TNT. While previous studies showed black hair sorbed more explosive than blond or brown, this study reports that red hair sorption is similar to black, while grey hairs, exposed along with black hair from the same individual, sorbed significantly less explosive than the same individual's black hairs. In a study using only black hair, a slight racial bias was observed with sorption greater for Mongoloid hair as compared to Caucasian or Negroid. Only for Mongoloid hairs were enough samples studied to examine for a gender bias, but one was not observed. There was much variability in results in all categories (hair color, race, and gender) that trends were established only in general terms. Hair at different ages was tested for a few individuals. Detailed studies focused on the sorption of TATP and TNT as these appear to be sorbed most differently-TATP mainly on the hair surface and TNT both on the surface and in the cortex. The uptake of high vapor pressure explosives (e.g., TATP) and moderate vapor pressure explosives (e.g., TNT) by hair was rapid and could be detected within about 1 h of exposure. Both explosives were readily sorbed by pure melanin.  相似文献   
Toward a Psychology of Framing Effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Framing is the process by which a communication source constructs and defines a social or political issue for its audience. While many observers of political communication and the mass media have discussed framing, few have explicitly described how framing affects public opinion. In this paper we offer a theory of framing effects, with a specific focus on the psychological mechanisms by which framing influences political attitudes. We discuss important conceptual differences between framing and traditional theories of persuasion that focus on belief change. We outline a set of hypotheses about the interaction between framing and audience sophistication, and test these in an experiment. The results support our argument that framing is not merely persuasion, as it is traditionally conceived. We close by reflecting on the various routes by which political communications can influence attitudes.  相似文献   
Quantification and aging of the post-blast residue of TNT landmines   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Post-blast residues are potential interferents to chemical detection of landmines. To assess the potential problem related to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), its post-blast residue was identified and quantified. In the first part of this study laboratory-scale samples of TNT (2 g) were detonated in a small-scale explosivity device (SSED) to evaluate the explosive power and collect post-blast residue for chemical analysis. Initiator size was large relative to the TNT charge; thus, issues arose regarding choice of initiator, residue from the initiator, and afterburning of TNT. The second part of this study detonated 75 to 150 g of military-grade TNT (typical of antipersonnel mines) in 55-gal barrels containing various witness materials (metal plates, sand, barrel walls, the atmosphere). The witness materials were analyzed for explosive residue. In a third set of tests, 75-g samples of TNT were detonated over soil (from Fort Leonard Wood or Sandia National Laboratory) in an indoor firing chamber (100 by 4.6 by 2.7 m high). Targeted in these studies were TNT and four explosive-related compounds (ERC): 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT), 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB), 2- and 4-aminodinitrotoluene (2-ADNT and 4-ADNT). The latter two are microbial degradation products of TNT. Post-blast residue was allowed to age in the soils as a function of moisture contents (5 and 10%) in order to quantify the rate of degradation of the principal residues (TNT, DNT, and DNB) and formation of the TNT microbial degradation products (2-ADNT and 4-ADNT). The major distinction between landmine leakage and post-blast residue was not the identity of the species but relative ratios of amounts. In landmine leakage the DNT/TNT ratio was usually greater than 1. In post-blast residue it was on the order of 1 to 1/100th of a percent, and the total amount of pre-blast residue (landmine leakage) was a factor of 1/100 to 1/1000 less than post-blast. In addition, landmine leakage resulted in low DNT/ADNT ratios, usually less than 1, whereas pre-blast residues started with ratios above 20. Because with time DNT decreased and ADNT increased, over a month the ratio decreased by a factor of 2. The rate of TNT degradation in soil observed in this study was much slower than that reported when initial concentrations of TNT were lower. Degradation rates yielded half-lives of 40 and 100 days for 2,4-DNT and TNT, respectively.  相似文献   
Sampling of hair has proved to be a useful non-invasive method for detecting illicit drugs. This study examined the viability of hair as a surface from which explosive traces can be recovered and showed that as little as one-hour vapour exposure can result in measurable traces of explosives. Contamination of the hair may result from direct contact with explosive particles or from secondary contact by hand. Also the paper demonstrates that hair can concentrate explosive from the ambient vapour of a variety of military explosives. It was found that the amount of TNT picked up by the hair increased with time of vapour exposure. The data also suggested that unwashed hair may pick up more TNT than washed hair.  相似文献   
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