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社会司法鉴定机构是为三类诉讼活动提供鉴定服务的公益性组织。准确把握其性质,有利于顺利进行司法鉴定体制改革,有重点地做好鉴定管理工作。目前,相当多的鉴定管理部门将社会司法鉴定机构定位为商业性服务机构,并按等价交换原则收取鉴定费用。这种做法是与司法鉴定活动的性质、鉴定结论的证据要求以及确保司法公正相矛盾的。根据我国现行法律和执法环境条件,并借鉴外国立法经验,社会司法鉴定机构建设应当坚持“公益性为主,盈利性为补充”的原则,并在机构结构与布局、鉴定收费、国家重点扶持等方面予以调整。  相似文献   
Facchini uses a behavioural approach to analyse the political beliefs of French people, who he believes are ‘more or less incompetent’ in economics. In this article I focus on his premise that the public are incompetent and that therefore their views, such as being opposed to the market in the case of the French people, should be interpreted as ‘perception bias’. Other economists may echo Facchini, claiming that people who voted Leave in the UK and for Trump in the USA did so because their lack of economic knowledge contributed to an ‘anti‐foreign bias’. However, I argue here that the existing empirical research showing that people lack economic knowledge is flawed. Many economists adopt a questionable approach to the interpretation of public knowledge and the evaluation of what knowledge is important.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of official travel activities by politicians to post-/conflict spaces in German foreign policymaking. Starting from the observation that official travel justifications stress the value of authentic insights and unfiltered information, while journeys in practice are meticulously planned and staged, it asks what kind of knowing is possible, how actors make sense of the staged nature of field trips, and how multiple performances create and/or undermine notions of authenticity and first-hand expertise. The article shows that official on-site visits are composed of multiple conscious performances by all actors involved, but that these performances do not undermine the notions of authenticity and expertise. On the contrary, knowledge authenticity—or truth claims on the basis of authentic insights—and related expert authority are produced through travel-as-performance. The emphasis policymakers put on on-site presence and (the performance of) localized knowledge contradicts intervention literature’s generalized finding of a prioritization of technocratic over localized knowledge. The article draws on politics and performance scholarship and authenticity theories in tourism studies to make sense of a wealth of empirical material on the claims, practice and functions of German MPs’ journeys to post-/conflict spaces as part of broader political struggles over policy knowledge.  相似文献   
This article discusses the complexities associated with adopting a not-knowing stance in Child and Youth Care practice. By highlighting some of the challenges, it also clarifies the distinctions between practitioner lack of knowing how to proceed and an intentional, uncertain attitude when working with children, youth and families. Recommendations or caveats are provided if a practitioner chooses to adopt this kind of orientation to practice.  相似文献   
Like a tree     
The contemporary mediascape has been marked by a proliferation of popular TV genres in which the public appear as central protagonists. These genres are part of a broader shift in the relationship between media and audiences which challenges traditional conceptions of public service broadcasting and appear to represent a shift from media as public knowledge to media as constituting a space for diffuse popular engagement. A central feature of this shift has been the growing role of popular forms of expertise on television. This paper maps the main critical debates around participatory television and the role of the expert, from earlier work on talk shows to more recent discussions of reality and makeover TV. It notes a transition within the critical media and cultural studies literature from a focus on public sphere theory and questions of democratization to a growing concern with the role played by popular media culture in supporting new modes of governance based on the expert mediation of normative self-control. In this paper we analyze the role of experts on Oprah Winfrey's popular website Oprah.com, noting both the utility and limitations of a governmental perspective. Extending upon Foucault's notion of the productive nature of liberal subjecthood, the paper suggests the more positive role played by popular expertise in contributing to a media–civic culture articulated to a politics of recognition.  相似文献   
良好的司法鉴定制度会对法律的裁决产生积极影响,不仅有助于司法公正的实现,也是保证案件质量、取信于民的机制之一。当前,我国的司法鉴定制度较为混乱,立法不完善,机构不健全,设置重复,管理分散,缺乏必要的监督和制约机制。我国现行的司法鉴定制度已不能适应当前司法公平、公正目标的追求。因此,应当借鉴英美法系和大陆法系国家先进的司法鉴定制度,立足我国国情,制定出符合我国国情的司法鉴定制度。  相似文献   
司法鉴定是对案件真实情况进行鉴别和判断并作出鉴定结论的科学认识活动 ,结合道路交通安全法的实施 ,司法鉴定在交通肇事案件中依法、公平和客观的处理各类交通肇事和违法案件 ,显得越来越重要和不可替代。  相似文献   
外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血(Traumatic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage,简称TSAH)在法医病理实践和临床法医鉴定中并不少见,但有关血友病人在头面部轻微外伤后出现单纯性TSAH的相关报道较少,在临床法医鉴定中有一起损伤和疾病同时存在的特殊案例,在该案例鉴定中有一些体会值得借鉴。  相似文献   
<医疗事故处理条例>与民事法律原则以及审判实践的冲突,造成当前患者获得司法救济的困难,同时法官在审判中遭遇诸多难题.本文通过解释医疗损害方面的概念,引用最新的案例,对国内相关法律的比较分析,以及论述鉴定对裁判的不当影响,从几个角度对"不属于医疗事故不赔偿"观点进行否定.并针对医学会鉴定的缺陷,提出法官审理案件中3种可行的方法限制鉴定机构的权限;事故鉴定结论仅为证据;司法鉴定、医学会鉴定、法官共同判断侵权事实.  相似文献   
畸变产物耳声发射在伪聋鉴定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang Y 《法医学杂志》2003,19(1):22-23,26
目的寻找识别伪聋的客观方法。方法运用畸变产物耳声发射技术(DPOAE)对伪聋组、正常对照组及感音神经性聋组进行畸变产物耳声发射测试。结果(1)正常对照组的平均检出率为94.00%,感音神经性聋组的检出率为22.00%,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01),提示感音神经性聋组患者,通过DPOAE检查,可以发现其听功能障碍。(2)伪聋组的平均检出率为93.00%,与正常对照组比较无显著性差异(P>0.01),提示通过DPOAE检查,可以识别伪聋。而且,当听力下降>50dB时,检出率为零,这更表明DPOAE技术对伪聋有识别作用。结论DPOAE作为识别伪聋的客观检查方法可应用于法医临床学活体损伤鉴定。  相似文献   
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