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The Y-PLEX 12 system, developed for use in human identification, enables simultaneous amplification of eleven polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) loci, namely DYS392, DYS390, DYS385 a/b, DYS393, DYS389I, DYS391, DYS389II, DYS 19, DYS439 and DYS438, residing on the Y chromosome and Amelogenin. Amelogenin provides results for gender identification and serves as internal control for PCR. The validation studies were performed according to the DNA Advisory Board's (DAB) Quality Assurance Standards. The minimal sensitivity of the Y-PLEX 12 system was 0.1 ng of male DNA. The mean stutter values ranged between 3.76-15.72%. A full male profile was observed in mixture samples containing 0.5 ng of male DNA and up to 400 ng of female DNA. Amelogenin did not adversely affect the amplification of Y-STRs in mixture samples containing male and female DNA. The primers for the Y-STR loci present in Y-PLEX 12 are specific for human DNA and some higher primates. None of the primate samples tested provided a complete profile at all 11 Y-STR loci amplified with the Y-PLEX 12 system. Y-PLEX 12 is a sensitive, valid, reliable, and robust multiplex system for forensic analysis, and it can be used in human forensic and male lineage identification cases.  相似文献   
Allele frequencies for the 15 STR loci in the AmpFlSTR Identifiler kit were determined and compared for the three main ethnic groups of the Malaysian population comprising 210 Malays, 219 Chinese and 209 Indians. Blood was placed on FTA paper and DNA was purified in-situ.  相似文献   
Kidnapping for ransom is not a new phenomenon. According to the Control Risk Group, an international risk consultancy, kidnappings of foreign nationals globally have increased by 275% over the past 10 years. High profile incidents such as the tourist kidnappings in 2000 by the Abu Sayyaf group, operating out of the troubled southern region of the Philippines, show that South East Asia has its own regionalised kidnapping hotspots. It is suspected that a high proportion of kidnappings are perpetrated by economically motivated crime groups but it is not possible to estimate with any degree of accuracy what percentage can be attributed to organised crime. This article will provide an overview of the problem, drawing upon existing literature available in the public domain. A typological discussion will show the critical differences between the various categories of kidnapping. The reliability of existing statistics, categorisation and recording of kidnapping for ransom will also be scrutinised, in particular for their variability across the region, to see whether this presents a barrier to a better understanding of the size and seriousness of the problem. As kidnapping for ransom incidents are becoming increasingly transnational in character, the final section will highlight the desirability of formulating and agreeing upon regional standardised definitions and counting rules for kidnap.  相似文献   
Manual ground searches and cadaver dogs are traditional methods for locating remains, but they can be time- and resource-intensive, resulting in the decomposition of bodies and delay in victim identification. Therefore, thermal imaging has been proposed as a potentially useful tool for detecting remains based on their temperature. This study investigated the potential of a novel search technique of thermal drones to detect surface remains through the detection of maggot mass temperatures. Two trials were carried out at Selangor, Malaysia, each utilizing 12 healthy male Oryctolagus cuniculus European white rabbits and DJI Matrice 300 RTK drone China, equipped with a thermal camera; Zenmuse H20T to record the thermal imaging footage of the carcasses at various heights (15, 30, 60–100 m) for 14 days for each trial. Our results demonstrated that the larval masses and corresponding heat emissions were at their largest during the active decay stage; therefore, all the carcasses were observable in thermal images on day 5 and remained until day 7. Statistical analyses showed that (1) no statistically significant differences in thermal images between clothed and unclothed subjects (p > 0.05); (2) 15 m above ground level was proven to be the optimal height, as it showed the greatest contrast between the carcass heat signature and the background (p < 0.005). Our data suggested the potential window of detection of thermal signatures was detectable up to 7 days post-deposition. This could be an important guideline for the search and recovery teams for operational implementation in this tropical region.  相似文献   
Sommaire. Cette communication donne les résultats dune enquête entreprise en 1973 par ses auteurs à l'occasion de laquelle ils distribuèrent un questionnaire comprenant quarante-trois questions à 323 étudiants de deux universités et trois cégeps de la province de Québec. Les opinions exprimées par ces répon-dants indiquent qu'une trés grande majorité des étudiants préfèrent orienter leur future carrière vers le secteur privé plutôt que vers le secteur public. 11s conçoi-vent le travail dans le secteur privé comme étant créateur, captivant et comme demandant de l'initiative. Par opposition ils ont tendance à considérer que le travail dans la fonction public requiert peu d'initiatives et est routinier. Nos conclusions confirment des études antérieures suivant lesquelles les anté cédants socio-économiques des personnes questionnées déterminent leurs perceptions et leurs attitudes vis-à-vis de I'emploi. Nous avons trouvé que les étudiants des couches socio-économiques inférieures avaient une opinion plus favorable de l'emploi dans le secteur public que leurs collégues plus favorisés. Les femmes éftaient plus favorable au service public que les hommes. Les étudiants des collèges avaient une nieilleure opinion de la fonction publique que leurs anînéks des universit.és. La fonction publique fédérale a un peu plus de prestige que la fonction publique québécoise bien que les étudiants ne soient pas -plus tentés de traveler pour le gouvernement fédéral que pour le gouvernement provincial. Abstract. This paper reports the results of a survey done by the authors in 1973. A close-ended questionnaire of forty-three items was administered to 323 students of two universities and three cégeps in the province of Québec. The attitudes expressed by our sample indicate that an overwhelming majority of students prefer the private sector as opposed to the public service, for future employment. The nature of work in the private sector is perceived to be challenging, captivating, and requiring initiative. Work in the public sector is generally looked upon as routine and requiring little initiative. Our findings support the conclusions of previous studies that the socioeconomic background of the respondents determines the nature of their perceptions and attitudes towards employment. We found that the students of lower socioeconomic status were more favorably inclined towards public service than those with higher status. Women were more attracted to public service than men. The cégep students had a better image of the public service than did their seniors in the universities. The federal Public Service projects a slightly better image than the Fonction Publiqué Québécoise. However, the students are not more attracted to work for the federal government than the provincial government.  相似文献   
The onus of proof in criminal cases is beyond any reasonable doubt, and the issue on the lack of complete internal validation data can be manipulated when it comes to justifying the validity and reliability of the X-chromosomal short tandem repeats analysis for court representation. Therefore, this research evaluated the efficiency of the optimized 60% reduced volumes for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using the Qiagen Investigator® Argus X-12 QS Kit, as well as the capillary electrophoresis (CE) sample preparation for blood samples on Flinder's Technology Associates (FTA) cards. Good-quality DNA profile (3000–12,000 RFU) from the purified blood sample on FTA card (1.2 mm) were obtained using the optimized PCR (10.0 μL of PCR reaction volume and 21 cycles) and CE (9.0 μL Hi-Di™ Formamide and 0.3 μL DNA Size Standard 550 [BTO] and 27 s injection time) conditions. The analytical and stochastic thresholds were 100 and 200 RFU, respectively. Hence, the internal validation data supported the use of the optimized 60% reduced PCR amplification reaction volume of the Qiagen Investigator® Argus X-12 QS Kit as well as the CE sample preparation for producing reliable DNA profiles that comply with the quality assurance standards for forensic DNA testing laboratories, while optimizing the analytical cost.  相似文献   
The Indian government unveiled new farm legislation on September 27, 2020, with the goal of empowering the farming community. According to the government, new farm regulations will reduce the reliance of indigenous farmers on the mandi (market yard) system, which is now in place and is quite exploitative and full of middlemen and legal cartels. The regulations made contract farming lawful with the intention of luring private sector investment in bolstering agricultural supply chains and infrastructure to give farmers better pricing. But these rules are referred to as repressive and anti-farmer by the farming community. Farmers believe that eliminating the mandi system will eliminate the minimum support price (MSP) mechanism and that contract farming will ultimately be damaging, enticing major corporations and private investors to bind them to unfair contracts that will result in exploitation. Farmers' demonstrations have begun as a result in the former territory of the green revolution. In order to determine if the new farm regulations introduced by the central government are indeed beneficial to the rural community or not, the article followed the debate among many academics, policy makers, economists, researchers, stakeholders, and politicians (the government's spokesman). The article's main focus is on analysing the farmers' demand for the new farm rules to be repealed and the economic justification for their opposition. Additionally, it contends that new farm rules will encourage capitalistic farming and endanger the viability of farming communities, particularly small and marginal farms (S&M).  相似文献   
This study examines the conditions of prisons and the treatment of prisoners in Nigeria. The purpose of this examination is to determine compliance with the benchmarks for the treatment of prisoners and ascertain if prisoners’ rights against ill-treatment are safeguarded. The study uses relevant laws, as well as published and unpublished reports, in order to paint a coherent picture of the conditions of prisons and the treatment of prisoners in Nigeria. This article comes to the conclusion that prisons in Nigeria are not operating satisfactorily according to their statutory duties, and instead of functioning as rehabilitation centres they end up contributing to human rights violation.  相似文献   
DNA evidence is now widely used in criminal trials across jurisdictions, including Malaysia. One important issue to be considered is how the significance of a DNA match that uses statistical calculations should be presented and explained in a criminal trial. This article demonstrates how the presentation of the significance of a DNA match in criminal trials in Malaysia has been tainted with error, exaggeration and bias towards the prosecution case based on the reference to case law. It also provides recommendations in order to ensure that the significance of a DNA match is properly presented in the criminal trials in Malaysia.  相似文献   
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