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Islam  Muhammed N.  Winer  Stanley L. 《Public Choice》2004,118(3-4):289-323
Ronald Wintrobe (1990, 1998) has recently provided atheoretical foundation for estimating equations that attemptto explain the dependence of civil liberties and politicalrights in non-democratic regimes on the history of economicgrowth. This theory suggests that data from different kinds ofnon-democratic countries should not be pooled without allowingcoefficients to vary with regime type. It also placesinteresting restrictions on the signs of the coefficients ofeconomic growth in equations explaining freedom in the typesof regimes Wintrobe identifies. In this paper, we employ theserestrictions to test Wintrobe's theory. Some additionalhypotheses about the difference between democratic andnon-democratic regimes and about the role of education, notconsidered by Wintrobe, are also investigated.The results indicate clearly that the relationship between thedegree of freedom – as measured by the sum of the Gastilindexes of civil liberties and political rights – andeconomic growth varies significantly across all types ofregimes. Totalitarians (that attempt to maximize power) areclearly different than tinpots (that just attempt to maintainpower) in this respect, and non-democratic regimes differ fromdemocracies. Other aspects of the theory are partiallyconfirmed. In particular, in totalitarian regimes, positivegrowth reduces freedom, and negative growth increases it insome specifications. The theory predicts the opposite patternfor tinpots, and we do find that negative growth reducesfreedom in tinpot regimes. However, positive growth in tinpotsalso appears to reduce freedom in some cases, which is not inaccord with the theory. Secondary schooling has a positive effect on freedom, as inprevious empirical work, a result that is shown here to holdeven when each type of regime is considered separately. Butthe effect of primary schooling is different: in tinpot andtotalitarian regimes, but not in democracies, primaryschooling is associated with reduced freedom.  相似文献   
Asadul Islam 《发展研究杂志》2016,52(10):1499-1516
We examine, for the first time, the effects of corruption on income using household survey data from a developing country. Estimating the effects of corruption on income is challenging because of the simultaneous relationship between the two variables. We use a two-step instrumental variable approach to identify the effects of corruption on income. We find that after adjusting for simultaneity bias the act of bribery reduces income and that higher bribes have a negative effect on income. Taken together, our results provide a possible explanation why a vicious cycle between corruption and income inequality does not exist in the land sector in Bangladesh.  相似文献   
Sommaire. Cette communication donne les résultats dune enquête entreprise en 1973 par ses auteurs à l'occasion de laquelle ils distribuèrent un questionnaire comprenant quarante-trois questions à 323 étudiants de deux universités et trois cégeps de la province de Québec. Les opinions exprimées par ces répon-dants indiquent qu'une trés grande majorité des étudiants préfèrent orienter leur future carrière vers le secteur privé plutôt que vers le secteur public. 11s conçoi-vent le travail dans le secteur privé comme étant créateur, captivant et comme demandant de l'initiative. Par opposition ils ont tendance à considérer que le travail dans la fonction public requiert peu d'initiatives et est routinier. Nos conclusions confirment des études antérieures suivant lesquelles les anté cédants socio-économiques des personnes questionnées déterminent leurs perceptions et leurs attitudes vis-à-vis de I'emploi. Nous avons trouvé que les étudiants des couches socio-économiques inférieures avaient une opinion plus favorable de l'emploi dans le secteur public que leurs collégues plus favorisés. Les femmes éftaient plus favorable au service public que les hommes. Les étudiants des collèges avaient une nieilleure opinion de la fonction publique que leurs anînéks des universit.és. La fonction publique fédérale a un peu plus de prestige que la fonction publique québécoise bien que les étudiants ne soient pas -plus tentés de traveler pour le gouvernement fédéral que pour le gouvernement provincial. Abstract. This paper reports the results of a survey done by the authors in 1973. A close-ended questionnaire of forty-three items was administered to 323 students of two universities and three cégeps in the province of Québec. The attitudes expressed by our sample indicate that an overwhelming majority of students prefer the private sector as opposed to the public service, for future employment. The nature of work in the private sector is perceived to be challenging, captivating, and requiring initiative. Work in the public sector is generally looked upon as routine and requiring little initiative. Our findings support the conclusions of previous studies that the socioeconomic background of the respondents determines the nature of their perceptions and attitudes towards employment. We found that the students of lower socioeconomic status were more favorably inclined towards public service than those with higher status. Women were more attracted to public service than men. The cégep students had a better image of the public service than did their seniors in the universities. The federal Public Service projects a slightly better image than the Fonction Publiqué Québécoise. However, the students are not more attracted to work for the federal government than the provincial government.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 outbreak has left an indelible effect on Bangladesh's agriculture sector, like that of most developing countries. Considering that agriculture is the cornerstone of Bangladesh's economy, we made an effort to compile a detailed scenario of COVID-19's effect on it through a relevant literature review. Since no significant studies outlined a complete picture of the pandemic's impact on agriculture, our study ventured to reveal the circumstances of each sub-sector of agriculture. During the early phases of the pandemic, farmers engaged in agriculture production got poor prices, with the majority of them incurring losses. Labor shortages and input scarcity were the most prevailing hindrances across all the sub-sectors. The export volume seemed to shrink hugely, hurting the country's GDP. The supply chain for agricultural commodities was disrupted as a result of the lockdown and mobility restrictions, which resulted in the elimination of the majority of intermediaries. Unprecedented challenges occurred in the input and output markets, as well as in the agro-industries, exacerbating the situation. However, while the vegetables and poultry sub-sectors recovered utterly and the dairy sub-sector somehow managed to stabilize, other sub-sectors are still grieving. This study highlighted some policies that can mitigate the miseries of the agriculture sector and overcome further potential threats in Bangladesh and other agriculture-led developing countries.  相似文献   
阿富汗为何沦为“毒品—恐怖国家”?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在阿富汗战场上,塔利班与美主导的国际联军展开了8年血与火的较量,非但未被剿灭出局,反而自2007年以来大举反攻,在阿富汗政治版图上占据越来越重要的份量,这其中毒品经济起了非常重要的作用。阿富汗的禁毒斗争从表面上看是美国、北约、阿富汗政府与塔利班、基地组织、巴阿走私贩毒集团等之间的战争,实际上更像一张利益大网,各种势力、各色人等混迹其中,不仅鼓了各自的腰包,也使阿富汗战火难以平息,实现和平近乎奢望。  相似文献   
This study investigates the use of Scanning electron microscopy–energy‐dispersive X‐ray (SEM‐EDX) as a diagnostic tool for the determination of the osseous origin of samples subjected to different temperatures. Sheep (Ovis aries) ribs of two experimental groups (fleshed and defleshed) were burned at temperatures of between 100°C and 1100°C in 100°C increments and subsequently analyzed with the SEM‐EDX to determine the atomic percentage of present elements. Three‐factor ANOVA analysis showed that neither the exposure temperature, nor whether the burning occurred with or without soft tissue present had any significant influence on the bone's overall elemental makeup (> 0.05). The Ca/P ratio remained in the osseous typical range of between 1.6 and 2.58 in all analyzed samples. This demonstrates that even faced with high temperatures, the overall gross elemental content and atomic percentage of elements in bone remain stable, creating a unique “fingerprint” for osseous material, even after exposure to extreme conditions.  相似文献   
A novel application of visible wavelength hyperspectral image analysis has been applied to determine the age of blood stains up to 30 days old. Reflectance spectra from selected locations within the hyperspectral image, obtained from a portable instrument, were subjected to spectral pre-processing. This was followed by the application of a linear discriminant classification model, making estimations possible with an average error of ± 0.27 days for the first 7 days and an overall average error of ± 1.17 days up to 30 days. This is also the first reported study of the determination of the age of fresh blood stains (less than one day old) with an error of ± 0.09 h. The studies have been made under controlled conditions and represent, at this stage, proof of concept results but also are the most accurate age estimation results for measurements between 0 and 30 days reported to date. The results are consistent with well-established kinetic processes suggesting that the pre-processing stages described are revealing spectroscopic changes which are reliably following the time dependent oxidation of HbO2. The potential for parameterisation of environmental factors to make the method generally applicable at crime scenes is discussed, along with the developments required to further improve classification and to make the instrument genuinely portable.  相似文献   
This article introduces an exploratory framework which, on a conceptual level, suggests that the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment can contribute to the accessibility of responsible investment and encourage institutional investors to undertake it. By co-operating with leaders of global environmental governance and by engaging with investee companies in the field of the environment, responsible investment by institutional investors may help to improve the lack of coherence in global environmental governance.  相似文献   
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