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Objective To establish a method for determination of two alcohol biomarkers (ethyl glucuronide, EtG;ethyl sulphate, EtS) in bloodstains via ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/electrostatic field orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q/eOrbitrap HRMS). Methods The bloodstains were prepared on clean glass slide where to have dropped the venous blood spiked of EtG or EtS, having them extracted with 50% hydrated methanol. The bloodstain-extracted supernatant was separated on a Synicronis C18 column (150mm×2.1mm×5.0μm) with gradient elution that was run through the mobile phases consisting of 0.1% formic acid (phase A) and acetonitrile: methanol (v/v 1:1) (containing 0.1% formic acid ) (phase B). MS tests were coupled with HPLC under HESI (heating electrospray ionization) source operated in negative ionization full-scan mode. Results Both EtG and EtS were linear with their calibration curves among the range of 0.2-100ng/patch (R2=0.9991, 0.9994), showing good recovery, intra-and inter-day precision less than 15%. The matrix effect was in the range of 85%-120%. Conclusion The method is effective to detect alcohol biomarkers (EtG and EtS) in bloodstains. © 2021, Editorial Office of Forensic Science and Technology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
这是一篇田野调查随笔,田野点是元阳县新街镇土锅寨村委会的箐口村,这是一个半山腰上的哈尼族小村子。文章用细腻的笔触描述了哈尼族女性的一种极少被人关注的发饰——"青丝",并借用"隐昵"的理论尝试对"青丝"做出解释。  相似文献   
郑佳佳 《学理论》2010,(3):69-71
本文尝试结合美国研究和文化研究的方法,利用大量事件和书信廓清美国殖民时期弗吉尼亚烟草大种植园主的绅士身份之缘起、构建的大概过程与要素以及自身经历的和所受的挑战。同时,烟草种植文化与绅士身份问千丝万缕的关系得以多角度的梳理,殖民地社会文化的冰山一角也得以再现。  相似文献   
地方人大财政监督权是我国地方人大监督工作的重要内容,也是宪法和法律赋予地方人大及其常委会的一项重要职能.当前,我国地方人大财政监督制度存在法律制度设计过于原则、监督专业化较为薄弱、监督法律效果不足以及监督范围过窄等问题.因此,我国应当通过强化法律制度建设、增强财政监督的专业化力量以及强化预算执行监督的刚性约束等途径加强地方人大财政监督权,确保将财政监督合法、全面、有效.  相似文献   
《修正后的《国家赔偿法》,在归责原则、赔偿程序等方面改进颇多,但在民行司法赔偿方面的规范却不够细致,如精神损害赔偿的适用范围过窄、没有将民行错判纳入司法赔偿范围等。随着我国赔偿案件量的增多和非刑赔偿案件的比重增大,其弊端日渐显露。本文中从《国家赔偿法》和《侵权责任法》的关系及衔接出发提出相应的解决方案,来弥补《国家赔偿法》在非刑事司法赔偿的漏洞。  相似文献   
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