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农民问题是当前我国社会的重要问题之一,它是直接关系到我国全面建设小康社会目标能否实现的重大问题,其中农民的法律援助问题是农民问题有效解决的重要途径.在中国建立健全农民法律援助机制极为必要.我国应尽早形成一个专门机构与一般机构相结合,全方位、多渠道、点面结合的农民法律援助体系.  相似文献   

Citizen participation is challenging to define in terms of meaning and application. This article begins with setting out the multi-dimensional nature of citizen participation in development. Through conceptual and contextual explorations, this article deconstructs the layers in the following ways: First, citizen participation is embedded with several conceptual connotations, therefore it is manifested to varying degrees and in different scopes of opportunity for citizens to affect policy decisions. Varieties of participation become more diverse when it comes to the power dynamics of different stakeholders, ranging from the government to citizens. Furthermore, its substantive presentation is intimately linked with the variables of citizen empowerment and government responsiveness. The second layer concerns the participatory development approaches of external development agencies. This article articulates how development discourses have integrated and developed the concept of participation, exploring the trajectory and critical concerns raised. The final layer concerns context, particularly Vietnam’s legal and policy frameworks, which explores consistencies and discrepancies between institutional settings and the presentation of citizen participation.  相似文献   
中国当前的机关事业单位基本养老保险制度对保障退休人员待遇、稳定机关事业单位职工队伍、促进经济社会文化各项事业全面发展发挥了重要作用,但还存在很多问题,如单位保险的性质未变、碎片化倾向严重、政企待遇差过大、财政负担沉重等.提出了中国机关事业单位养老保险制度改革的基本思路和原则,即从新入职的人员开始,逐步把机关事业单位工作人员纳入全国统一的基本养老保险制度,在此基础上建立职业年金,以避免其待遇下降.最后,测算了改革和不改革情况下机关事业单位养老金支出对财政负担的不同影响.测算结果发现,虽然改革初期会增加财政负担,但是到2061年开始将会大大降低财政负担.  相似文献   
分析了我国政府部门由职务变动引发的腐败问题。在我国市场经济尚未完全建立的现状之下,含有经济租金的一些政府部门职位成为一些人追逐的目标,加上目前我国政府部门的晋升制度还不够完善、政府组织的职位派生能力有限、政府组织与官员个人在实际工作能力和工作绩效方面存在着信息不对称、在补偿机制方面政府职位与经济福利待遇联系紧密等,为以谋取政府职务为目标的腐败行为提供了条件。谋位型腐败同时还成为引发谋利型腐败的一个重要根源。采用经济学研究方法,将谋位型腐败与谋利型腐败糅合在一个模型中加以分析,得出了如下一些结论:谋位型腐败发生的概率与参与同一职位竞争的人数负相关;工作能力弱的备选人相对于工作能力强的备选人更加倾向于采用行贿的手段谋取职务晋升;在两个备选人的工作能力和绩效相当的情况下,谋位型腐败发生的概率上升;谋位者个人、特别是握有人事安排决策权的部门负责人的腐败倾向性是谋位型腐败发生的关键因素;不同职位之间的经济收入差距越大,越易引发谋位型腐败。根据上述结论,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
曹阳 《行政与法》2007,(1):67-68
20世纪90年代以来的技术革新给知识产权行政管理机构带来了深刻的影响。知识产权行政管理机构的性质从法人机构逐渐转变为执行或特殊机构;从较多关注于知识产权登记、审核的机构向承担更多的政治、经济发展职责的机构转变。技术进步也带来了知识产权行政管理机构传播以及保护作用的巨大变化。我国的知识产权行政管理机构必须认识到技术进步带给知识产权行政管理的挑战并作出相应的变革。  相似文献   
This article seeks to explain the pattern of delegation to independent regulatory agencies in Western Europe. Two types of arguments are advanced to explain variations in the formal independence of regulators. Firstly, the need for governments to increase their credible commitment capacity may lead them to delegate regulation to an agency that is partly beyond their direct control. Secondly, delegation may be a response to the political uncertainty problem, which arises when governments are afraid of being replaced by another coalition with different preferences, which could decide to change existing policy choices. In addition, veto players may constitute a functional equivalent of delegation, since they influence policy stability and therefore tend to mitigate both the credibility and the political uncertainty problems. These arguments are consistent with the results of the empirical analysis of the formal independence of regulators in seventeen countries and seven sectors.  相似文献   
从上世纪80年代末开始,英国开始将大量公共事务从中央部委下放到半自主、分散化执行代理机构去,这种做法在随后15年间逐渐扩散到其他众多的欧美、亚洲和非洲国家,全球出现了一场持续的公共部门“代理机构化”浪潮。然而,究竟是什么原因使代理机构的理念超越了各国政治行政制度和意识形态的差异在全球不断流行,即便当一些国家的改革实践已经表明代理机构化会加大公共部门的协调与控制难度?本研究把公共部门中的“代理机构化”扩散现象置于由五个关键性问题所构成的政策转移分析框架中,通过研究代理机构化扩散的缘由、路径、推动力量、作用机制和具体内容,来对这场影响广泛而持久的公共部门改革进行深入的剖析。  相似文献   
Devolvement of functions to quangos and Departmental Agencies has been a marked feature of reform in government since 1970, accelerated by the ‘Next Steps’ initiative (1987–90). Its effects in terms of performance, costs and disengagement from related government activity are discussed by reference to experiences in the management of two large quangos created after 1970, the Manpower Services and Health and Safety Commissions and their Executives. Some general lessons are drawn for present application, and the discussion seeks also to expose realities and difficulties in the management of public bodies that are often overlooked in theoretical argument. It acknowledges the advantages of devolvement, but points to serious limitations in the ‘owner–agency’ model when applied to public business, arising from powerful centralising forces, rapid changes in political aims, the cardinal requirement for economy, and shifting needs for lateral co‐operation across the government sector.  相似文献   
张春丽 《北方法学》2012,6(1):154-160
在"全民医保"即将建成的格局下,我国基本医疗保险经办机构本应成为积极而强势的医疗服务购买者。但目前我国基本医疗保险经办机构仍旧是一个"消极的医疗费用支付者",其具体职能离真正意义上的医疗服务购买者相去甚远。这也导致其无法发挥抑制医疗机构滥用专业优势的功能,并削弱了其所承载的医疗社会化的目标。因而有必要借鉴美国等医疗市场发达国家的"管理式医疗"经验,将我国基本医疗保险经办机构定位为医疗服务购买者,对现有的基本医疗保险经办机构进行公益性改革,并实现其职能转型,使其成为一个选拔合格医疗机构、参与医疗行业标准化诊疗流程和病种制度建设、对患者反馈信息进行分析和评价、控制医疗费用上涨并监督医疗服务质量的职能部门。  相似文献   
Independent regulatory agencies (IRAs) were created in various sectors and on different governmental levels to implement liberalization policies. This paper investigates the link between IRAs' independence, which is said to promote regulatory credibility and the use of technical expertise, and their accountability, which is related to the need for controlling and legitimizing independent regulators. The literature on the regulatory state anticipates a positive relation between the independence and accountability of IRAs, but systematic empirical evidence is still lacking. To tackle this question, this paper measures and compares the independence and the accountability of IRAs in three differentially liberalized sectors in Switzerland (telecommunications, electricity and railways). With the application of Social Network Analysis, this piece of research shows that IRAs can be de facto independent and accountable at the same time, but the two features do not necessarily co‐evolve in the same direction.  相似文献   
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