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各地公务员录用体检办法和体检标准中因存在许多不合理的体格归类,而使相当多的具有一定生理缺陷的人被无情地挡在了公务员门槛之外,且难以获得公正的救济。以宪法平等权的精神来检验,这些归类或者不具有合法目的,或者违反了比例原则,都导致了立法歧视。为保护公民平等担任公职的权利,有必要对现行公务员录用体检制度进行改革。  相似文献   
在高职高专教学监控与评估体系的建立与实施中,教务处承担着建设与实施的任务。从建立体系的基本原则到实施体系的每一个具体内容和步骤,教务处都起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
机构编制管理关系到行政成本的高低和行政机构的效能。机构编制管理中的突出问题在于编制配置不科学、不合理,规范化和制度化建设相对滞后。新时代的机构编制管理需要站在治国理政和治理能力现代化的战略高度,平衡“管牢”与“管活”双重目标,处理好事业发展需要与总量控制、“条线”要求与编制管理整体、短期成效与长期成本、编制增加与编制减少、编制管理部门收紧与财政部门宽松之间的辩证关系。在此基础上,通过立法保障、全盘统筹、规划引领、观念更新、机制联动等多维度改革为国家治理能力现代化奠定坚实的组织基础。  相似文献   
派出所工作是公安基层基础建设中最重要的一环。派出所“三队一室”警务模式改革,着力解决长期困扰基层派出所工作运行中的警力难以下沉、机构设置不合理、职能分配不明确、勤务效率不高、防范不到位、打击不及时等突出问题,保证了基层基础工作在“大防范”中基础性、先导性的战略地位,有利于实现统一、高效、完整的现代警务运行机制。  相似文献   
Legal context: The article reviews significant decisions handed down by theBoards of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2006,concentrating on decisions of the Enlarged Board and the Boardsof Appeal issued in 2006 and published or to be published inthe OJ EPO. Key points: The article discusses the application of Art. 24 EPC on exclusionand objection to members of the boards of appeal in the lightof the following decisions: G 1/05, T 281/03 and J 15/04; referralspending before the EBA on the subject of divisional applications(Art. 76 EPC and R. 25 EPC) and exclusion from patentabilityunder R. 23d(c) in conjunction with Art. 53a EPC; and decisionsof technical boards of appeal on exclusions from patentability(Arts. 52 (2)(3) and (4) EPC), the requirement of industrialapplicability (Art. 57 EPC) and re-establishment of rights (Art.122 EPC). Practical significance: The article provides an overview of the 2006 case law of theboards of appeal which is particularly useful since most ofthe decisions discussed have not yet been published in the OJEPO. The author is critical of the recent case law on the applicationof Art. 24 EPC (exclusion and objection to members of the boardsof appeal) and reports on several decisions of particular legalinterest.  相似文献   
民初大理院审判独立的制度与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清末颁行之《法院编制法》首倡审判独立 ,可是成效未彰清室已亡。民国初期 ,民国北京政府所颁行之宪法文件皆明定审判独立原则 ,当时的最高法院———大理院依照宪法原则以及法院编制法 ,厉行审判独立 ,其影响横向及于其他中央机关 ,纵向影响及于地方司法机关 ,可谓最大限度地排除了其他机关对审判权的干涉。然而民国初期正值军阀混战、政局纷扰之际 ,大理院所致力的审判独立事业亦难免为时局所累。  相似文献   
审议权是职代会基本职权之一,特别是在改革日趋深化阶段,更是承担着维护职工合法权益的责任。但是由于审议权的权限,它与其他职权的行使范围和程度还是有所不同,因此,在实际工作中,准确区别审议职权的工作内容、工作对象和工作性质是非常必要的一件大事。  相似文献   
Undocumented Border Crosser (UBC) deaths in Arizona are a major issue faced by medicolegal authorities. Currently, the Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner (MCOME) is in possession of over two hundred unidentified individuals, more than half of whom are presumed to be UBCs. The primary goal of this study was to address the growing number of UBC deaths in Maricopa County in order to provide a more comprehensive picture of this important anthropological issue within the state of Arizona. Of the 107 total UBC cases evaluated for the study, the majority were male and age estimates for all individuals were between 15 to 60 years old. Modeled after the recording system established by the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, the biographic and geographic data for these cases were entered into a new UBC database at MCOME and later added to the online Map of Migrant Mortality.  相似文献   
上海的社区建设起步较早,目前已形成"两级政府、三级管理"的社区管理体制,通过充实、强化街道办事处的管理职能来解决越来越多的社会问题,推动社区建设。但这种体制在快速推进社区发展的同时,也带来了一系列问题。如何正确定位社区内政府组织的职能,梳理条块关系,培育、健全社区内各类组织,加强有关社区法规的制度建设,促进社区管理体制的良性运行和发展,都有待进一步的探索和研究。  相似文献   
This article, part of a larger work in progress, uses archives, key secondary sources, and oral histories from participants in the 1970 United States postal wildcat strike for better pay and working conditions to argue that this was a monumental event both unique and representative of the times. It was a rank-and-file effort that began in New York City – with a history of labor militancy – and rapidly spread across the country. The strike defied federal statute outlawing federal employee strikes, and also union leaders who opposed striking. A spike in 1960s hiring of blacks, veterans, women, and young people, combined with established labor unity tradition, a nationwide workplace and long-simmering frustrations produced the strike. But its dual character (both spontaneous and organized by local union officials and activists) allowed it to grow and maintain for eight days with no central coordination. Besides winning a living wage, the strike triggered the transformation of the US Post Office Department into the US Postal Service (USPS) with full collective bargaining rights for postal unions representing its employees. Moreover, it brought rank-and-file politics into postal unions while contributing to the increased strength of postal unions, public union organizing, and the labor movement in general.  相似文献   
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