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CVP分析法是管理会计体系中的基本分析方法 ,其在理论研究和实践应用中均取得了较大的进展。CVP分析理论具有丰富的内涵 ,在实践中具有广阔的应用空间 ,其分析过程和实践问题有待进一步深入探讨。本文主要从四个方面 ,对CVP分析法在企业举债筹资中的具体应用进行了全面而系统地探讨  相似文献   
政府公共信息服务在构建和谐社会中的功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政府公共信息服务在构建和谐社会中具有重要的功能。政府公共信息服务有利于发展民主政治,有利于实现社会公平和正义,有利于增强全社会的诚信意识,有利于维护社会安定团结。  相似文献   
在中国人均GDP刚过1000美元,贫富差距扩大的情况下,中国正在提前迈入奢侈品消费的大国.虽然消费结构向发展型、享受型升级,消费水平的提高是文明进步的表现,然而,消费主义的盛行会在国家还未壮大时就过早消耗掉继续发展的资本.所以,必须对流行于中国的消费主义保持应有的警惕,并从国家层面节制过度消费.  相似文献   
This study explains the variations in the Palestinians' support of the peace process with Israel. It uses multivariate Logit analysis, employing a large public opinion poll conducted in January 2000. It tests seven hypotheses, drawn from various perspectives, on the conditions of Palestinian support of or opposition to the peace process.
The study supports several of our hypotheses including the positive association between the Palestinians' perceptions of democracy and the support of peace and Palestinian women's support of the peace process. These results are important because they reconfirm the findings of the vast international relations literature, which established a strong linkage between democracy and peace and that women are more peace-oriented than men.
The study further suggests that the Palestinians associate their support of the peace process positively with their trust of domestic political institutions, a sound nation-building process, and governmental public accountability, and negatively with the perception of governmental corruption. It also reveals that the Palestinians' positive evaluation of their domestic institutions and Israel's commitment to a just and fair settlement to the conflict are more important determinants of the support of the peace process than efforts to improve their economic conditions and that the economic conditions have, at best, a small impact upon the support of or the opposition to peace. Lastly, the study points to the presence of a positive relationship between support of the peace process and each of political institutionalization, party identification, and the second level of leaders. This finding points to an emerging trend among Palestinians toward political maturation and stabilization of their domestic politics.  相似文献   
马克思主义理论创新必须建立在实践基础上,坚持实践第一的观点,随着实践的发展而不断丰富、深化和完善。马克思主义理论创新不能脱离中国社会主义现代化建设的客观实际;只有在社会主义现代化建设的实践中研究新情况、解决新问题,才是有针对性的创新,才是我们所需要的创新。  相似文献   
"天北新区"是城市发展模式的一种创新,既是奎屯市的派出机构又是农七师的派出机构,实行既双重管理又独立运作的管理体制,享有除工商、税务之外的全部的政府管理职权.这一城市发展模式对新疆21世纪城市化建设提供了重要的经验,为新疆城市化建设探索了一种新的发展模式.  相似文献   
一 写在前面的话:一个中国学者的敬意 亚历山大·亚历山大罗维奇·季诺维耶夫是当代俄罗斯思想家,也是苏联著名哲学家、社会学家、异议作家和持不同政见者.他以其高深的学术功力、犀利的春秋笔法、不群的政治观点以及独特的批评视角鹤立于苏联持不同政见群体之中,称名于当代国际学术界.在苏联体制如日中天之时,他不惜自己的政治生命和学术生命,勇敢地对斯大林模式提出批评;在漂泊和侨居西方之时,他对西方民主体制同样持"详加审查"态度①;当苏联解体、新俄罗斯治乱交替和前程未卜之际,他再次挺身而出,批评激进社会和政治改革,抨击西方化和全球化之弊,大声疾呼珍视苏维埃优秀价值观念,重建共产主义思想体系.在季诺维耶夫身上体现了自拉吉舍夫以来,俄国知识分子的群体特性:不服膺于权势和世态,忠实自由信条和人类理念.  相似文献   
价值是由劳动生产出来的。这里所说的劳动既包括体力劳动也包括脑力劳动。价值增殖或剩余价值产生的秘密在于劳动生产率提高。劳动生产率提高依赖于创造性脑力劳动的介入。所以脑力劳动是价值增殖和社会财富增长的源泉。  相似文献   
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