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建筑物依土地之承载得其成就,人类因建筑物之依归而创建文明。因此,建筑物之于人类发展,占非常重要地位。建筑物之所有权及利用权,更是物权法规则的核心之一。而建筑物区分所有权之渊源,由来久远,于古老之埃及、巴比伦及希腊之律法即有迹可寻。19世纪初,区分所有权的形式即已为各国地区之民事立法所采用,二次世界大战结束后,建筑物区分所有权制度,更发展为各国地区不动产所有权法律上之重要制度。我国为因应城市公有化、福利型住房制度转入商品化住房制度的社会客观性需求,暨顺应我国城市化进程的加速,并为取得多层或高层住宅之城市居民提供立体物权的规范依据,于《物权法》第六章专章规定了“业主的建筑物区分所有权”。但检视《物权法》关于建筑物区分所有权制度的规定,仍存有不足以规范区分所有权法律关系之处。为此,本文试图从建筑物区分所有权理论分析角度入手,检视《物权法》第六章的立法取向及其基本内容,并提出其存在的相关问题与解决对策,俾作为日后最高人民法院为司法解释或法院判决之参考依据。  相似文献   
One asks oneself vigorously about the conditions of the construction of knowledge relative to the African continent as well as to its way of thinking. The influence of V.Y. Mudimbe in this regard is immense. The major categories of anthropology are examined, even called into question, and most notably the ethnic groups. As pertinent as they may be, these analyses return to the library and to the system of representation that the continent invents and raise it to a paradigm of difference par excellence. It is important, beyond the scholarly discourse, to take a look at the relationship of ordinary people with libraries. Broadcasters, for example, comment candidly on the work of one artist-musician or another. Appropriation implies the related right: “droit d'auteur(e)”, copyright or “Urheberrecht”. Anyone who fails to comply becomes a pirate. What, therefore, is the meaning of to modernise the author, the work, the copyright or the pirate not in language inherited from Western law but in that of the citizen or the average villager?  相似文献   
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