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青少年网络成瘾的心理学分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
网络成瘾是随着网络社会的出现而孕育出的精神性副产品,对青少年的身心影响极为重大。其症状学特征同药物性依赖既有相同之处又有所区别。经有关调查表明,在青少年群体中有近10%~15%的受害率。其形成机制集中在内在需求、人格特征和社会人际环境三种因素上。从外在刺激作用上,由IT技术所决定了的网络结构形式和网络传送内容及它们之间的交互作用构成了网络成瘾的三大诱因。鉴于研究的初步性,研究仅从网络依赖的症状学角度来分析,同时为进一步的定量分析打下基础。  相似文献   
Voela and Tamboukou use Slavoj ?i?ek’s notion of the symptom as a lens through which to look at representations of female figures in Greek literary texts of the early twentieth century by Gregorios Xenopoulos. In mapping the construction of the figure of the modern woman in the matrix of discourses, fantasies and power relations of fin-de-siècle Greece, they draw on psychoanalytic insights, interrupted by Foucauldian interventions. Following Judith Butler’s move of making trouble they attempt to open up a dialogic space between psychoanalytic and Foucauldian approaches to the female subject, contextualized in a specific social, historical and cultural milieu. It is in this context that they discuss, first, how feminine and masculine subjectivities are represented in man’s speech; second, how unintended excesses and interruptions occur in the problematic representation of women; and, third, how madness and ultimately death come to play a significant role in the power relations between the sexes.  相似文献   
Clinicians tend to overestimate their ability to recognize feigning behavior in psychiatric patients, especially if it concerns patients who have been admitted for observation. Feigning can be either externally motivated (e.g., for financial compensation, known as malingering) or internally motivated (e.g., to assume the “sick role,” known as factitious disorder). Persistent presentation of severe symptoms is usually associated with the factitious disorder. We present two patients with strong external incentives who consistently and convincingly feigned severe psychiatric symptoms during a protracted period of inpatient observation in a specialized center; both were engaged in a procedure for medical asylum. The first case presented with the clinical picture of a psychotic depression with severe motor symptoms, and the second case showed symptoms of a chronic post-traumatic stress disorder with secondary psychotic symptoms. Both cases were thoroughly investigated but feigning was overlooked, and unnecessary and harmful treatment interventions were given. To prevent iatrogenic damage, we recommend a critical attitude that takes malingering as an option into account in settings where patients are often involved in high stake legal procedures. A clinical sign that might indicate feigning is therapy-resistant symptoms. To rule out feigning a comprehensive, multimethod approach is required, but an active stance toward collateral information is essential. Specialized psychological tests may be useful for preliminary screening, but for their use in culturally diverse populations as in refugee mental health more research is needed.  相似文献   
Hand preference may be crucial in the forensic domain, notably in cases where the assailant is known to be left‐handed and the defendant claims to be right‐handed (or vice versa). In such cases, forensic psychologists or physicians may be asked to test the hand preference of the defendant. However, hand preference may be faked. The case described here illustrates this problem and addresses potential solutions. We also present preliminary data showing that a standard instrument for measuring handedness is sensitive to feigning. We conclude that when hand preference is determined, multiple sources of information should be assessed in order to identify possible feigning.  相似文献   
This study addresses a particular form of child psychological maltreatment, exposing a child to alienating behaviors in the context of a high degree of conflict between the parents. The objective of this research was to identify retrospectively the alienating behaviors that occurred in an Italian sample of children and the reported associated psychosocial symptoms. Seven hundred and thirty‐nine adults in Chieti, Italy, completed an anonymous and confidential survey regarding their childhood exposure to parental alienating behaviors and measures of current symptomatology. About 75% of the sample reported some exposure to parental alienating behaviors; 15% of the sample endorsed the item, “tried to turn me against the other parent.” The results revealed strong and statistically significant associations between reported exposure to parental alienating behaviors and reports of current symptomatology.  相似文献   
将80例腰椎间盘突出症患者分别用传统康复和综合康复手段进行治疗,并作疗效及治疗时间观察对照,结果表明两种方法在疗效和治疗时间上后者均优于前者。  相似文献   


To investigate the predictive value of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and features of ASPD (i.e., lack of remorse, blame externalization, and deceitfulness) for symptom exaggeration.


A sample of forensic psychiatric patients (= 57) was asked to complete several self‐report instruments (measuring symptom exaggeration, lack of remorse, blame externalization, and offense minimization) and a semi‐structured interview about their most recent offense. To quantify patients’ deceitfulness, the information collected via the semi‐structured interview was checked against the official records of patient's offenses. Additionally, patient's mental disorders and the extent to which patients denied their delinquency were determined by gathering clinician's judgement on this matter from patient records. The relation between symptom exaggeration and the potential predictors of symptom exaggeration was examined through correlational analyses and cross‐tabulation of prevalence rates of symptom exaggeration with prevalence rates of the potential predictors.


Antisocial personality disorder was not a useful predicator of symptom exaggeration. Also, patients who showed little regret for their offenses, or tended to blame their offenses on external factors, or minimized their delinquency, or were inaccurate when reporting their delinquency, had similar levels of symptom exaggeration as those without these tendencies.


Neither ASPD nor antisocial traits, including lack of remorse, blame externalization, and deceitfulness, were meaningfully related to symptom exaggeration and therefore should have no place in the assessment of symptom validity or the detection of malingering. On the contrary; focusing on antisocial traits as indicators of symptom exaggeration is likely to result in large portions of misclassifications.  相似文献   
目的 评价针刺肌筋膜疼痛触发点对神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法 选取60例神经根型颈椎病患者,按随机数字表法分为观察组与对照组各30例。观察组采用针刺肌筋膜疼痛触发点治疗,对照组采用传统针刺手法治疗。两组患者均每次治疗30 min,每周治疗5次,疗程为2周。分别于治疗前后观察两组患者的临床疗效,颈椎病症状量表、简易McGill疼痛问卷(short form McGill pain questionnaire,SF MPQ)、颈椎功能障碍指数(neck disability index,NDI)评分及不良反应;酶联免疫吸附法测定血清前列腺素E2(prostaglandin E2,PGE2)、白细胞介素(interleukin,IL) 1β、IL 6水平。结果 观察组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。与治疗前比较,两组治疗后颈椎病症状量表评分均显著增加(P<0.05),SF MPQ评分、NDI评分均显著减少(P<0.05);两组各量表评分差值比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与治疗前比较,治疗后两组患者血清PGE2、IL 1β、IL 6水平均显著降低(P<0.05);治疗后观察组血清PGE2、IL 1β、IL 6水平降低程度显著大于对照组(P<0.05)。两组在治疗期间均未发生不良反应。结论 针刺肌筋膜触发点能明显改善患者症状,促进颈椎功能恢复,同时抑制炎症反应。  相似文献   
家庭暴力常常困扰着检察机关、法官和律师,遭受家庭暴力的妇女在忍无可忍的情况下,以暴抗暴,杀死施暴者,如何量刑?美国临床法医心理学家雷诺尔.沃科博士提出了著名的“受虐妇女综合症”理论,充分描述并反映了受虐妇女所表现出来的一种特殊行为模式,从而指出了她们对施暴者的暴力威胁作出的过激反应的合理性。这一理论在司法实践中的运用,突破了刑法在传统意义上对正当防卫的严格要求。  相似文献   
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