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1998年以来印尼华人积极参政,至今已成为印尼政治发展的一股重要力量。2014年印尼大选,华人选民受到印尼主要政党的高度重视,不仅纷纷派出华人候选人,个别政党还邀请华人搭档竞选总统副总统。华人积极参与国会选举,成绩显著,广大华人选民倾力支持的佐科维成功当选总统,凸显了华人选票的影响力。在印尼不断推进政治民主和族群和谐的大环境中,印尼华人参政的良好势头,将持续发展。  相似文献   
竞争激烈、备受关注的2014年印尼总统大选最终以政治新星佐科维获胜而落下帷幕。与2004年和2009年两次总统大选相比,2014年印尼总统大选出现了很多新变化,这些新变化使得2014年的总统大选具有划时代意义,载入印尼政治发展史册。不过,印尼首位平民总统佐科维及其政党联盟没有赢得国会多数席位,这为他今后执政带来很大的挑战,他是否有政治魄力克服政治、经济上的挑战,落实他的竞选政纲,还需要拭目以待。  相似文献   
棕榈油对印尼而言是一种战略商品,但因为种植棕榈树需要砍伐焚烧雨林,易导致严重的生态破坏,所以印尼棕榈油产业在国际市场上一直饱受国际环保组织和以欧盟为首的发达国家的批评与质疑。佐科政府因“亲民”和“务实”的外交理念,强调保护棕榈种植户的利益,重视国内经济社会发展,在多边外交舞台和与相关国家经贸关系上投入了大量资源,积极开展棕榈油外交,为棕榈油争取国际性的合法地位。但随着全球范围内反棕榈油情绪的进一步升温,在国内缺乏相关科学研究支撑的情况下,如何为印尼棕榈油产业正面有效发声,获取国际社会的广泛认可与支持,成为摆在佐科政府面前重大的经济外交课题。  相似文献   
In April 2019, Indonesia carried out simultaneous presidential and legislative elections. With an estimated 192 million voters acceding to 800,000 polling stations, this was the world's largest direct presidential election. Barring some dispersed claims of irregularities, the mammoth task of electing public representatives at the national as well as provincial and local levels was successfully carried out. Indonesia's voters had to decide on the 575 members of the national parliament, as well as some 20,000 seats in the country's many provincial and local legislatures, including 2,207 provincial level MPs from 34 provinces and 17,610 local councillors from more than 500 local authorities. Voter turn-out was an estimated 81.9 percent, the highest yet since Indonesia's transition to full democracy. Thus, at first blush, this electoral exercise can be seen as a logistical and political achievement, and an addition to Indonesia's track record of successfully-held elections. Yet, despite its technical proficiency and solid participation, the 2019 polls highlight pervasive societal and geographic fault-lines and raise questions about the strength of Indonesia's democratic institutions.

In order to analyse the importance of these elections, this article is comprised of six parts. Following this introduction, the second section briefly discusses the salient aspects of Jokowi's first administration. The subsequent part sets out the run-up to the presidential campaign, paying particular importance to changes in ‘rules of the game’ that altered the structural dynamics of the elections. The fourth section compares and contrasts the campaigns of the two opposing coalitions and the fifth analyses the electoral results. The final section concludes by discussing the denouement of the elections before looking forward.  相似文献   
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