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从思想学术角度看,从马克思到邓小平的马克思主义全球化理论是一脉相承的有机整体,其核心理念是:全球化是难以阻挡的历史趋势;全球化进程由资本主义所开创并由资本主义生产方式所主导,它对非西方社会的发展道路和前途会产生重要影响;融入全球体系是任何国家工业化和现代化发展的必要前提条件;社会主义只有开放才能存在,只有在与资本主义全球经济体系的联系中才能得到发展。  相似文献   
吉布森和格雷汉姆作为西方马克思主义女权主义者,在其合著《资本主义的终结》中从女权主义的角度,运用了后结构主义的认识论和方法论解构了原本对资本主义的认识方式。主张打破资本主义/非资本主义二元对立中资本主义类似于男性的等级优势和霸权地位,寻求性别和阶级的多样化联合,力图解构全球化中假定的资本主义一统天下的男性霸权。  相似文献   
Using international data for 100 countries, we test two hypotheses derived from Bonger's Marxian theory of crime. The analyses support the hypothesis that the degree of capitalism significantly predicts homicide rates, but they fail to confirm that the de‐moralization of the population (loss of moral feelings for others) mediates the relationship between capitalism and homicide. Although capitalism is not the best predictor among those considered, overall, the results underline the importance of Bonger's ideas because both capitalism and corruption (our indicator of de‐moralization) show reasonably strong relationships with homicide rates and compete with other variables commonly used as predictors of international homicide rates. The results confirm the usefulness of attempting to subject Marxian ideas to positivist, quantitative tests, with an eye to integrating Marxian theories with other mainstream theories, such as institutional anomie theory.  相似文献   
郭榛树 《桂海论丛》2003,19(2):66-68
市场经济的平等主要是原则上的交换平等.但由于种种原因,在结果上、事实上又是不平等的.社会主义市场经济具有市场经济的一般共性,因此也必然存在着事实上的不平等.但它的社会主义性质决定了它必须保证市场前提、过程和结果应有的公平.  相似文献   
经济法的基本原则是经济法学界极富争议的论题之一。这些争议存在的根本原因是学者们对经济法基本原则的内涵有不同理解。经济法的基本原则是反映在宪法和经济法之中,贯穿于经济法的立法、执法、司法、守法和法律监督诸环节的根本性准则。因为不同社会制度条件下人们对经济法存在的基础——市场经济的认识存在深刻的分歧,所以根本就不存在中西通行的具有普遍意义的经济法基本原则,所以需要以新的视野展示经济法的基本原则。中国经济法的社会主义属性是国家与社会关系的现实表现,强调它并非走意识形态的老路,因此,中国经济法的基本原则应当由两部分构成:一是社会主义市场经济原则,二是国家调控原则,它们集中反映了社会主义条件下社会利益的政治表达形式和范围,可称之为“资本的社会主义”,它与资本主义条件下社会成为面具的“社会的资本主义”大异其趣。  相似文献   
Boardroom trouble at Deutsche Börse, the company that operates Germany's main stock market, has recently provoked an important debate about competing capitalist models. Werner Seifert, Deutsche Börse's ousted Chief Executive, was eager to portray himself as the innocent victim of aggressive Anglo-American investors who had bought into his company but failed to understand its traditional operating ethos. In this, he was ably supported by key figures within the ruling Social Democratic Party, who, in order to shore up the party's core support, had increasingly come to blame overseas hedge funds for the development of German corporate governance models which prioritised profits over jobs. I review the SPD's structural reading of the Deutsche Börse affair, whilst comparing it to an alternative interest-based reading. The latter allows me to focus more closely on the issue which, more than any other, led to Seifert's downfall: his refusal to bow to the expressed interests of his own shareholders by pressing ahead, against their wishes, with a hostile bid for the London Stock Exchange. Seifert's eventual removal foreclosed the possibility of an integrated London-Frankfurt stock market and, somewhat ironically given the SPD's response to the affair, as a consequence it also prevented the entry of London's highly capitalised institutional investors into the German market for corporate control. The actions of Deutsche Börse's overseas shareholders might still be seen as evidence of a predatory Anglo-American capitalism. However, their successful removal of Werner Seifert may well have been responsible for temporarily keeping other financial predators at bay.  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义生态文明建设道路是对传统资本主义发展道路的根本性超越,这种"超越性"主要体现在:与西方传统工业文明发展道路不同,中国特色社会主义道路将生态文明作为衡量未来社会发展的重要维度之一,彰显了该道路的创造性和人民性。中国特色社会主义道路所提出的生态文明理念是对传统资本主义发展道路的根本性超越,是对人民未来利益发展的根本维护,是人类实现真正发展的必由之路。  相似文献   
资本主义生产关系在中国的命运是多舛的。它在新中国建立之初曾被允许存在和发展,但随着社会主义改造的完成即被视为“非法”;此后的20多年里,在它“死”后仍被反复批判;改革开放以来,私有经济得到恢复和发展。这种发展,有可能形成一个新的资产阶级。这是一个重大、严肃、敏感的政治问题和理论问题。按照邓小平的“社会主义本质论”,消灭阶级是社会主义发展的一种过程而不是它的前提,只要符合“三个有利于”标准,资本主义、资产阶级在一定范围里的存在和一定程度上的发展就是合理的、必然的。只要对它有科学的认识,采取合理的策略和有力的调控,社会主义国家完全有能力领导、监督和管理好局部的资本主义和限量的资产阶级。  相似文献   
资本主义的现实运行包含着发展与衰退两种趋势.当代资本主义的新发展表明,资本主义仍然具有较强的自我调节能力和较大的发展潜力.但是,资本主义的自我调整是在资本主义制度框架内进行的,资本主义的新发展并没有消除其基本矛盾,也不可能改变社会主义代替资本主义这一人类社会发展的总方向.  相似文献   
With the rise of ‘bioeconomy’, trees are receiving increasing attention. This contribution conducts a preliminary analysis of the trajectories and the main drivers of change in the rise of new, flexible and multiple uses of trees. It assesses the political dimensions involved in this transformation, which is simultaneously ongoing, anticipated and imagined. Notes are offered on the issues to be considered when the flex-crop framework is operationalized to include the study of trees, and additional conceptualizations that help in analyzing the political economy of tree uses are provided. Areas needing further empirical study are identified and a preliminary research agenda is suggested. The flexible and multiple use of trees and tree-derived commodities is having a large impact on power relations in the global political economy of forestry and the forest industry, the asymmetry of which is based on who is best able to flex or de-multiply, thereby controlling commodity webs and processing technology. It is argued that while flexing seems to increase diversity, in practice it typically increases this only for the processing industry; the converse occurs in terms of the unification of the productive base into monocultures. However, these two processes go hand in hand, and illustrate how flexing is a deeply capitalist process.  相似文献   
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