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美国冷战时期的文化意识形态以反共产主义和反同性恋为主导,导致许多作家不得不对当时的文化审查做出不同程度的妥协。而百老汇剧作家田纳西.威廉姆斯便是其中之一。由于他本人同性恋的身份,他的作品更是备受关注。主要通过对比普利策获奖作品之一的《欲望号街车》的先后两个版本,提出他的创作并非一开始便回避同性恋主题,其作品的同性恋化其实是一个历史的渐进过程。  相似文献   
鲁迅的《狂人日记》(1918)和丹斋的《梦天》(1916)共同表现了作者精神再生或思想认同确立的过程。通过首次觉悟或最初觉悟,主人公们(“狂人”和“一民”)在最亲近的人际关系中发现人世的罪恶。之后,主人公们用各自不同的方式对这些罪恶进行批判,但最终不免饱尝挫折甚至受到监禁。狂人明白了自己也不是没有吃人欲望的“真的人”之后,才能摆脱疯狂状态;一民认识到自己也不是除了国家之外什么情感都没有的“真的爱国者”之后,才能脱离地狱监牢。从分析中可以看出,《狂人日记》和《梦天》在结构上和思想上具有相似性。  相似文献   

This conference confirms the loss of a singular, unified women's movement under the pressures of race, sexuality and class and asks for new directions. The need to rethink collectivity suggests that identification is a priority for feminism rather than desire , which has been the dominant discourse of the psychoanalytical wing of the movement. There are psychoanalytical accounts of the group, but they will have to withstand New Labour's punitive address to the superego by its conservative personalizing of social issues. Thus the relation between psychoanalysis and politics is now a major issue, revealing as it does the problems of coercion in an environment where collective accountability has ceased to exist. Our models of the feminine can be neither Thatcher nor Diana both of whom occlude social accountability. Though the question of sexual difference has not gone away, we need to reformulate the problems, finding new forms of language and of public speech to address a wider constituency, and a radical politics that will reach beyond the academic world. Finally, arising from this, two questions need to be asked. What does feminism want a subject to be? Does feminism want something to serve in the place of some kind of truth?  相似文献   
后现代又称为信息时代、传媒时代、消费时代,这四个词语的并用,表现出后现代传媒文化意义和功能的多元混合性。本文以此为学理上的依据,展开对现代传媒诱惑活动中的媒介主体因素、受众客体因素、媒介与受众互动关系、传媒诱惑的弊端、制约传媒诱惑价值实现因素的限定性探讨。  相似文献   
黑格尔关于自我意识的现象学叙述始终是以其思辨逻辑作为根据的.这个逻辑就是从抽象同一到差别再到真的同一的内在的必然进程.欲望的自我意识恰恰处于这个进程的第一阶段.基于其必然性,黑格尔以同一性为整个自我意识奠基,自我意识其后的进展都是同一性自身演证的结果.于是,抽象同一性即自我=自我的表达式终将演化为自我=非我的表达式,它们构成了欲望的自我意识的根据.  相似文献   
In The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James suggests that the human experience of a fundamental and existential uneasiness can be found at the core of most religious traditions, and that these traditions constiute essentially a proposed solution to this uneasiness. The present investigation focuses upon the notion of uneasiness, particularly fear, and its solution in the early Hindu tradition. Through a close examination of textual expressions of both desire and fear from the R̥gveda, the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, and the Br̥hadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, it is proposed that “liberation” in the early Upaniṣadic period, or at least the precursor to the traditional notion of liberation, actually meant freedom from fear, rather than freedom from karma or saṁs̥ra. The Br̥hadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad suggests that the origin of duality is desire, and duality necessarily results in fear. By relinquishing the sorts of desires so frequently expressed in the earlier vedic literature, together with an understanding of the essentially non-dual relationship between the ātman and brahman, a state of complete freedom from fear (abhaya) may be achieved.  相似文献   
"西方马克思主义"理论家的伦理观点主要是围绕着"爱"和"性"规划人生并为之指示路向和提供原则的.弗洛姆的"爱情伦理学"同费尔巴哈的"爱的宗教"有着内在联系,从总体上看有泛爱主义的倾向;马尔库塞的"爱欲伦理学"从存在论的角度对人寻求新的存在,具有相当强的理论感召力和征服力;赖希的"性欲伦理学"是一种赤裸裸的性革命、性解放理论,在许多人还未充分享受到"寓于爱情中的自然的幸福"的情况下,这一理论激荡人们的心灵也不是偶然的.  相似文献   
大学语文--人性教育的重要课堂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学语文课程在传布传统人文精神的同时,还应加强学生对"善"与"恶"的辨析能力,学会对"理"与"欲"的处理协调,建立起健全美好的人性.  相似文献   
利用全国12城市在职青年调查数据,研究青年的不同特征与其生育意愿之间的关系表明,青年的性别、年龄、是否独生子女等因素与其意愿生育数量间关系不大;青年的婚姻状况、收入、文化程度等因素则与之关系密切.已婚青年意愿生育数量显著高于未婚青年;高收入青年的意愿生育数量显著高于中低收入青年;青年文化程度与他们的意愿生育数量之间呈现出一种U形相关状态.  相似文献   
诉讼中“证据占优势”标准的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对三大诉讼的证明标准进行了比较分析.在此基础上对“证据占优势”证据标准加以理性剖析,认为其体现了“谁主张谁举证”的普通性举证责任原理,体现了达到“法律真实”的证明任务的要求,体现了民事诉讼中的民事意思自治原则和诉讼经济原则;从理论层面、制度背景、法律规定、公民诉讼观念的转变以及司法实践等五个方面对“证据占优势”证明标准在我国的可行性进行了探讨.  相似文献   
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