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清道光、咸丰年间的太平天国印本,是中国历史上第一次由农民革命政权刻印的、表达农民阶级利益的图书,亦是一种珍贵而稀有的善本。两湖地区是太平天国从广西北上到定都天京的交通要道和后方大本营,太平天国作战两湖地区时,镌刻、印刷了大量图书和其他出版物,这些图书、谕告、文书及其他出版物在封面、用纸、字体、印刷、用字等形制方面具有自身的鲜明特点。  相似文献   
正At the Chinese caterpillar fungus market in Yushu,thousands have gathered.The bizarre fungus that grows on a type of moth caterpillar native to the high Himalayas is considered a natural wonder drug to restore vitality.And the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,over 4200m high,is one place with a market where the traditional medicine can be purchased.With a high percentage of ethnic population and much cultivated land,it is now ecologically protected by China because it is  相似文献   
<正>Who is Pian’er Bai? Pian’er Bai is actually the nickname of Bai Ming, a potsherd collector in Beijing. Pian’er means potsherd, a broken piece of ceramic as m...  相似文献   
Japan's Judo and Karate and Korea's Taekwondo, which all originated from traditional Chinese Wushu (martial arts), all have the Chinese character "Dao" (way or doctrine) in their names. However, Chinese Wushu itself just adopted the word "Shu" (art or skill). In traditional Chinese philosophy, "Dao" and "Shu" are two opposite concepts, with the first referring to something metaphysical and the latter something physical. "Dao" usually means "law" and "truth", while "Shu" just means the application or reflection of "Dao". Then, why didn't Chinese Wushu call itself a kind of "Dao"?  相似文献   
行政执法责任制不仅是静态的法律规范,更是动态的制约、激励、监督、评价、责任追究的执法机制。其基本运行机制包括组织主体、执法体制和保障机制等。  相似文献   
Louguantai Scenic Area, located at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain in Zhouzhi County, Sha'anxi Province, is known as the "birthplace of Taoism" and the "most blessed land under heaven." It has long been a magnet for visitors interested in Chinese culture,  相似文献   
The city of Qingyang in Gansu Province is distinguished by its extensive history of folk customs and culture, and was, some believe, the birthplace of Chinese civilization. Over long stretches of time, Qingyang preserved its folk arts and crafts including sachet-making, embroidery, paper-cutting, and shadow puppetry, and continued other traditions such as Longdong[] yangko, Daoqing (Longdong Opera), traditional shehuo, ground pit and cave-house, and marriage and funeral rituals.  相似文献   
江凌 《现代领导》2011,(12):6-7
秋雨,淅淅沥沥;绿草含珠,杨柳堆烟。一幢幢沐浴在霏霏细雨中的新型住宅社区,清新怡人;一片片掩映在溪水环绕、绿树摇曳中的花园别墅,脉脉含笑;各种现代化的社区活动设施宽敞整洁,三五成群的社区居民脸上写满了和谐甜美……11月初.当记者走进江苏省吴江市农村新型社区时,不禁为这里美丽富庶、和谐宜人的景象而赞叹。  相似文献   
江凌 《长江论坛》2011,(6):25-29
每个城市的文化因其底蕴不同而各显特色,因而不同的城市具有不同的文化特征,反映出一个城市的文化状态。城市文化精神是一座城市的灵魂。当前,培育和确定城市文化精神已成为一种积极的城市经济社会发展和文化软实力竞争策略。它主要从以下三个角度把握:一是历史文化传统;二是城市精神文化建设与城市文化精神培育;三是市民共识与城市文化精神认同。黄冈的城市文化精神可以定位于"承继先贤,自强不息,敢作敢为,开拓创新",亦或"承继先贤,开拓创新,开放包容,有所作为"等。  相似文献   
ALLabout Yushu     
<正>At 7:49 a.m.,on 14 April 2010,a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Yushu County in the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province(The epicenter is calculated to be latitude 33.1°north and longitude 96.7°east).  相似文献   
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