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Trifft der Verteidiger im Falle von in seiner Kanzlei unüblicher mündlicher Rechtsmittelanmeldung keine besonderen Vorkehrungen, um sein Personal auf diesen Umstand und die damit im Zusammenhang stehende Eintragung der Rechtsmittelfrist nach Zustellung der schriftlichen Urteilsausfertigung hinzuweisen, so hat er für Organisationsverschulden innerhalb seiner Kanzlei und damit ein Versehen nicht blo? minderen Grades einzustehen, weshalb die Wiedereinsetzung in den vorigen Stand gegen die Vers?umung der Ausführungsfrist nicht zul?ssig ist. Die Zustellung der schriftlichen Urteilsabschrift bewirkt auch dann den Beginn der Rechtsmittelausführungsfrist, wenn das HV-Protokoll entgegen § 271 Abs 6 letzter Satz StPO (noch) nicht zugestellt wurde. Die Nichtzustellung des HV-Protokolls kann aber einen berechtigten Grund für die Wiedereinsetzung in den vorigen Stand darstellen.  相似文献   
Adolescents’ reports of parental differential treatment have been linked to increased externalizing behaviors. The current study investigated whether adolescent self-esteem and sibling relationship characteristics (age-spacing and sibling relationship quality) moderated associations between parental differential treatment and later externalizing behavior. Data was gathered at two assessments from 708 sibling pairs (94% White; 51% male; same-gender pairs <4 years apart in age). Older/younger siblings were aged MAssessment1?=?13.5/12.1 and MAssessment2?=?16.2/14.7 years. We found that higher levels of maternal differential treatment predicted greater residualized gains in externalizing behavior among older siblings who were (a) the same age as their sibling or near-to and had low self-esteem or (b) three years older than their sibling and had higher self-esteem. Higher levels of paternal differential treatment predicted greater residual gains in externalizing for older siblings with wider age ranges (regardless of self-esteem), and among older siblings with high levels of self-esteem (regardless of age difference). Surprisingly, maternal differential treatment was protective in one case: for adolescents with low self-esteem who were at least three years older than their siblings, maternal differential treatment predicted reduced externalizing behaviors. Paternal differential treatment was protective for more youth than maternal differential treatment: older siblings with low self-esteem who experienced paternal differential treatment exhibited decreased externalizing behaviors across adolescence, regardless of age difference. The findings highlight the importance of self-esteem and sibling age-spacing as particularly salient contextual influences in older siblings’ perceptions of maternal and paternal differential treatment, and that maternal and especially paternal differential treatment does not always serve as a risk factor for externalizing problems.  相似文献   

Youth who receive comparatively poorer parental treatment than a sibling are at risk for maladaptive behaviors in a variety of domains, but research has yet to examine links with adolescents’ health-related behaviors nor consider how those links may vary based on adolescents’ personality traits, namely conscientiousness and agreeableness. Two siblings (n?=?590 adolescents; 53% female; Mage?=?15.86, SD?=?1.73) from 295 families reported on their differential conflict and closeness with their fathers and mothers as well as on their personality, sleep habits, exercise habits, and general health habits. Multilevel modeling revealed that, generally, the less conscientious adolescents had better health habits when they had comparatively warmer relationships with their mothers. Less conscientiousness adolescents may be less distressed by inequality in the family, and thus may experience positive effects of relatively better treatment.

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