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Indigenous societies across lowland Latin America have recently made impressive political and territorial gains by emphasising their stewardship of and attachment to particular rural landscapes. But surprising new censal and microdemographic evidence shows that these groups have simultaneously been developing a presence in domestic and foreign metropolises. Cities offer employment and advanced education opportunities as well as escape from rural conflicts. We suggest that the dynamics and outcomes of these migrations are distinct from those of other rural Latin Americans. By outlining specific areas in which migration, politics, and territory appear to be interlinked, we seek to stimulate research that engages with these processes and their implications for indigenous advocacy and migration theory.  相似文献   
岳光辉 《河北法学》2003,21(6):66-71
行政听证制度是我国立法引进的一项新制度,是行政程序法的核心内容。公安机关在进行治安行政听证工作中,应当认真借鉴国外相关的立法,健全和完善公开原则、言词原则、职能分离原则、事先告知原则、记录排他性原则。  相似文献   
金融外包给金融风险监管提出了新的要求.有鉴于此,欧洲银行监管委员会先后出台了两份建议稿试图为银行业务外包风险监管在欧盟的框架内提供统一的指导原则.名为<外包标准>的建议稿是在<外包高级原则>(建议稿)的基础上于2006年4月出台的,二者在名称及具体内容上都有较大的不同.<外包标准>建议稿在保留第1份建议稿特色的基础上,强调了对客户金融隐私的保护,修正了金融监管部门对外包的监管权,使外包业务的分类更加明确.但是,现行建议稿在监管标准的制订上未充分考虑不同种类的外包商可能对外包风险造成的影响,要求所有的外包都必须有服务水平协议也较为绝对化.参考欧洲银行监管委员会在金融外包监管方面的立法经验,考虑我国金融外包的实践,我国应当制定普遍的金融外包监管法,同时对<电子银行业务管理办法>中电子银行业务外包部分进行完善.  相似文献   
This article explores the consequences for the native population of the Colombian Chocó of the emergence, over the course of the eighteenth century, of an elite of caciques and indios mandones or principales whose functions of powers far exceeded those of the warrior chiefs that had traditionally acted as leaders of their people. Appointed for the purpose of facilitating the collection of tribute and the supply of labour to European settlers, caciques and mandones were almost universally rejected by native communities during the early phases of Spanish colonisation (c. 1630–1690), and they disappear from the historical record after Independence. Eighteenth‐century sources, however, not only record the existence of a clearly defined elite of mandones or principales in villages across the region, but show these individuals engaging actively with the colonial authorities, on behalf of their communities, at local and audiencia levels. This article argues that, at a time of a much strengthened European presence in the region, caciques and mandones came to understand their roles in ways that were entirely different from those intended by the Spanish, and in so doing acquired the legitimacy that had eluded their seventeenth‐century predecessors. Far from serving merely as intermediaries between settlers and indigenous populations, indios mandones acted as negotiators on behalf of the indigenous population, whose task was to defend and/or advance the interests of the communities they had been appointed to control.  相似文献   
毛泽东以马克思主义唯物史观为指导 ,批判地继承和吸收了中国传统民本思想的精华 ,加以改造创新 ,形成了毛泽东群众路线的观点 ,毛泽东在扬弃和超越中延续了中国传统文化的生命力。  相似文献   
梁平  王世成 《河北法学》2003,21(6):124-126
通过对欧洲反收购立法中采用的严格中立原则中存在的忽视股东集体行动和董事对于非股东利益相关者的义务、经验主义、为政府强制性反收购措施所不容等非理性状况的分析,提出了在欧洲反收购立法中采用经营判断原则的建议,认为这样可以为敌意收购行为提供更统一的运作环境,保护股东利益,减少成员国在建立反垄断屏障的压力,并且为企业在采取反收购行动时提供更丰富的选择。  相似文献   
对建立我国禁毒工作评估体系的设想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为进一步分析、预测和研究禁毒工作形势的发展趋势,正确决策我国的禁毒方针,切实增强各级党政领导抓禁毒工作的责任意识,确保社会安定和人民群众安居乐业,国家禁毒委应建立健全禁毒工作评估的相关制度及评估措施,有步骤地做到阶段性评估与年度评估、专项评估与全面评估、自我评估与专家评估相结合,最终形成动态状况下科学评估禁毒工作的体系。  相似文献   
Empathy is defined as an affect more appropriate to another's situation than to one's own. The paper (i) summarizes different modes of empathic affect arousal; (ii) shows how empathic affect may interact with social-cognitive development, to produce four levels of empathy development; (iii) suggests that causal attributions may transform empathic affect into sympathy, guilt, and empathic anger, which are major moral affects; (iv) discusses how these affects may influence moral judgment and behavior; (v) points up empathic morality's limitations and the need to embed empathy in relevant moral principles; (vi) discusses possible links between empathy and justice principles, with special focus on Rawls; (vii) illustrates the interplay of empathy, moral judgment, and justice; and (viii) suggests that moral principles may become hot cognitions.  相似文献   
蒋介石儒化三民主义之评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独揽孙中山三民主义解释权之后 ,蒋介石获得了统摄全党思想的合法性 ,为走上个人独裁道路 ,从理念上打开了一扇大门。蒋介石对三民主义解释的实质 ,是儒化三民主义。他将孙中山描述为中国儒家伦理道德的集大成者 ,将儒家伦理道德与三民主义融为一体 ,使之成为孙中山三民主义的“精髓” ,进而在全国范围掀起思想文化上的尊孔复古。在这一过程中 ,蒋介石还充分利用了戴季陶主义。随着三民主义被儒化 ,其原有的民族民主革命与现代化之精神也逐渐消解与湮没。  相似文献   
文章通过经济法与人权可持续发展、知识经济和WTO规则的关系的分析 ,论证了经济法可持续发展原则的正当性 ;通过经济法基本原则与民法基本原则、行政法基本原则的比较分析 ,阐述了经济法可持续发展原则的特有性。同时 ,文章还对可持续发展原则在我国经济法中的应用进行了研究。  相似文献   
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