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柏拉图在其对话录,尤其是在《伊翁》和《国家篇》中提供了两个看似截然相反的对诗歌的评价。而对柏拉图在相关文本中对于"神"这一概念的使用的考察,不仅消解了文本中的这一矛盾,而且也揭示了柏拉图真正的目的在于一步步降低诗人在城邦中的地位,并最终确立哲学对于诗歌的统帅。  相似文献   
In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle refers to Socrates five times: four references are to the contentious Socratic doctrine that “virtue is knowledge” the fifth is in the discussion of irony, “such as that of which Socrates was accused.” These issues are not conjoined accidentally. “Manifest appearances” attest that we can do worse than we know or know better than we do. Yet, the “problem of incontinence'’ is only half of the problem of the divergence of character and intellect, the mediocre and the extravagant in virtue. The other half of the problem is the capacity of some to do or act better than they know, vice's ability to imitate virtue, the disloyal talent's employment of demagoguery, the clever vice of irony.  相似文献   
大战略是人类社会政治斗争的高级形式,无论在中国还是在西方,都可从历史深处发现某些大战略思想的源头。柏拉图是西方大战略思想史的一个重要起点,他不仅是历史上最伟大的哲学家、大战略家,也是当时地中海世界人文主义者集团的政治领袖。他用自己的知识论创立了人文主义大战略的纲要,并通过实践哲学加以检验,以证明其正确性和真理性。柏拉图最早揭示出人类的历史是理性发展的历史,理性是人和社会生存、进步乃至产生文化、文明和科学的源泉。但同时,人类的历史也是反理性的历史,理性与反理性的斗争是世界历史的主线。柏拉图所创建的“雅典学园”是青年政治领袖的培训基地,培养出了许多优秀的人文主义政治家。柏拉图去世后,马其顿国王亚历山大在“雅典学园”的指导下,按柏拉图“共和国”思想描绘的宏图远征波斯,写下了世界文明史上最光辉的一页。从战略学意义上说,柏拉图的大战略是对古代人文主义集团数百年的知识积累和结晶,是针对古代地中海世界统治集团的策略而制定的反制战略。亚历山大远征波斯,则是充分借助了统治集团的大战略而实施了人文主义大战略,从而取得了无与伦比的伟大成就。任何一项大战略,总会伴随着一项反制战略。在当今这个“大战略时代”,比以往任何时期都更需要深入研究、理解和认识大战略。  相似文献   
柏拉图和老子在人才培养和管理上的联系是:主张从幼童抓起,重视人类的自然美德;认为最优秀的统治独立于法律,为无为则无不治;高扬理念的价值,摒弃自身的存在;要求以人为本,实行制度领导。主张造就精英,公民各尽其职;肯定拥有财富,但国家不能推崇财富;重视社会公德,倡导优化国民形象。由于中西文化背景不同,两人在上述思想上又有极大差异。  相似文献   
Commentators have contested the role of resulting harm in criminal law since the time of Plato. Unfortunately, they have neglected what may be not only the best discussion of the issue, but also the first—namely, Plato’s one-paragraph discussion in the Laws. Plato’s discussion succeeds in reconciling two, seemingly irreconcilable viewpoints that till now have been in stalemate. Thus, Plato reconciles the view, that an offender’s desert is solely a function of his subjective willingness to act in disregard of the legitimate interests of others, with the view that criminal sentences can appropriately be made to depend upon how indignant, angry, and upset society is at an offender based upon the results of his culpable conduct. In doing so, Plato casts light on retributive theories of punishment by suggesting that an adjudicator can be committed to retribution and yet rightly believe that it is inappropriate to give an offender the full punishment he deserves. He also lays a basis for the view that causation, rather being predicates for the just punishment of offenders toward whom the public is intuitively angry for harm, is the consequence of the public’s being intuitively angry at offenders for harm.
Peter WestenEmail:
Baker  Helen 《Law and Critique》2002,13(1):51-74
This article investigates Frenchfeminist philosopher, Luce Irigaray, with aview to discussing how a critique ofocularcentrism is a focus in articulating herproject of sexual difference. It will discusshow an ocularcentric tradition intersects withissues of sexual difference and language, andhow these together enact relations of powerthat erase the feminine from view. Irigaray'stextual strategies are explored as possessingthe potential to engender a new femininesubjectivity. This article is divided into foursections. In the first section, the privilegingof the visual in western philosophical thoughtis discussed, with particular reference tolanguage. In the following section, Irigaray'sintellectual project will be introduced, payingparticular attention to her use of language andthe role of vision. In the light of thesediscussions, Irigaray's re-reading of Plato'smyth of the cavern will then be subjected toclose examination and critique, to demonstratehow an ocularcentric tradition operates indiscourse. Finally the article will conclude bysuggesting an analysis of Irigaray's work interms of how language, vision, light, sexualdifference operate as relations of power isessential in the creation of a new femininesubjectivity.  相似文献   
柏拉图的正义观探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柏拉图的<理想国>就是一部"正义论".在<理想国>一书中,柏拉图从批判可经验的具体正义着手,引出了国家的正义概念.他提出正义就是国家中每一阶层人尽其材、各司其职、不相僭越.柏拉图的正义观对后世产生了巨大的影响,同时也受到了许多的误解和批评.在理解柏拉图的正义观时,我们应把它放到古希腊历史情境的深处去思考,放到哲学情境中去思考,以免忽视了经典理论中蕴含的普遍性成分的永恒价值.  相似文献   
Beginning with a consideration of Castoriadis’s elucidation of autonomous thinking, both by way of the contrast he draws with the inherited tradition and in relation to his account of the demands of the political project of autonomy, we compare Plato’s story of the Cave to suggest that Castoriadis overestimates the power of questioning and of creating new social forms. We then argue that Castoriadis and Plato emerge as two extremes: whereas the first favours the power of questioning to the exclusion of receiving value, the second privileges the power of receiving over creation and creativity.  相似文献   
柏拉图认为,人至善的实现要通过集体的生活建构起一个整体主义政治社会,波普在柏拉图结论的基础上批判了整体主义,认为整体主义必然是极权主义。二者是在相异的观念中产生了不同的观点,但各自都有可取之处。  相似文献   
亚里士多德是西方思想史上著名的哲学家,法思想家,对整个西方法哲学具有重要影响.他师承柏拉图,并在柏拉图理念论的基础上树立了现实主义法哲学.从柏拉图到亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家提出了对整个西方哲学、伦理学、法学具有深远影响的思想理论,在今天全球化浪潮下亦呈现了其国际化的魅力.梳理与探究其思想形成的因缘,可以为构建中国法治社会提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   
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