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科学地抽象和概括犯罪过失共同的构成要素并进行比较研究,对于正确认定犯罪过失和过失犯罪,具有积极的意义。中外学者都比较重视对过失构成要素的研究,但侧重点各不相同:国外学者特别是大陆法系的学者注重对构成要素内容的研究,国内学者则侧重于对其结构的剖析。违法性认识不是犯罪过失的构成要素。  相似文献   
On the basis of the uncertainty management model, we argue here that when people are uncertain about an organization's trustworthiness, they may resolve the question how they should react toward the organization by relying on their perceptions of the organization's procedures. As a consequence, we predicted that the reactions of parents whose child was in a day care center would be strongly influenced by their perceptions of the procedures used by the organization that was responsible for their children's day care when the parents would be uncertain about the organization's trustworthiness. However, when parents would be certain that the organization could be trusted they would be less in need of procedural information, yielding less strong effects of perceived procedure on parents' reactions. The findings of a survey study corroborate this line of reasoning. In the discussion it is argued that these findings suggest that people especially rely on their perceptions of procedures when they are uncertain about important aspects of their lives, such as the trustworthiness of organizations that are responsible for their children's day care.  相似文献   
监狱人民警察的心理障碍及其调适   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
监狱人民警察的心理障碍是由心理征候集合而表现出的心理病变状态.监狱人民警察产生心理障碍的因素包括:工作劳累导致"心累";任务繁重,工作压力大;社会不理解,遭人非议;人际关系紧张、冲突;家庭成员的不理解、埋怨等.监狱人民警察的心理调适,是运用心理学的理论和方法,进行科学地有效调整,使监狱人民警察保持积极向上的健康的心理状态的过程.对监狱人民警察中出现的心理失衡现象,其克服的方法和途径主要有自我心理调适;家庭的心理调适;监狱领导机关对监狱人民警察的心理保健措施.  相似文献   
This study explores the experience of ten possible beneficiaries of the measures provided by the Chilean government during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic through remote semi-structured interviews. The results show a scenario of improvisation. Instead of relying on solid gender equity policies, a patchwork of focused measures was implemented, which increased uncertainty and vulnerability. As a result, women experienced sorrow and despair while facing economic constraints and care tasks mostly on their own. This article shows that care remains invisible in politics while overwhelmingly evident at home. Social care policies are urgently needed.  相似文献   
目前我国对未成年人侵权的法律责任采取统一由监护人承担的方法,没有考察行为人的过失能力,也没有考察行为人的过失,这样的立法简单粗糙,极不完善。可以借鉴美国法的未成年人注意义务,丰富我国的立法内容,完善法律规定。  相似文献   
加强思想政治教育人文关怀是思想政治教育学科发展的必然导向,是坚持"以人为本"的重要体现。实现思想政治教育人文关怀的具体路径也是多种多样的,"思想谘商"是以对话为根本路径,以思想问题为对象,以"解惑、去苦"为旨向的一种思想关怀、心灵关怀。思想谘商过程中运用的方法有"FITT"、"PEACE"、"LEARN"等。  相似文献   
生育保护假期制度是保障育龄妇女权益的重要手段,OECD国家将产假期限、工作保护和津贴补助三者有机结合,创设的陪产假和育婴假制度极大地促进了性别平等,帮助受雇者平衡工作与家庭的冲突,提升了生育保护水平。当前中国面临着二孩政策全面放开后生育率不如预期乐观的情况,如何走出低生育率陷阱成为亟需解决的问题。通过对OECD国家和中国现有的产假制度进行比较,研究为完善我国生育产假政策提供建议。  相似文献   
从理论和实证的研究表明,管理式医疗曾被当作美国医疗保险改革的典范,甚至有人尊其为有效降低医疗费用和成本的灵丹妙药。在有效控制节节攀升的医疗服务费用方面,管理式医疗确实达到了非常好的效果。但是,医疗服务需要关注的不仅是费用,还有医疗服务的质量、服务的可及性以及临床医疗的长远发展等方面。而美国管理式医疗的发展历程生动地诠释了普通民众需要的不仅仅是"廉价"的医疗服务这一现实。  相似文献   
农村人力资本投资的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村人力资本投资不但受到经济发展水平与风险因素的影响,还会受到政府投资政策与投资体制的影响。总得来看,由于政府财力有限以及在投资过程中的城市化倾向、农民收入增长缓慢和人力资本流动造成的风险使得农村人力资本投资水平比较低。  相似文献   
网络转载行为在极大地丰富互联网信息的同时,也可能侵犯到著作权人的信息网络传播权。平衡网络发展与著作权保护之间的冲突是解决纠纷的正确思路。应当在明确界定网络转载直接侵权行为的基础上,以责任归结为路径,实行过错推定责任。  相似文献   
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